“Shouldn’t we make the most of the daylight?”
“Aye, but there’s no rush. You’re tired, were up all night. We don’t have to get to Solaya tomorrow. We can take our time, get to know one another again, eh?”
“So you do want in my skirts.” My tone is flat. I should have known he was like all the others. Not that I would turn him down, mind you. Not at all.
He laughs. “Want it more than anything in the world, sweet. But you’re not ready for it. So, we’ll wait. We’ve waited our whole lives anyway.”
I don’t trust him entirely, but time will tell. It won’t be a hardship in his furs, anyway. I’ve been slick for him since he kissed me.
Chapter Eight
I SLEEP LATE WITHIN the tent the next morn—possibly because I’m not used to not being woken up. Possibly because I enjoyed a whole dream.
Or possibly because for once I don’t wake gagging with the stench of my mate’s horrid male odors filling the small enclosure.
When I emerge, Bakog has a rabbit on a spit, but he’s nowhere around. It’s nearly done, so I pull it from the flames so it can finish cooking with the warmth instead of direct heat.
He must be out with Tobias, nearby I’m sure, mayhap finding something for the horse to graze. I could sneak off if I want. But I don’t want to.
Instead, I search the woods for a water source. I find a small pond and wash up quickly, though I don’t feel the need to scrub as hard as I did before when I lived with my own clan. My males made my skin crawl something fierce.
By the time I head back to the camp, Bakog is cutting up the rabbit. Huh. Mustn’t have worried that I’d left, then, because otherwise he’d have eaten the whole thing.
“You didn’t worry that I’d never come back?”
“Nope. I realize you’re as skittish as a cat but you’re also as curious as one. You want to see Solaya. You want to see your birthplace.”
What I want to see is the male who breeds my mother—and then killed her. And why these orcs pretend she’s alive.
“Mayhap. I’m also curious about you but I have you now. That may be enough to satisfy my curiosity.”
He gives a short laugh. “Nay, wench. It isn’t enough. You’re curious about being mine.”