Their secretary looked at them with the most serious expression Stone could ever recall.
“I’d stake my life on it. Hawk was smart enough to get rid of the cell phone. He’s not smart enough to look for a tracker, let alone find the tracker and head in the wrong direction.”
Link pointed to the map. “Hawk wouldn’t have gone through the trouble of getting rid of Blue’s cellphone only to keep the tracker in the necklace. He is desperate and he’s sloppy.”
Link turned his attention back to the computer moving through different screens at a rate that almost made Stone dizzy. “Tiny is his road captain. You heard what Blue said. He couldn’t find his way out of a paper bag. Intel backs that up. That will work to our advantage.”
Link completed a few more clicks before picking up his cell phone. “I’ve sent this information to everyone’s cellphone.” He paused, looking at Rock and Stone. “If it makes you feel better we can send a few members in other directions. But that road is the best one for them to take.”
Everyone looked up when Grimm chuckled. He was looking at his phone with clear amusement. Stone was getting ready to tear into him when Grimm finally raised his gaze.
“They are stupid. Heading right into Undertaker's territory. Want me to make the call?”
“Yes,” he replied.
“No,” Rock countered. “Let me make it. I know it's Grimm’s’, job but I need to do this.”
Stone studied his friend, wondering what he was up to but finally nodded. “Okay. You make the call, but let him know that Hawk is ours.”
Stone looked at Rock watching some of the tension seep from his friend. “Let’s go get our girl back.”
Rock nodded and fell in step behind him his phone already out and to his ear. As they entered the main part of the clubhouse he stopped and looked at the handful of members and prospects that were staying behind.
“No one else gets on this compound without me knowing about it,” Stone stated.
A chorus of ‘Yes, Prez’ rang out.
That fuck up would be his focus when they returned. Even though they technically hadn’t been on lockdown, they had been on high alert. No one should have ever gotten on their territory unnoticed.
Even worse, they’d managed to breach the actual compound. This would never be allowed to happen again.
As he swung his leg over his ride he closed his eyes and released a pent-up breath. He needed to be clear-headed for this ride.
He opened his eyes when Deacon called his name.
“I’m volunteering for cage duty.”
He frowned. “Why?”
“Just in case Blue isn’t in any shape to come back on your ride,” Deacon clarified. “It’s safe to say that she didn’t go willingly.”
He clenched his teeth and gave a slight nod. Any chance of a clear mind was gone. He started his ride, before revving the engine. Once he checked to make sure that everyone was ready, he roared out of the compound with two thoughts on his mind.
The first was to find his woman.
Second, to kill the man he dared to take her.