Chapter 5
Blue pressed her lips together in an attempt to collect her thoughts. She needed to think before she spoke. There were so many ways this could go wrong and she already had enough heat on her back. She didn’t need to add the ire of Stone and Rock to the mix.
Once she felt like she was calm enough to continue the conversation, she looked at Rock then Stone.
“Then I have nothing to offer you. Hawk has finally stopped harassing me and I almost have enough money saved up. I will—”
“Hawk isn’t contacting you any longer?” Stone interrupted, with a frown.
She didn’t know what to make of his shock. That was a good thing in her opinion.
“No. I haven’t heard from him in a couple of weeks. He sounded sane in his last message.”
“Let me see your phone,” Rock demanded.
She balked at the abrupt change of topic. How had a lack of text from the man she was running from become the most important thing to talk about? Before she could question it, Stone called Link over.
“What’s up?” Link asked as he approached the table.
“Your phone,” Rock repeated.
Blue felt like a spectator in a ping-pong match.
“You still have eyes on Hawk, right?” Stone asked.
Link nodded. “Yes. If he makes a move this way, we’ll know. Why?”
“He’s stopped contacting Blue,” Rock informed him.
Link held out his hand. “Let me see your phone.”
Blue exhaled heavily before pulling out her phone and unlocking it. There was no point in fighting it because clearly, they thought something was up. The only reason she didn’t mind him looking was because she had nothing to hide. She didn’t have anyone to call or text. Her cell served as a form of entertainment where she could access the gaming apps that she liked.
Link checked her phone, a frown appearing on his face. After a few minutes, he handed the phone back before looking at Stone and Rock.
“I’ll do some digging. I suspect that Hawk knows where Blue is,” he stated.
Fear surged through her. How had he found her? She looked at Link.
“You said you couldn’t find a tracker on anything that I own. How does he know where I am?”
No one responded but the men appeared to communicate with each other silently.
“Don’t bullshit me. You don’t just have a haunch for no reason. Tell me the truth,” she demanded.
Link arched a dark brow in her direction and she realized how she was speaking to a ranked patched member.
“Sorry, I’m just...”
Her words trailed off and her thoughts began to race. She pushed back from the table.
“I need to leave.”