Page 41 of Beautifully Broken

Here’s another problem. How do I wear my hair? Should I leave it down to try and hide my scar? Or do I pull it back like I want to and not hide who I am? I don’t see Jaxon letting me get away with keeping it down. For some reason, he likes it when I pull it back, which I find slightly weird because my scar is hideous. I decide to pull it back. No sense in pretending to be someone I’m not.

With that decision made, I walk to my closet and rifle through my clothes. Jeans, jeans, and more jeans. Just before I start pulling my hair out at my lack of finding something appropriate, I hear a knock on my door.

After checking the peephole, I pull it open to see a smiling Anna on the other side. In her hands, she has two small duffle bags.

I frown at her and ask, “Are you moving in?”

She laughs and walks past me straight to my room. By the time I walk in she’s set the two bags down and has already opened them, pulling out several pieces of clothing.

“Nope, I’ve come to save the day. I know you don’t have anything besides jeans and t-shirts. I also know you would be freaking out right about now because all you have is jeans and t-shirts. I know you’re nervous about meeting our mom and will want to try and impress her, which is totally unnecessary. But hey, we’re girls and it’s in our nature. Sooo… I’ve come bearing gifts! My clothes. Now, all we have to do is choose what you want to wear.”

By the time she gets done with her little speech she has all the clothes strewn across my bed. There’re brightly colored dresses and skirts, blouses, and slacks in one bag. In the other are several pairs of shoes. Luckily, we both wear the same size shoes and are close in height and weight.

I’ve never had a girlfriend I can share clothes with. Well, I had Chris, but she’s a little taller and slimmer than me, so we weren’t really able to wear each other’s clothes.

This is strange but nice.

I quickly grab Anna into a hug. “Thank you,” I say into her hair before pulling away. “I know it’s ridiculous, but I really want your mom to like me. I’ve never had dinner with a guy’s family before. I’m so screwed up, and I don’t want to give her any more reason not to like me.”

She looks at me tenderly and rubs my back. “My mom is going to love you, Bailey. You’re crazy to think she won’t. There’s so much more to you than all the bad that’s happened.”

Her words touch something deep inside me. How did I get so lucky to stumble across this town and meet these amazing people? The longer I stay, the harder it’s going to get when I have to leave. Can I take a chance and stay? Can I stay even if Steven finds me? Can I be strong enough and fight against him? I know it will be worth the risk of him finding me. The only thing holding me back is the possibility of Jaxon or anyone else getting hurt.

Anna interrupts my thoughts when she claps loudly and says, “Okay, let’s get started!”

* * *

IN THE END, WE DECIDE on an ankle-length, violet skirt that flows around my ankles and a lime-green off-the-shoulder blouse, with a white tank underneath. My shoes are an off-white pair of ballet flats. I was worried that I would be too bright and colorful, but Anna insisted it was perfect.

As I stand in front of the mirror, I have to admit she was right. I’m enthralled at how pretty I look. I compromised with myself on my hair. I left it down but pulled both sides back with clips.

I decide to put in a quick call to Chris before Jaxon is due to arrive. We don’t talk long, just update each other on what’s happened since the last time we talked. I tell her about my impending visit to meet Jaxon’s mom. Of course, I don’t tell her it’s because Jaxon wants me to meet her, instead I say it was Anna’s idea. I still haven’t told her much about Jaxon and the guilt weighs on me. I hate keeping secrets from her.

A few minutes after I hang up with Chris, Jaxon knocks on my door, and I grab my purse.

When I open the door, I’m struck dumb again by how good he looks. Tonight he’s wearing a pair of low-slung hip-hugging jeans, sans holes this time, and a dark green button-up shirt. The sleeves are rolled up, revealing his colorful arms. His jet-black hair is once again a sexy mess. He truly is a sight to behold.

We both stand quietly in the entryway, taking each other in. Jaxon is the first to break the silence. He takes a step through the door and grabs my hand, bringing the palm of it to his lips for a kiss.

“You look absolutely beautiful, angel,” he says softly.

I smile at him and respond, “You look quite handsome yourself, Jaxon.”

He gently tugs me to him and wraps his arms around me. When he leans his head down for a kiss, I reach up on tippy toes to meet him halfway. The second his lips and tongue touch mine I feel the flutters in my stomach and the thought of meeting his mom drifts away. This man does that to me. He makes me feel relaxed and okay with the world.

I drop my purse and throw my arms around his neck to pull him closer. One of his hands travels down my back to rest right above my butt while the other goes into my hair and grips it lightly.

After several more minutes of our greeting, we slowly pull apart. Jaxon rests his forehead against mine.

“We gotta go. Mama is waiting for us. She’s anxious to meet you.”

At the reminder, the butterflies make their way back into my stomach. Jaxon must notice because he cups my face and sweeps his thumb across my cheek.

“Hey, it’ll be okay, I promise.”

I take a deep breath and nod. Jaxon reaches down to grab my purse and hands it back to me. After grabbing my hand and taking my keys from me, we walk out the door and he locks it.

Instead of the motorcycle I expect to see we walk up to a big black truck. He opens the door and helps me climb inside. I secure my seatbelt while he walks around and gets in.