Page 40 of Restored

“You’re the slut hanging all over my man. He can’t stand you and wants nothing to do with you or those brats you're trying to pass off as his,” she says, trying to reach out and run her fingers down Anthony’s arm.

I slap her hand away as she glares at me.

“You see, I’m not the delusional one here. Anthony has told you multiple times now that he’s with me, he doesn’t want you, and that he’s never gonna fuck you. Instead of listening to him, you prove daily how fucking desperate you are by trying to force yourself on him. And don’t even think of lying once again and trying to show me those pictures you sent him. They’re fake and everyone in this room knows it. While I have the man you want and his children, you’re nothing more than a stupid slut who wants someone she’ll never have. Our kids are Anthony’s and there’s never been any doubt in anyone’s mind here. He’s the only man I’ve ever been with and the only man I’ll ever be with. When you’re not desperate, manipulative, and a general piece of shit, you get men like him. Men like the ones belonging to the Wild Kings MC,” I say, stepping away from Anthony so I can move closer to the bitch in question.

She screams so loud I can’t be sure if my ear drums don’t rupture. The bitch has the audacity to try and attack me but she’s held back. Bailey and Harley each have an arm and she’s not gonna get away from them. Our ol’ ladies are strong as fuck and I know this bitch is gonna get her ass handed to her. Not by me because Anthony won’t let me touch her. The ol’ ladies will take care of her and make sure she knows she’s never to show her face here again.

“I’m told everything about you, Clarissa. Anthony has told me every single time you’ve tried to touch him, get him to fuck you, and everything else you’ve done. We don’t have secrets between us anymore. If he truly wanted you, he could’ve been with you when I moved out and away from him. Since he didn’t, I know you’re nothing more than a slut who wants a good man with money and a future. Get the fuck outta my sight. No one here wants you around. They’ve made that more than clear by kicking you out of Cedar Bay. You’re the stupid bitch who chose to come back and made a huge mistake in doing so. Now, you’re gonna see how badass the ol’ ladies of the club are. Women you’ll never know because you’re nothing. Less than nothing,” I say, letting every ounce of anger, fear, and pain I’m feeling out on this bitch.

Harley and Bailey drag the bitch from the common room and take her out to the parking lot. Every single ol’ lady follows them. Anthony puts his arm back around me and holds me close while we listen to the women beat the fuck out of this girl. She screams, cries, and pleads with them to stop. They don’t until Bailey opens the door almost forty-five minutes later and calls for a Prospect. With one final warning, the Prospect removes her from the compound and takes her out of town. He makes sure she gets on a bus to a different state before leaving. Bailey makes sure he doesn’t leave until the bus actually pulls out and he sees her sitting her ass in a seat while it leaves the area.

The rest of the night we forget about that bitch. We eat, talk, open gifts, and spend time with our family. The boys play with the rest of the kids and gush over each gift their baby sister gets. They want to see her and don’t understand why she’s not here with us. We’ve tried to explain it, but it doesn’t help them understand the situation any better. For the first time in four weeks, I don’t let the thought of Bexley being in the hospital still consume me. I’m genuinely happy as I’m surrounded by my family. Anthony doesn’t leave my side all night as we hold our boys close when they aren’t playing. There’s a ton of pictures taken to show Bexley when she’s older and I’ve got the outfit to bring her home in. Bailey made sure we got one of the outfits Ma used to give all the new babies when they were born into our family. I’m glad she’s keeping the tradition alive so we can all remember Ma as she watches over us.



Six months later

SIX MONTHS HAS gone by and so much has changed. Our baby girl is home with us. She’s been home for five months now and our family is finally complete. Bexley rounds us out in ways I never thought possible. When the boys are being little hellions, she’s the calm in the middle of all the chaos. She’s the sweetest baby girl and rarely cries or gets fussy. And she’s so fucking smart it’s unbelievable. I knew she’d be just like my sweet girl and it’s nothing but the truth. Bexley is her mini me in every single way. While I love that Kasey has that, I’m upset at the same time because I know I’m gonna be chasing one boy after another away from her. That part sucks fucking ass. I guess it’s a good thing I have guns and a ton of ammo to go with them.

Right now, I’m sitting in the nursery with Bexley. Kasey doesn’t breast feed her, so I try to get up at night with our little princess to give my sweet girl a break. I’ve changed her, just finished feeding her, and now I’m burping her.

“My sweet, little princess. Do you know how much I love you? How much we all love you? For a while, I wasn’t sure I was gonna be in your life like this. I thought I was gonna be on the sidelines and only get to see you for a little while on a regular basis. Your daddy can be so dumb sometimes. This time, it was a whopper of a mistake. I took your mama for granted and pushed her away when it’s the last thing I wanted to do. I almost lost her and it’s no one’s fault but my own.

“Your mama and I talked and while I respect her and everythin’ she had to say, I just knew I couldn’t let her continue livin’ away from me. She wanted to live separately and go on dates and things like that. Well, that wasn’t good enough for me. So, I talked to your papa and that was one of the worst moments of my life. He hated me and I can’t blame him one bit. I was so mean and harsh to your mama. At the end of day, I talked to your papa and told him that I loved your mama with all of my heart and soul. That I wanted to spend every fuckin’ day of my life not only makin’ it up to her because I was such an ass, but to ensure she never felt as if I didn’t love her again. Your papa gave me his blessin’ after a lot of beggin’ on my part and tellin’ him what I planned on doin’ to make it right with his baby girl. The second he gave me permission to talk to her about movin’ in with me again, I had the guys go pack everythin’ up in her trailer and bring it back home. Mama wasn’t happy, but she eventually got over it.

“Since then, I’ve taken her out on dates. We go out just the two of us at least once a week. Mainly on Saturday night so someone from the club can watch you guys for us. Most Fridays we hang out at the clubhouse with everyone and watch the single guys make complete asses of themselves. Your mama laughs at all of them. Though there’s a few who aren’t sure what they are. Uncle Kevlar is one of them. His girl is making him work for it and it’s funny as hell to watch. There’s always fresh flowers delivered to the bookstore for her and another bouquet here at home. I always get her favorite flowers and make sure they don’t die without havin’ another bouquet ready to take its place. When she’s havin’ a rough day, I make sure I’m here for her. She’s always been there for me and I took that for granted more than anythin’ else. So, now I’m the one supportin’ her and makin’ sure she has everythin’ she could ever need or want. There isn’t a day that goes by when I’m not showin’ her how much I love her, your brothers, and you. There’s more that has changed between us, but you’re never gonna know anythin’ about that so we don’t have to cover that part of our history.

“The hardest part for us was when you were in the hospital. You had to stay there for eight weeks. Those eight weeks were not only the longest of our lives, but they were the hardest because your mama was so upset on a daily basis. She wanted to bring you home with us every day when we came up to spend time with you. Instead, we had to leave you behind and wait hours to come back to see you the next day. I tried so hard to be there for my sweet girl. To make her happy and realize that you were eventually gonna come home with us. At the end of the day, you came home and that chapter in our lives will always be one we remember.

“At the same time, those days were also the best for us. We learned so much durin’ that time. Like how big our support system is and how amazin’ the large family we have is because they stood by our side and never once left you alone. Your papa and grampy stayed with you from the second you were taken out of your mama’s room until we could bring you home. On top of that, we got to see you grow, get stronger, and prove everyone wrong because you were born early. Your mama was right when she said you’re a warrior. You amaze us every single day and there’s nothin’ we wouldn’t do for you. So, while it was so completely hard and miserable, it was also so fuckin’ good and easy. You made it that way, little princess,” I say, looking down at my little girl in my arms.

Bexley coos up at me and gives me a smile. She’s always smiling and I love seeing her face light up with them. Our girl is gonna be the one to ensure we always laugh and smile when her brothers get older and fight over every little thing. I already love her so much and my heart and soul has splintered into five pieces. Without each one of them, I’m not whole and I’ll lose my fucking mind. Each kid has a large piece of my heart and soul, the club has a smaller piece, and Kasey has the biggest piece of all. She’ll always have the biggest piece and I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.

“I’m so lucky your mama gave me another chance. It took so long for me to work my way back into her life completely, but I managed to do it. Now, there’s no stoppin’ us and we’re stronger now than we’ve ever been. If there’s someone you follow and look up to, my little princess, make sure it’s your mama. She’s strong, loyal, so full of love, cares about everyone around her, and will always do what’s right. She’s a hard worker and always gives everythin’ she has no matter what she’s doin’. She’ll make sure you know exactly what it means to be a strong, reliable, lovin’ woman who will give everythin’ you have to those you choose to love and let into your life. There’s no one I love more in this world than her,” I tell our daughter as a sound in the doorway of her nursery catches my attention.

Looking up, I find Kasey standing in the doorway. She’s wearing a tank top and the smallest pair of pajama shorts I’ve ever seen. My wife is fucking hot as hell and the sexiest woman I’ve ever met in my life. Yes, not only did I claim Kasey as my ol’ lady and finally give her the rag I had waiting for her, but we got married. Rage, Keegan, my parents, and everyone else came back down for our wedding. My wife wanted to make it the most special day in her life and I believe she accomplished that. The only person that was here I didn’t want around was Valor. She invited the Phantom Bastards as well and most everyone showed up. There was hardly any room for anyone to sit or stand. She had a great day though and that’s all that matters.

“What are you doing in here, Anthony?” she asks, her voice laced with sleep as she steps further into the nursery.

“I’m talkin’ to our little princess. She decided she was hungry so I took care of her and have been tellin’ her how I’m the luckiest man in the world that you gave me another chance to be in your life. To show you every single day that I love you and I’m sorry for everythin’ I put you through,” I tell my wife honestly as she steps up to us and looks down at Bexley sleeping in my arms. She must’ve just fallen asleep.

“I love you, Anthony. More every single day. You’re my soulmate and you own the biggest piece of my heart. Josie’s opening the store for me tomorrow. I’ve been reading a new book and I think there’s something you might be interested in. Why don’t you lay our little warrior down and come meet me in bed?” she asks me, a sexy smirk on her face just before she leans down and brushes a soft kiss against the top of Bexley’s head. “I’ll be waiting for you.”

Kasey and I have definitely spiced up our sex life. She reads new books all the time. If there’s a sex scene she particularly likes, she has me read it and then we act it out. I can only imagine the one she has for me tonight. It’s been a little bit since we’ve done this because she wanted to make sure I had my fantasies fulfilled as well. So, we’ve been taking turns and trying so many new things during sex. I can’t believe I never thought we could talk about it when it’s the best discussion we’ve had.

Laying our daughter down in bed, I head straight for our room. Kasey has left a trail of her clothes from the nursery to our room. I pick up each article of clothing before moving forward. By the time I’m through our bedroom door, I’ve got every piece of clothing my sweet girl was wearing. Tossing them into the basket close to the bathroom door, I quickly strip out of my tee-shirt and sweatpants before climbing in bed with Kasey. She hands over the book and I open to where the bookmark is. She’s got two inside the book. The first one is for the scene she wants me to read and the second is where she is in the story.

I read through the chapter and can’t stop the smile on my face. This is something I’ve often thought about doing with Kasey but we didn’t talk about it. So, now I know we don’t have to. Kasey has been thinking of it just like I have. Closing the book, I set it on my nightstand and turn to face my girl. She looks up at me with desire filling her eyes.

“Are you sure, sweet girl?” I ask her, knowing she’s never taken the lead when it comes to sex before.

She’s too unsure and shy to make the first move or have me sit back and let her take what she needs from me. Don’t get me wrong, she’s always there in the moment, but she’s never been on top or anything like that. Tonight, that changes. I lay on my back and put my arms beneath my head. I’m not gonna touch her until she’s begging me to. That’s the only way she’s gonna be able to take the lead and take what she wants.

“I’m sure. I’m nervous, but I know you’ll guide me if I need it. I love you Anthony,” she answers, leaning over to kiss me.

Kasey kisses me and I let her deepen it when she’s ready. It doesn’t take long before she’s sliding her tongue across my bottom lip. I immediately open my mouth for her. She slides her tongue in my mouth and tangles it with mine. While she’s kissing me, Kasey runs her hands down my chest making my muscles ripple from her touch. Goosebumps break out along my skin as she breaks the kiss and starts kissing and nipping my jaw down to my neck. I angle my head for her so she has better access.