She dressed quickly before rejoining Stone. He motioned for her to head for the door.
“Oh! I get to walk today?”
Stone laughed. “Don’t get your ass spanked. It’s too early in the day and I would hate for you to have to explain why you can’t sit down.”
She rolled her eyes. “Anyone at the clubhouse last night wouldn’t need one.”
“Get your ass out that door before I make good on my threat,” Stone retorted.
Blue bit back a smile as they exited the house. Even though she had warring emotions within, it was nice to be able to smile and feel the lightness that went along with it. In the back of her mind, she just hoped it lasted.
Chapter 9
Blue’s elation faded a lot faster than she’d expected as she stared at the information that Link had put in front of her. Rock’s hard expression told her to expect a cluster fuck but she wasn’t even sure what to think about what she was looking at. A glance at Stone showed that he wasn’t pleased either but what he saw.
The clubhouse was empty except for her and the rest of the Raven officers.
“What does this mean?” Blue asked as she turned her attention to Link.
The open sympathy she spotted in his expression concerned her. These guys had some of the best poker faces she’d ever seen. It frightened her that he allowed her to see something other than fury. Then again, there was enough of that radiating off the rest of the men.
“Hawk knows where you are?” Link admitted.
Fear raced down her spine. “How?”
Link reached for a photo and then pushed it in front of her. She frowned as she studied it. A woman was squeezing Tiny, the Slayers Road Captain as if her life depended on it. The name was the exact opposite of what he was. Sometimes she was amazed he could stay on the back of a bike. Between his size and inability to stay sober, it should be impossible. Almost as unlikely as his role with the Ravens. Tiny was directionally challenged and couldn’t come up with a plan if his life depended upon it.
She was certain that the only reason her father had chosen Tiny, was because he could be controlled. The same reason that Hawk had kept him. Which was why she couldn’t understand why Link had picked this photo as one of importance.
“I’m not trying to be funny but that’s Tiny. He wouldn’t be a threat even if he tried.”
Link grinned. “Based on what I’ve been able to find on him, I agree.” Then his smile faded. “But he isn’t the issue. She is.”
Blue focused on the woman next to Tiny. She didn’t recognize her. Shrugging her shoulders, she looked up at Link.
“If she is supposed to be familiar, she isn’t. Definitely not one of the sweet butts I remember and none of them had old ladies when I escaped.”