Page 35 of Consumed

She stared at him warily. “Okay.”

“He told me to tell you corn. Said that you would know I was legit if I said that.”

Blue couldn’t help it when she burst into tears.

“Aw fuck. Don’t cry. I can’t have you blubbering like this when Rock and Stone get here.”

That only made her cry harder.

Magnum ran a nervous hand through his hair. “Shit. Look. I want to get you out of the trunk and somewhere comfortable. Can I do that?”

She managed to nod. “Yes, but my shoulder and arm.”

Magnum looked at her upper body. “Damn. Yeah, your shoulder doesn’t look good. Might be out of place. Moving is going to hurt like a bitch but I have to. Okay.”

“Okay,” she whispered.

She could tell that Magnum was trying to be careful, but the moment he lifted her out of the trunk pain surged through her. It hurt so bad that she was glad that as she opened her mouth to scream darkness reached out and pulled her back under.

* * *

Blue moaned as the sound of low voices pulled her from her peaceful slumber. Slowly she opened her eyes to find the familiar ceiling of the bedroom in Rock and Stone’s house. Had everything just been a part of a weird dream?

She went to move the cover and cried out in pain.

“Blue?” Rock called out as he stepped into her line of vision. “Damn, girl. It’s good to see you with your eyes open. You scared the fuck out of us.”

The other side of the bed dipped as Stone eased down on it. Relief was clear in his expression.

Another man she didn’t know stopped next to Rock. “Glad to see you awake. I thought I was going to have to sedate these two if you didn’t come around soon.”

“Who are you?” she asked.

“Doc,” he replied. “I need to run a few tests on you to make sure we don’t need to get you to the clinic.”

He didn’t look like any doctor she’d seen before but something told her that she was better off in his hands than anyone else’s.

“Okay,” she mumbled.

“Good. First just going to check your eyes. You took a good blow to the back of your head.”

He pulled out and pen light before shining it into her pupils. Evidently, he saw what he needed to because he put the pen away.

“Can you tell me what you remember?” he asked.

“Harley and I went into the kitchen to clean the bar glasses. Someone hit me in the back of the head. I woke up in a trunk and realized I’d been taken by the Slayers. A tire blew and then there was a shootout.” She looked at Rock. “Magnum told me that you sent him. Then I think I passed out again because that’s all I remember.”

“Good, short-term memory is fine,” Doc commented. “Can you tell me your name?”

“Road name or government name?” she asked.

Doc chuckled. “Feisty. I think she’s going to be okay. Just need to keep an eye out for signs of confusion and no activity requiring the use of that shoulder for at least two weeks.” He looked at Rock and Stone. “No sex for at least six.” He started to walk away but stopped. “I mean it. There are two of you and one of her. I suggest you get reacquainted with your palms for a while and let her heal.”

“Six weeks, what the fuck, Doc,” Rock complained.

“Your woman has a head injury and shoulder that needs to heal after being dislocated. I highly advise that the two of you don’t do anything to make her recovery more painful than it’s already going to be. That sling stays on for six weeks. No exceptions, that’s why I’m leaving extra.” He looked at Blue. “If you do everything I recommend, you should be fine after twelve to sixteen weeks. Otherwise, you risk separating the shoulder again and it will be something that you will have to deal with for the rest of your life.”

Blue nodded, understanding what was at stake. “I will follow all of your directions.”