Page 27 of Beautifully Broken

“Absolutely! I’m starving.”

I hear his chuckle as I’m pulled through the door

* * *

WHEN WE WALK INTO the diner, there are more people there than I’ve ever seen before. This must be the breakfast rush. There are only a couple of empty tables left, and we make our way to one in the back corner. As we pass by people, we’re greeted with several “good mornings.”

“Does everybody really know everyone here?” I ask, and then glance around at the other tables. Several people are turned in their seats, talking to those sitting at other tables. The whole place looks like one big family has gathered together for breakfast. It’s amazing to witness, and I envy the people of this small town. They have no idea how lucky they are.

“Unfortunately, yes.” He quirks his lips up at me.

“Why is that unfortunate? It must be so nice to have so many people around who care for you.” I pick up my menu and start looking through it. I would give almost anything to have grown up in a town like this.

“Living in a town this small definitely has its perks. We band together and protect each other. If anyone needs anything, all they need to do is ask any of their neighbors and they’ll bend over backwards to help them. On the other hand, it’s a pain in the ass to have everyone in your business. Secrets aren’t kept very long here in Jaded Hollow. It’s common knowledge to just get it over with and tell the town on your own, rather than have rumors start.”

I take a big gulp at his implication. There’s no way anyone in this town can know my secrets. I’m sure not going to tell anyone.

Just then, Maggie walks up to our table carrying two coffee cups and a coffeepot. She sets the cups down and pours coffee in them.

“Good morning, Jaxon and Bailey. How are you dears doing?” she asks with a smile. I haven’t officially met Maggie, so I’m a little surprised she knows my name. But then again, I did have breakfast with her granddaughter the other day, and now I work for her grandson. Not to mention, I’m new in town, and I’m sure everyone knows my name by now.

Jaxon gets up from his seat, envelops Maggie in his arms, and plants a kiss on her cheek. “We’re both fine, Gram. How are you doing?”

“I’m great, sweetie,” she answers, and pats Jaxon on the cheek. “Couldn’t be better.” She looks between Jaxon and me, and I wonder what she’s thinking. There’s a twinkle in her eye that makes me think she has something up her sleeve.

“How are you settling in at Jaxon’s?”

“It’s definitely different than the place I worked before, but so far so good.”

“So, what can I get for you both, or do you need another minute to decide?”

Jaxon glances at me to see if I’m ready, and I nod.

We give her our order; a single waffle with strawberry filling and whipped cream on top and a side of bacon for me; and The Full House, which consists of a meal that could feed a whole baseball team, for Jaxon.

Maggie takes our order without writing it down. It must stem from years of waitressing.

“I’ll bring you both a glass of orange juice to go with it,” she says, before making her way behind the counter.

I glance back at Jaxon. “There’s no way you can eat all that food.”

“You’d be surprised at how much a hungry man can put in his belly.” We both laugh at his reply.

Getting back to our earlier conversation before Maggie walked up, I tell Jaxon, “You have no idea how lucky you are to be surrounded by people willing to help you, to care for you. I would take them being nosy every day if I knew I had that type of support system.”

“Oh, believe me, I know I’m lucky to live here and be a part of this community. It’s just frustrating at times not being able to do something without the entire town knowing about it. We have no privacy here.”

I look down at my hands, resting on the table. “I still say it would be worth it.”

Jaxon reaches across the table and begins to lightly trace my fingers with the tips of his. I look at him and see him watching our hands. His touch is so light that I barely feel it. Even so, it brings on a strong reaction from my body. His fingers may only be touching my hand, but I feel it throughout my entire body. I feel tingles in my fingertips, and they radiate through my arms, move down to my chest, and into my stomach, where a fluttering sensation begins. Like little butterflies are lazily flying around. It sounds clichéd, but that’s the best way I can describe it. They move from my stomach and work their way down past my most private area and into my legs.

This reaction I’m having is only from a simple touch to my fingers. It’s something I’ve never felt before and it takes me by surprise. My breath hitches and Jaxon looks back up at me. His fingers stop their movement, but he doesn’t remove them. He’s watching me with an uncertain expression. I lick my suddenly dry lips, and his eyes drop to them briefly before moving back to my own eyes. The look in his has changed slightly, darkening with want and a slight hint of confusion. I’m captivated by the change, so I can’t look away. I should be scared by the look, but for some unknown reason I’m not. He’s not looking at me as though I’m a piece of meat and he’s a starving animal. It’s appreciative, like he genuinely enjoys what he sees.

Forcing myself to break the hold he has over me, I glance back down at our hands.

His fingers start moving again. “I take it you haven’t had a lot of support throughout your life?”

I laugh, but there’s absolutely no humor in it. “You could definitely say that.”