Page 33 of Restored

The boys are dressed in jeans, a button-down shirt, and their little cuts on over it. They’ve got their boots on and match their daddy. It’s so damn cute. I pull out my phone and take a picture of the three of them standing and waiting for me. Andrew and Griffin both have flowers in their hands and they walk up to me and hand them over. Bending down, I press a kiss to each of their cheeks before accepting the flowers and thanking them. Anthony steps up next and hands me another beautiful arrangement. He leans in and presses a soft kiss against my lips. We don’t linger as I quickly put the flowers in a vase with water so we can head out.

Anthony helps us all in the truck before making his way to the driver’s seat and shutting the door behind him. We leave the compound and head for the store to find my dad’s truck already parked there. I gave him and Glock keys in case they got there before me at any point since they’ve been helping me so much. I wait for Anthony to help get me out of the truck before waddling to the back door of the shop. Going inside, I head for the front to find my dad, mom, Glock, and Melody working already.

The table for Keira is already set up and her banner is off to the side already. A tablecloth covers the table and her books are already set up. The only thing we don’t have to set up is the stuff she usually gives out with her books. Like pens, bookmarks, keychains, and small things like that. She’s going to bring that stuff with her because it’s so hard to package and ship to somewhere. Keira has a certain way she likes her tables to look and my mom has tried to match that exactly for her. There’s a small cooler set up by the back of the table for any drinks Keira will want to have as she signs books.

Looking around, I find a ton of desserts and treats set up on the counter by the coffee machine. They’re all in display cases just waiting to be served to any customers who want something to snack on. We’re also going to have a chicken barbeque going. All the money from that will go towards fixing up something in Cedar Bay. We’ve been trying to help restore as much of the town as we can but we need funds to do it. So, we’ve been trying to think of different ways to raise money to do so. With the grand opening of the bookstore, a barbeque would be the perfect addition. At least the guys thought so.

“What do you need me to do?” Anthony asks me as we continue to look around the shop.

“I’m not sure. I have no clue what time our parents got here, but almost everything looks ready to go,” I answer him, moving to fuss with a few things on the counter.

“I’ll go ask Mom what needs to be done. I’m sure she’ll have no problems puttin’ me to work,” he returns, laughter filling his voice because our moms aren’t shy about putting us in our place or handing out directions for what we need to be doing.

I find the boys playing in the back corner of the store already as the adults move around and take care of things. Remaining by the counter, I mess with things there until I’m satisfied with how everything looks. The newest addition are the posters of various book covers hanging on the walls. I got permission from the authors before I had them printed. Everyone I talked to was excited to have their work displayed on the walls of a bookstore. Most of them are authors I’ve discovered over the years and have fallen in love with the characters and worlds they’ve created. There are a few on the wall who I’ve never read before as well. I won’t be able to help any potential readers when it comes to those authors, but I’ll still recommend any book I’ve got on the shelf in my store.

“Are you excited, baby girl?” my dad asks, walking up and putting his arm around my shoulders.

“I’m so excited. I can’t wait until Keira gets here,” I say, looking around at all the hard work everyone’s helped me do over the last several weeks.

We opened the doors of Kasey’s Korner a few hours ago. People can hardly move around the store with how many people are inside right now. I’ve been behind the counter with my mom and Melody as every new customer comes up and buys stacks of books. The turnout is greater than I thought it would be. I’m so happy. The line for Keira is long as people wait with books they’ve purchased on their own and brought in to have her sign along with those who are buying her books from me here today. We have a system set up so that Anthony and my dad are at the table with Keira and Blade. For those who are buying books from the store, the guys direct them to the register so no one steals from me on opening day.

There are more kids over playing with the boys in the corner as their parents shop. I’ve had more than one customer comment on the corner for kids. They all love it and promise they’ll be back in to shop for books instead of going to the larger chain bookstores. Instead of having mainly traditionally published authors, I stock mainly independent ones. Authors they’re just starting to find on social media and other outlets. They love having a different way to buy their books without having to wait for them to be shipped. I’ve also got a list started by customers of books and authors they don’t see on the shelves for sale yet. I want to make my store as diversified as possible and I don’t have a problem buying books from authors I might not have read yet.

The chicken barbeque is doing really well. They’ve almost sold out and the Prospects have already gone out to buy more chicken twice. There are plenty of side dishes and everything else going in the containers since the ol’ ladies have been preparing it all week long and Haley brought stuff over from the diner as well. Venom, Otter, and Brick are running that while the guys walk around the shop to make sure whoever ran me off the road doesn’t try to pull something with so many civilians here today.

There are multiple clubs here today. The Wild Kings from Clifton Falls, Dander Falls, and here have shown up to support me. Vault’s chapter of the Phantom Bastards are here mixed in with our family members. A few of Slim’s members came down to support me as well. Reagan and Savage sent their regrets but they have something going on at home and Reagan isn’t allowed to travel right now. I miss them, but I’m sure we’ll see them soon. Even if we have to take a trip to them.

“Holy cow! Look at everyone in here!” I hear Lyric’s voice over everyone else’s as she enters the shop with her sister.

Paige immediately leaves Lyric’s side and gets in line for Keira. The excitement on her face makes me laugh because Paige is usually so serious and rarely smiles. It’s amazing to see her let loose and not worry about everything around her for a few seconds.

“You made it,” I tell her, accepting the hug she gives me the second she’s close enough.

“Of course I did. You’re my best friend. There wasn’t a chance I was gonna miss your grand opening. Though, I can’t say Ricochet was as excited to leave the house today. He was watching some game or something,” she says, turning to the man in question.

Ricochet has chosen to watch over Lyric and Paige almost exclusively from what I hear. He’s taken a leave from the gym and doesn’t leave the house or Lyric’s side unless he has no choice in the matter. Anthony said he hasn’t even gone to church with Venom’s approval in order to stay with Lyric. My best friend has the biggest crush on his brother, Kevlar, and I know something’s happened between Ricochet and Paige, but Lyric’s remaining tight lipped about things over the phone. I don’t know if it’s because I’m usually right next to Anthony when we’re talking or if it’s something else. I just know Tank will beat Ricochet’s ass if he hurts Paige. Especially after all the bullshit with Autumn.

From what I understand, Kevlar has been spending more time at the trailer with Ricochet and told Venom it was better to have two sets of eyes on the situation instead of just Ricochet. So, with a smirk on his face, Venom approved Kevlar’s request to stay at the trailer with his brother. It’s funny as hell because I know the sisters love spending time with the two of them. I can’t say they’d feel the same if Hawkeye were there with them. He’s even worse than Brick and Ghost when it comes to trusting outsiders and shit. The man only ever smiles and has a good time when he’s around the club members and those he’s known have proven their loyalty to the club.

“Ricochet, you break my heart,” I tell him, pouting in his direction as Lyric and my mom try to hold in their laughter. “You would rather watch some game than come support me opening up a business?”

“That’s not true. You’ve been there for every business we’ve opened and there’s no way in hell I was gonna miss bein’ here for you,” he says, glaring at Lyric as she finally loses her shit and starts laughing like crazy. “I had to wait for this one to get ready and then Paige decided to come with us. Kevlar wasn’t helpin’ the situation either. He’s spendin’ more and more time at the trailer just to bust my balls,” Ricochet answers, his voice low and growly.

“Kevlar, who’s telling the truth here?” Lyric asks, turning and batting her eyes at the man as he stands behind her.

Kevlar smiles at her and his entire face softens and lights up. Lyric’s body sways closer to his as he reaches out to steady her. This is entirely out of Kevlar’s normal behavior. He’s been all about the club girls and fucking as many random pieces of strange as he can since coming to Cedar Bay. The way he’s looking at my best friend shows something else entirely. I haven’t ever seen Kevlar look at a woman the way he’s staring down at my girl right now.

“I’m not gettin’ in the middle of this argument. You and Ricochet love to wind one another up and I’ve broken up more arguments between the two of you than Hawkeye and Ricochet. That’s sayin’ somethin’ because Ricochet loves to get our brother goin’,” he returns, winking at Lyric before stepping even closer to her.

I guess there’s more going on between the two of them than I know about as well. As I go to step around the counter to go check on Keira, I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. Bending over, I clutch my middle as I feel a gush of wetness between my legs.

“No,” I cry out, trying to keep my voice soft so a ton of people don’t overhear me.

“What’s wrong, Kasey?” my mom asks, coming to stand at my side.

“My water just broke after I had a sharp pain go through my stomach,” I answer her, looking up to find Anthony who’s still at the table with Keira, Blade, and my dad. “It’s too early, Mom. I’ve still got eight weeks before she’s due. This can’t be happening right now.”

I start to cry as my mom wraps her arms around me. Lyric steps in close and Ricochet stands in front of us to keep as many eyes from what’s going on as possible. Kevlar steps away and whispers something to Anthony and my dad. I watch on as Anthony’s head whips around toward me before he moves to my side.