Page 5 of RAPTOR Rising

Diego leaned forward. "I want revenge for that."

She turned to look at Diego, then glanced at the kids. Each of them looked scared, sad and pathetic.

"We're going to get you kids to your parents very soon. They are so worried about you. Let me see if I can guess your names."

Emmy pointed to the first boy sitting closest to Diego. “I’m guessing your name is James Sulpulveda.” The little boy nodded. Emmy pointed to the next little boy, sitting closest to Creed. “That makes you Damien Hafeman. And, since I’m brilliant like this, my deduction skills tells me, you are Olive Tomms.”

Just hearing their names made the kids smile and visibly relax.

“Okay, then, bear with us while we get you kids home.” Olive looked up at her, and as her eyes filled with new tears she nodded at Emmy, her brown eyes so hopeful.

Emmy looked at Diego then, "Me too Diego, I want revenge too."

Creed, who'd been the quietest finally said something. "It's up to people like us to protect kids like this."

Pulling her phone from her pocket, Emmy opened a note from an app and typed out, Revenge. Protect. Team. Recover.

"So I have revenge, protect, team and recover. How do we condense that into what we are? Who we are."

Charly said, "Revenge and Protect Team Recovery."

Emmy typed that out and assigned an acronym. RPTR. Then she typed out RAPTR.

"I've got it. R.A.P.T.R. Sounds like RAPTOR without an O. So let's add Operation in there and we have Revenge And Protect Team Operation Recovery. Now we have RAPTOR."

Van smiled and nodded his head. "I love it. I really love it. We're going to be unstoppable Emmy."

"I think so too, and I'm going to focus my hiring on wounded veterans. We'll be like Operation Live Again, but we'll be one hundred times the team they are and the first time anyone, and I mean anyone, thinks of stepping out of the lines of taking money over the safety and recovery of the children and families we are hired to locate and rescue, they'll be gone. In a heartbeat."

Creed chuckled, "This is going to be the best. We aren’t going to stop searching, recovering, or rescuing people who need to be found."

Emmy added, "Not on our watch."


The GHOST plane landed and the door opened. Soon the stairs were lowered and they vacated the Humvee.

"Only take what's yours, leave everything else so they can't accuse us of stealing."

The team members scoured their ruck sacks for any personal belongings and filled their pockets as they could. Charly took James Sulpulveda by the hand and led him to the plane. Gavin, the pilot, stood at the bottom of the steps and nodded to her.

Emmy stood at the bottom alongside Gavin. "I'm Emersyn Copeland Mr. Baker. Gaige Vickers is my uncle."

"Nice to meet you Ms. Copeland, please call me Gavin."

"Thank you for getting here on such short notice, it's awfully fast for you."

"I was actually dropping off a team only thirty minutes from here."

Van walked to the plane holding the hand of Damien Hafeman and Emersyn smiled at him as he walked up the steps. Diego came next holding Olive’s hand and ushered her up the steps and Creed came running up last. "Keys in the ignition of the Humvee, all supplies in the back."

"Thanks Creed, I'll text Dildo and let him know."

Once Creed entered the plane, Emmy limped up the steps and took the first seat towards the front of the plane. Sitting down hard, she closed her eyes a moment and practiced her deep breathing to stem the pain until she could take something to help her. This was why she couldn't work for GHOST; she'd be on missions all the time. Doctors had told her that medicine was improving all the time and there could be relief for her someday, but for now, she tried hard to limit her activity as much as she could, which irritated Dildo to no end. Managing her own teams, she could do just that and the same for other teammates who needed the pain management.

The door to the plane closed and Gavin appeared up front. "Buckle up folks, we'll be taking off sharp, not a lot of runway here."

The clicking of seatbelts could be heard and her teammates’ soft voices soothing the children's frayed nerves sounded over the hum of the engine revving up.