Page 27 of Restored

After what feels like forever, I finally see them pull her out. They’ve busted out the windshield to get to her. Her lifeless body is loaded onto a stretcher and I can see blood covering her exposed skin. It’s fucking covering her body as my eyes remain glued to her. Her hand drops off the side of the stretcher and my heart shatters in my fucking chest. A sob escapes me as an overwhelming urge to rush to her fills me. Rage pulls me into his arms before I can sink to the ground.

“She’s gonna be okay, Anthony. We have to believe she’s okay. She’s just passed out right now. Let’s get in the truck so we can follow the ambulance. Tony’s on his way over and can fill your dad in on what’s goin’ on,” Rage says as he tries to force me from the spot I’m rooted to.

“Guys, she’s alive. Her pulse is strong and steady. There’s a large gash on the side of her head and I have no doubt that’s why she’s currently unconscious. I don’t think all the blood belongs to her. Her friend is covered in it as well. They’re gettin’ ready to head out with her. Get in your vehicle and I’ll let you pass to follow them,” he says, giving us the bare minimum of what’s going on.

Hearing that Kasey’s alive does nothing to relieve the fear coursing through me. So much can still be wrong with her and our daughter. The tears continue to fall down my face as my dad and Rage lead me to the truck and help me in the backseat. I don’t see anything around us as my eyes never once leave the ambulance where my world is being loaded up. I don’t notice the door shutting behind me, my dad and Rage jumping in the truck, or anything else. It’s like I have complete tunnel vision and Kasey is the only thing I can focus on.

We’ve been at the hospital for hours. No one has been allowed back to see Kasey. Rage and I lost our shit when we were told we couldn’t go back with her. We have no clue what’s going on with her, if she’s okay, if my daughter is okay, or anything else. Rage and I are pacing the waiting room as it continues to fill with members and ol’ ladies from the club. Doc is here. My dad called her and told her what happened and that we wanted her here to check Kasey over along with her friend. We’re not going to leave their health to the doctors here who don’t know anything about her. Doc knows everything about Kasey and her pregnancy. She’ll also give us information as soon as she can.

The only thought going through my mind right now is that I might not get the chance to fix things with Kasey. She might not realize how much I love her and how absolutely fucking stupid and ridiculous I’ve been for months. I want her and our kids more than I want to take my next breath. If I could trade places with her, I would in an instant. I deserve to be the one laying in a hospital bed while she should be with our boys and happy. Fuck!

I look up as the door leading to the back opens and Doc makes her way over to us. She doesn’t stop until she’s standing in front of Rage and myself. Everyone else crowds around us to hear the update.

“Kasey’s awake. She woke up in the ambulance. She’s in a lot of pain, but there’s no internal injuries or much damage done to her. It’s mainly bumps, bruises, and cuts on her body. The worst injury she has is the gash to the side of her head. I’ve put stitches in it to close it up and the bleeding has already stopped. I’ve done an ultrasound and the baby is just fine. She’s moving around and her heartbeat is strong and steady. It hasn’t dropped or anything from what it was in the office the last time I saw Kasey. I’m going to keep a monitor on her for now for the baby so we can keep a close eye on her heartbeat and make sure Kasey doesn’t start having any contractions. If you guys hadn’t called in the accident on the way there, I can’t honestly say what condition she’d be in. I’m going to check on her friend now. Do you know if her sister is here?” Doc says, giving me a bit of relief for the time being.

“She’s on her way here now. Haley is bringin’ her,” Venom speaks up from behind me. “I’ll let her know you’re goin’ in to check on Lyric and will come out with an update when you can.”

“Can we see Kasey?” Rage asks, as Keegan rushes up to his side and he wraps her in his arms.

“Yes. Two of you can go in,” Doc answers while turning her attention to me. “Shield, she doesn’t want to see you right now. I’m going to keep her at least overnight to make sure nothing happens to her or the baby. Right now, I don’t feel as if there will be any complications, but I’d like to have that reassurance before sending her home.”

“What?” I question as my voice breaks.

I have no one to blame but myself for Kasey not wanting to see me. It doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt any less though. My heart continues to break with the realization of how far I’ve pushed Kasey away. Rage looks at me with a look I can’t determine before Keegan and him follow Doc out of the waiting room to see Kasey. The other half of my fucking soul.

“Son, she’ll see you. Give her some time. She’s shaken up and scared right now. If I were her, I’d want my parents and no one else. Don’t take this on your shoulders and blame yourself,” my dad says, resting his hand on my shoulder once again.

“How can I not put this on my shoulders? If I hadn’t pushed her away, I’d be in there with her right now. I’d be puttin’ eyes on my girl to see for myself that her and the baby are okay. Instead, I have to wait for Rage or Keegan to come talk to me now. Hell, I don’t even know when she’ll be transferred to a regular room from the emergency department. Rage and Keegan will be at her side when that happens. I’m so fuckin’ stupid and took her for fuckin’ granted. That’s not a fuckin’ mistake I’ll ever make again,” I vow, keeping my eyes on the floor at my feet as my dad leads me over to a chair.

Once I’m sitting down, he takes the chair to one side of me while Kevlar takes the other seat. The three of us sit in silence as we wait to move to a different waiting room. I don’t even look up when more chaos ensues and the sister shows up with Haley. Tony makes his way into the hospital waiting room and I don’t stand up to hear what he has to say. My dad does. Nothing registers as I only think of Kasey and our daughter. Of our boys waiting at the clubhouse with no clue of what’s going on right now. I could’ve lost Kasey and our baby today and I’m done wasting time with her. I’m going to fix our relationship and ensure that we never go through anything like this again if it’s the last thing I do.

Chapter Nineteen


HOSPITALS ARE NO fucking place to get any rest whatsoever. The nurses coming and going all night long, blood draws and everything else going on makes it so you can’t sleep for more than an hour or two. Not to mention the beeping of the machines monitoring my heart and the baby. Our little girl is strong as hell and is still doing good despite being run off the road. I haven’t talked to anyone about what happened yet. My parents wanted me to do nothing but rest last night and didn’t want to get into it. I was barely able to get information on Lyric without my dad losing his shit. He doesn’t want me to think or worry about anything but me and my baby girl. That’s just not possible with my daughter nestled in my belly. It’s important to me that she’s okay and still thriving and growing inside me until it’s time for her to enter this world.

Coming fully awake, my eyes blink open as I look around the hospital room. My mom is sleeping on the small couch in my room with a few blankets covering her. She looks so peaceful when she sleeps. Last night when my parents were brought into my room, she was afraid and upset beyond anything I’ve ever seen before. My dad wasn’t much better. He was pacing like a caged animal and growling at everyone who came in my room. If he had his way, no one would’ve gotten close to me or touched me for any reason.

Turning my head to the other side, I find my dad watching me. He sits up looking at me from head to toe despite the mound of blankets covering me. I don’t even know how many I’ve got on me, but my dad insisted more were piled on every single time I shivered or trembled. So, I’ve got a ton of blankets covering my body and I don’t know what to do because I’m kind of warm right now but I know if I start to take them off, I’ll get cold once again. Hospitals are always so fucking cold and I hate being in them. I can’t wait to be discharged and go home where I can rest and have my trailer as hot as I want it.

“How are you feelin’, baby girl?” my dad asks me, fear lacing his voice. “Do you need anythin’? I can get the nurse to come in and give you medicine or somethin’ to eat.”

“I’m okay, Dad. A little sore, but we all know the days after an accident or anything are the worst. I’ll be sore for a few days I imagine. I’m not hungry right now either. The breakfast trays will be delivered more than likely so I can wait for that to get here,” I answer him as we both keep our voices low so we don’t wake my mom up.

“Baby girl, I need to know what happened yesterday. Can you tell me?” he asks me, his voice washing over me like a warm blanket.

“I’m ready to talk. We were driving down the highway on our way to the bar Lyric wanted to go to last night. Everything was going okay and suddenly a black truck appeared out of nowhere. It was one of those big, jacked up trucks you say the fuckboys needing to compensate for things they’re lacking in other parts of their life. The windows were tinted so dark that I couldn’t see who was driving or how many people were actually in the truck. And the headlights were on high because they were blinding me. It wasn’t even dark enough for the headlights to be on. They rammed us from behind multiple times. The SUV almost tipped over at one point just before I called you. We were hit a few more times after that and it finally did go over on its side. Then we slid across the road. The truck hit us again when we were on the side of the road. I’m surprised we didn’t go over the bank. I thought we were going to keep getting hit or something worse, but the truck took off shortly before I passed out,” I tell my dad as my head hurts so bad.

“Fuck! That’s not a lot to go on. I’m gonna talk to Venom and find out if we can put feelers out to find out if any trucks were taken into a garage for any kind of repairs last night or so far today. Maybe we can find it that way. Though, if the owner is some kind of mechanic, they won’t bother takin’ it to a garage when they can make the repairs themselves,” my dad says, thinking out loud as he stays looking at me. “You know Anthony is still here. He hasn’t left here since we followed the ambulance. The boys are with Melody and Glock at the clubhouse. Are you gonna see Anthony? Or do you still not want to see him? I can tell you he lost his shit when we left the clubhouse yesterday when you called. He almost got arrested tryin’ to get to you before you were gotten out of the SUV. That man is so crazy in love with you and wants to see for himself that you and the baby are okay.”

“I’m so confused, Dad. He spends months ignoring me and only saying what has to be said about the boys. Now suddenly he’s kissing my forehead, calling me sweet girl again, and wants to be there for me and the boys. He’s always been a great dad to Andrew and Griffin, but our relationship has changed and I don’t think it’s for the better. I’m sure he was scared and all that yesterday, but I’m okay and the baby’s okay now and he’ll go right back to how he’s been. I can’t deal with the back and forth from him. It hurts too much,” I tell my dad honestly as tears fill my eyes.

“Don’t cry, baby girl. Anthony was confused and the way he’s been treatin’ you isn’t right. We all go through what you two are right now. The relationship becomes borin’ and there’s no surprises or the intimacy becomes stale and routine. Somethin’ you feel you have to do instead of wantin’ to because you can’t keep your hands off your partner. It’s a normal part of life. No, Anthony hasn’t handled the way he’s feelin’ the right way, but he’ll get there. You both will. Put him out of his misery and let him in to see you,” my dad says as he looks past me to where my mom sleeps.

“Okay, Dad. He can come in to see me. To make sure we’re both okay and that there’s nothing more he can do,” I say, leaning back against the hard pillows that make it impossible to get comfortable.

My dad stands from the chair he’s been in and leans over to press a kiss against my head. He’s careful with the wound on the side of my head. When he stands up fully, I watch as my dad stretches out his body and listen to the snaps and cracks of his joints. Without another word, he goes straight for the door and opens it to show Anthony slumped against the door frame with his eyes glued into the room. There’s no window in the door of my room for him to look through, so I’m guessing he stayed there all night long and waited for one of the nurses to open the door just to get a glimpse of me. That’s the Anthony I knew from before. He’s the one person who was always there for me in the past and that’s changed in recent months. Instead, he barely glanced in my direction and would leave the room as soon as I entered it.