Page 33 of Adored By The Orc

“Oh!” She releases her legs.

“Ready to go again?” I get ready to plunder her with my mouth again, but she grabs a fistful of braids, holding my head up.

“Yes. But cock this time.”

My grin matches hers as I stretch over her, spread her legs, and spear inside the wet warmth. She’s so soft, so swollen, she cushions every movement as I bury my cock deep inside. I thrust into her, again and again, the rhythmic slapping thuds of skin against wet skin our only sound.

When the shuddering starts at the base of my spine, it tingles through the heaviness of my balls, and gushes wet relief out of my cock as I come with an ear-shattering roar.

She flinches at the heat of my release and shrieks, then her cunt is squeezing me so tight, releasing, squeezing again, milking me until I’m spent.

I collapse onto her shoulder, but then she squirms until she’s on top of me and snarls, “Again. And don’t stop until we’re nearly dead.”


When I hear a bird-call outside, I make sure Shalia is breathing deeply before I slip from her arms. She doesn’t budge, still exhausted from her injury on a horse, if it was even that. Somehow, I doubt it, since she doesn’t flinch with Tobias. She has no fear of heights, isn’t afraid of speed. Nay, I think her injury is from her kidnapping. She may have been clipped on the head to knock her out. When I find them...

“I didn’t think you’d ever stop fucking,” Kreele whispers.

It may be dark, but my smile is huge and another familiar tingle starts in my loins, swelling my cock proudly.

“Good thing it was me who stayed behind and not Lats,” Kreele says.

“Aye.” Just the thought of her father deflates my cock and knocks the smile from my face.

“How is she?”

“She’s confused—still doesn’t remember who she is. But she’ll come to Solaya, though I think it’s more out of curiosity and to prove that we’re lying about her past than anything.”

“What happened to her?”

I know he needs to know what to tell Latsil, who will hound him for information regarding Shalia. Probably none of our males trusted her father to come. To see his daughter in pain would be the worst scenario. My father couldn’t come because, as first prince of the clan, he couldn’t meet me by himself. He would have had to bring Latsil, his first guard.

So, he sent Kreele.

“She thinks she fell off a horse and lost her memory. But she isn’t afraid of Tobias. She’s guilty over not trusting her clan. She probably associates them with her family and since she remembers what family feels like with us, she doesn’t understand why she doesn’t sense the same loyalty with them.”

He nods. “Hence the guilt.”


“She sleeps like the dead. I think her injury affects her more because they didn’t give her any care afterward. I wonder if one of them hit her head to knock her out.”

“He’ll lose his head for that.”

I nod. “I hope to introduce her to the village slowly, as much as she can take. Probably not give her a lot of names, she tends to want to disassociate herself. They made her believe she was unwanted and that she left on her own to join their clan. As soon as we can get the five males there, I want her to see them in cages. Locked up. I want her to know they’ll pay for what damages they’ve done to her.”

“But you’ll let her work it out on her own?”

I sigh. “As much as I hate that, I know I’ll have to. I’ll keep eyes on her at all times so if she tries to escape with them, I’ll follow.”

“Your father has alerted the Blackhearts that if they try to return to their clan and aren’t apprehended for us, we’ll go to war.”

“What did Jacovi say?”

“He has no problem turning over traitors.”

“I know her mother and father want to see her. But tell them we’ll take our time coming back, and when we arrive? She’s still Jogug and won’t recognize them. Give her a few days in the village to see if anything familiar jars her memory.”