Page 13 of Beautifully Broken

Nick reaches up to cup Anna’s face and rubs her cheek with his thumb. “I love you, Anna Banana.”

Anna lifts her hand and places it on top of his and replies, “I love you too, Nick.”

What must it be like to be so in love? To completely trust someone with your heart and soul and not worry about when the next painful punch or kick will come. Once upon a time, I thought I’d found that. Now, I know that women like me never find that rare and precious gift. I’m not jaded enough to believe it doesn’t exist, I just know that it doesn’t exist for me.

After a few more minutes of lovingly gazing into each other’s eyes, the pair leaves their own private world and comes back to reality. Anna turns toward me and explains Nick’s business trips.

“Nick owns his own construction company and has to go to different sites to oversee the progress. There are times when he’s only gone for a day or two, but others he’s gone for weeks. I would go with him, but my Gram needs me here to help run the diner.”

“You mean the older lady who was here the other night?”

“Yep, that’s my Gram.”

We sit in companionable silence while we finish our food. Nick gets up and pulls his wallet out of his back pocket and tells Anna he’s going to take care of the bill.

“Wait,” I tell Nick while grabbing for my purse. “I’d like to pay for my portion.”

I reach in to grab some money, but before I can offer it to him, he walks off, and Anna says, “No, Bailey, it’s on us.” I glance at her and see she’s giving me sad and understanding eyes.

My own eyes go wide, and I protest, “What? No! I can’t let y’all pay for my breakfast.”

“Oh, yes, you can, missy. I invited you here and it was me who ordered a huge meal. Besides, we get the employee discount,” she says, winking at me.

My eyes start to mist. Anna is such a sweetheart. She must know that I can’t afford to pay for a decent breakfast, and she made it so I couldn’t say no to her offer. There’s no way I could pay for everything I’ve eaten today. I believe she specifically invited me so she could pay for my food. I have to blink several times to keep my tears at bay.

“Thank you,” I whisper to her

She doesn’t reply but reaches across the table and squeezes my hand. If given the chance, I know we could be wonderful friends. Unfortunately, I won’t be here long enough to let that friendship fully blossom.

After Nick settles the bill, we make our way out of the diner. I, again, thank Anna and Nick for breakfast, and tell them I’ll see them later. Anna confiscates my phone so she can put her number in it and makes me promise to call her later to set up a time to have coffee tomorrow.

I make my way back to the gas station where I took my whore’s bath yesterday and proceed to do the same today. Once refreshed and in clean clothes, I head back to the library and grab my seat in the back. So I don’t tempt fate and take the chance of being late for work, I set the alarm on my phone, making sure I put it on vibrate. Settling back in the comfortable chair, I crack open my book, looking forward to losing myself in the fictional world of love and make-believe.


WHEN I WALK INTO THE bar ten minutes before five, there are more people than there was yesterday when I left. Considering it’s Friday, I would expect no less. There are several people seated at the bar and a few more at the tables. Three guys are at the pool tables, drinking beer and having a merry ole time ribbing each other about their latest shots.

I look to the bar and see Mia standing there talking to one of the customers. She acknowledges me with a chin lift, and I head in her direction. I place my jacket and purse underneath the counter. Turning, I make my way to Mia as I pull my hair into a ponytail.

Tonight, she’s wearing a black tube top that shows off her small pert breasts. The bottom portion of her top flows loosely around her waist. Her jeans are well worn but hug her slim hips. There are several holes in the material. On her feet are black leather biker boots.

She looks completely comfortable with her body. Not afraid to show it off, but also not flaunting it. She gives off a vibe that says I’m confident in my looks. Unlike me, with my loose jeans, green v-neck t-shirt, and sneakers. Plain. Nondescript. Nothing special. These clothes work for me, though, because they allow me to hide the parts of myself I want no one to notice.

Mia is still standing in front of the man she was talking to when I first walked in. He notices me first, eyes briefly landing on my scar, and smiles.

“Well, hello there, gorgeous. Never seen you in these parts before. You new in town?” he asks.

He’s wearing a gray-and-blue button-up plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His dark brown hair is a touch too long and reaches the collar of his shirt. Although he has kind green eyes, I look at him warily.

“Yes. I’ve only been here a few days,” I answer him.

“Name’s Mac, and what might you be called?”

“Bailey,” I tell him quietly, not really wanting him to know my name, but refusing to be rude.

“It’s very nice to meet you, Bailey. You plan on staying in Jaded Hollow long?” He picks up the beer that’s resting on the bar and takes a healthy swig.

“Um… I haven’t quite decided yet.”