Page 55 of Adored By The Orc

Chapter Sixteen



AS SOON AS THE sun rises, Bakog grumbles at the light of the new morn. He heads out to the kitchens and grabs his warmed water, then brings it inside.

Most of the time, other males will grab water for their comrades and leave it outside the tents. But since this is the royal guard going, most of those males are in cabins with wood-burning stoves to heat water.

I imagine he grabbed a pot for Tok, maybe.

I watch him wash and dress, pretending to be sleepy instead of nervous. “You’ll be back around lunch?” I ask, closing my eyes as if I’m about to go back to sleep.

“Aye, pretty.” He leans over the bed to give me a kiss. “Stay warm.”

When he leaves the tent, I hear soft rumblings from another who meets him. I give them five minutes until there’s no more noise, then I peer outside the tent.

Not a soul in sight.

I use the rest of the warmed water to wash with, then quickly dress. It’s a little bit chilly, so I wear a skirt with leggings underneath, then slip quietly down the trail. I take the second path the little brothers showed me, the morning after breakfast when Hisa chided them about reaching the fork in the path where they shouldn’t have been. They took me the long way around the village later.

I choose that path, coming up on the cages from behind the trees. At first glance, the five contained orcs look like they slumber, but it’s impossible to sleep. It’s chilly, they shiver where they’re huddled together for body warmth.

Maybe a guard will come on duty soon. Maybe they’re not worried that these ones can escape, not with the rushing waters down below. If a guard does see me, I’ll simply wave like I have a right to be here, talking with my ex-clan.

I hope he’ll be placated by my softer look and the fact that I was with Bakog strolling the village yesterday.

The males jump to their feet when they notice me. Stug looks the most irritated as he takes in my dress.

“Well, look at you, Jogug,” Stug whispers. “Almost a completely different person now. All cleaned up and looking like you love getting laid.”

Someone in the cage snickers, but I glare at my former mate, still as ugly as he ever was.

“Why would you say that?” I snap.

“You’re practically glowing, wife.”

“Don’t call me that. That’s a ceremony chosen by humans.”