Page 6 of Consumed

Chapter 4

Blue swayed to the beat of the music as she poured a round of shots for Link. Not only was he a patched member of the Ravens, but he was also the club's secretary. A job he did very well. Link could find out anything about anyone. He’d proven that less than twenty-four hours after she’d arrived.

When she’d had to plead her case for safe haven, she’d done so with three files sitting in front of her. One had been information on her father, the other on her mother, and the last on her. She hadn’t bothered to open her parents' file but a glance at her own had shown that Link had left nothing to chance. Down to her government name and the hospital she’d been born at.

She had no doubt that was one of the reasons she’d been allowed to stay. They hadn’t found anything to show that she was deceiving them. But if she did, it served as a warning that they could find her.

She didn’t plan to give Link a reason to prove that he was any better at his job than he’d already shown. It was also extra motivation to stay away from Rock and Stone. She knew without a doubt that even once she left, Link would always be able to find her if the command was given.

Exhaling heavily, she grabbed a tray and placed the shots onto it for Miste before grabbing a few beers. She added them to the tray and then searched the room. Once she made eye contact with her, Blue nodded as a sign to let her know the drinks were ready.

Miste made her way over. “Thanks. You are the reason my tips are always good.”

Blue winked at her. “I think your legs may have more to do with that than the drinks but I appreciate the compliment.”

Miste laughed at the joke but took it in stride. She was the shortest sweet butt, barely standing five feet even. But she was also the most genuine.

Blue did her best to be cordial to the sweet butts but the respect wasn’t always returned. She’d managed to attract the attention of the Prez and V.P. without even trying.

It wasn’t uncommon for a sweet butt to have aspirations to become an old lady. But in her experience, very rarely did it happen. Still, it made her public enemy number one. Not that she could blame them. In another life, she probably wouldn’t hesitate to give Rock and Stone the night of their dreams.

Instead of allowing her thoughts to go down that dangerous path, she reached for her bottle of water and took a drink. Just as she’d put the cap back on it, a popular sultry song about having raucous sex all night came on and cheers went up.

Blue shook her head as she spared Harley a glance. Harley was busy taking the tops off a few beers but Blue could see the corners of her mouth twitching. The party was getting ready to kick into another gear.

Soon, she was so busy pouring drinks and uncapping beers that she lost track of time. It wasn’t until she heard a shrill whistle from Everest that she realized how late it was.

“Break time,” he announced as he stepped behind the bar.

Blue looked at Harley. “You good or do you want to go first?”

“I can wait,” Harley quipped.

“Then I guess I’m up,” Blue replied as she placed the beer bottles on a tray on the bar before turning to grab a bottle of water.

“Make sure you take your full break,” Everest warned as she went to leave.

She laughed as she walked away, heading toward the kitchen. While the club house didn’t have an official order placing set up. Viking was usually in the kitchen with his old lady, Layla whipping up different foods for everyone to enjoy.

Sure enough, she walked in and found a set up with a variety of offerings. She went for the ingredients laid out to make nachos before going back to the main part of the club house and finding a quiet table in the corner.

She’d barely dug into her food when the strong sensation of being watched flooded her. Knowing who the culprits were, she did her best to ignore them. Instead choosing to take her phone out and pull up one of the game apps she liked to play.

Blue finished her meal with a few minutes to spare. She decided to use it by visiting the ladies' room before she returned to her shift behind the bar. Once she did, it would be hard to get away again.

She felt composed again once she returned to her workstation. As weird as it may sound, staying busy was cathartic for her. She could forget about how shitty her life had become. But it also helped to know that this was the way she was going to get herself out of the situation. She tried not to get carried away with imagining how things would be once she did. Life had already been full of disappointment from others. She didn’t need to do that to herself.


She looked up when Everest called her name. “Yeah?”