Page 14 of Restored

“Hey, Dad. What’s goin’ on?” I answer my phone, not sure why he’s calling me all of a sudden.

“Son. That’s what I’d like to know. I’ve been talkin’ to Rage and he’s pissed the fuck off. Ready to come there and kick your ass. So, what’s goin’ on with you and Kasey? And don’t give me some bullshit answer or explanation,” my dad says, his voice hard as he goes silent to wait for my response.

“I don’t know, Dad. I feel as if I can’t do anythin’ right when it comes to her. I can’t talk to her and it’s makin’ everythin’ harder to deal with. I feel as if our relationship has gone stale. We do the same shit every fuckin’ day and even our sex life has become borin’. We never do anythin’ new and it’s fuckin’ drivin’ me insane. I don’t know how to talk to her about this shit, Dad. It’s doin’ nothin’ but drivin’ a wedge between us and it only seems to get bigger with every passin’ day. To top it all off, she just told me she’s pregnant again,” I tell my dad as best as I can while looking around the room to make sure no one’s listening to my conversation.

“Okay. When she told you she was pregnant, what did you do?” he asks me, moving around as the phone becomes muffled on his end.

“I walked out of the house,” I state, regret filling my voice. “She told me if I walked out that she was done. I didn’t stop and fight for our relationship or anythin’. I just kept walkin’ out the door and left her alone with the boys in the house. The most excitement I’ve had in months was when one of the strippers at Wild Things was flirtin’ with me. She was promisin’ to do anythin’ I wanted and shit. How fuckin’ pathetic is that? The woman I’ve loved for years doesn’t even excite me anymore.”

“So you find ways to make it fuckin’ excitin’, Anthony. You fight for your relationship, your boys, the baby Kasey’s carryin’, and for Kasey. She sat back and watched you go from one girl to the next in school. Cried and had a broken heart every fuckin’ time you went out. She spent time in a damn field just so she didn’t see you leavin’ for your dates. I watched her walkin’ around with her heart on her sleeve waitin’ for you to notice her. Then, you got together with Rage’s blessin’ and things were amazin’. The two of you could talk about anythin’. You were more than just a couple; you were best friends before anythin’ else. To know you’re not fightin’ for somethin’ that fuckin’ rare pisses me the fuck off. And I can tell you Kasey is truly done with your fuckin’ ass. Rage and I will be down there soon. We’re fuckin’ helpin’ her move out of the house,” my dad informs me, his voice staying hard and getting that cold edge to it that only happens when he’s about to lose his shit.

“She’s not movin’ out, Dad. Kasey would’ve told me if she were. There’s no reason for her to leave the house because I’ve been stayin’ at the clubhouse. I go there to see the boys and that’s it. Why the fuck would she leave there?” I ask him, not sure what the fuck is going on right now.

“Because it was supposed to be a home for your family, Anthony. Now, it’s nothin’ more than a fuckin’ reminder to her that your relationship is failin’ and that you’re never there. That she’s done somethin’ wrong to make you stop lovin’ her. I can’t blame her for not wantin’ to be in that fuckin’ house. She made it a home for your family and you’ve fuckin’ shit all over that. Do you know she’s been spendin’ time with Valor from the Phantom Bastards? Seen him a few times from what Rage told me,” my dad asks me, shocking the shit out of me.

“Why the fuck is she spendin’ time with him?” I bark out, slamming my hand against the table in front of me.

“I don’t know, Anthony. Maybe because she doesn’t want to be anywhere near the compound. She’s removin’ herself from your life and everyone there so they don’t have to fuckin’ choose sides. She knows without the trust between all of you, nothin’ works. So, she goes out and spends time in other places with the boys to find new things for them to do so they don’t realize anythin’ is goin’ on. Valor and her have hung out a few times from what I understand. He even was gonna take some shit to his club for her. That’s what you’re fuckin’ doin’ to your family, Anthony. I don’t fuckin’ blame her for talkin’ to someone else. If she decides to be with Valor, or anyone else, you’re gonna fuckin’ leave them alone and let them be,” my dad says, his voice washing over me and making the rage I feel intensify.

“Kasey wouldn’t do that shit. We’re just goin’ through some shit right now. She loves me, Dad,” I say, knowing deep in my heart I’ve pushed her this far. I’m the reason she’s doing all of this.

“She might love you, Anthony, but she needs more than what you’re givin’ her. Kasey needs you to be there for her. She needs to know you’re gonna fight for her and your relationship when shit gets hard. Instead you’re showin’ her on a fuckin’ daily basis that she doesn’t mean a fuckin’ thing to you. That she’s not worth fightin’ for. Kasey deserves more than that. She deserves the fuckin’ world and you’re takin’ it from her,” he says, his voice going even harder as he states these facts to me.

“What am I fightin’ for, Dad? How can I fight when I don’t even know what the fuck I want right now?” I ask him, leaning back in my chair as I release a deep sigh.

“You’re fightin’ for your fuckin’ relationship, Anthony! For your fuckin’ family. Every fuckin’ day you fight for Kasey, Andrew, and Griffin. You fight for this new baby she’s carryin’ instead of addin’ stress and makin’ her stressed the fuck out. Because I can tell you, Keegan and Rage have been shoppin’ for two fuckin’ days now. Kasey isn’t takin’ a fuckin’ thing from you. All the furniture and everythin’ is bein’ left for you. Even when you’re fuckin’ treatin’ her like shit, she’s still doin’ what she can to show how much she loves you and is givin’ you what you want. Kasey was in fuckin’ tears when she talked to her dad. Do you know how it makes him feel when he hears his baby girl cry?”

“Yeah, I do. I’m fuckin’ dead. Rage is gonna kill me before I can figure out what the fuck I want.”

“Anthony, can you honestly sit there and tell me you truly don’t know what you want? Or are you just bein’ fuckin’ stubborn and not goin’ after the girl you’ve always loved? From the fuckin’ second you stepped foot in the compound in Clifton Falls, you’ve been drawn to Kasey. You watched her every second of the day. If she started cryin’, you were the first person at her side. Rage and I watched you protect her, comfort her, and give her what she wanted on a daily basis. When she got hurt and needed to be patched up as kids need, you were there holdin’ her fuckin’ hand. Now, as a grown ass man, you can’t fuckin’ find the words to tell her what you want? You can’t fight for your family and prove to her that you’ll do anythin’ it takes to be there for her and those babies. You’re not the son I raised, Anthony. I don’t know who the fuck you are. All I know is I’m gonna be there for Kasey and my grandbabies. I’ll love her and take care of them as I’ve been doin’ all these years. Your mom will too. Be prepared for when Rage sees you. He’s gonna fuckin’ hurt ya and I’m not gonna step in the way of him doin’ it,” my dad says before hanging up the phone.

Sitting back, I leave my phone on the table in front of me. My dad is fucking pissed and I can’t blame him. I stare into nothing in front of me and take in nothing. Everything fades into nothing as I focus on Kasey and our relationship. Of all the things I know Rage is gonna do to me the second he sees me. Today is supposed to be a good day. We’re gonna patch in Brantley. Instead, I’m wondering how long it is before Rage gets here and my ass gets handed to me.

The clubhouse has been decorated and the ol’ ladies have been cooking up a storm all day. Everyone is ready for the party and Brantley is completely clueless as to what’s about to happen. We’ve all kept it very quiet and haven’t been treating him any differently than we typically do. I can’t wait to see his face when he realizes this is all for him. That he’s no longer a Prospect but a fully patched member of the Wild Kings. I don’t have to wait long to find out though. The day has flown by as I pretty much stayed at the table in the common room and didn’t move. I was so lost in my head and I didn’t know what the fuck was going on around me.

“Can I have everyone’s attention?” Venom calls out, stepping in the middle of the room as everyone starts to quiet down and listen to him. “Today isn’t just a party to party. We have a very good reason for today’s celebration. Brantley, get the fuck up here.”

I watch on as Brantley walks out from behind the bar and makes his way to Venom. He’s looking around the room and I can tell how nervous he is. It’s written in his entire body and the way his eyes are darting all over the place. He thinks he’s about to get booted and we’ve all fuckin’ been there.

“Brantley, you’ve been with us for a while now. You’ve proven your loyalty and have done every task you’re asked to do without question or hesitation. Today, you’re no longer a Prospect for the Wild Kings MC,” Venom begins, nodding to Wicked as he steps forward and holds out a cut in his hands. “Brantley, welcome to the fuckin’ brotherhood! Your new road name is Kountry and we all know you’re gonna make an excellent addition to our family. Now, hand over that Prospect cut to Wicked and fuckin’ put your new one on.”

Brantley practically rips the cut from his shoulders in his haste to get it off. Venom takes it from him as Wicked steps up behind him and slides his new cut over his shoulders. The pride shining from Brantley is much how we all are when we got our cuts from our dads. I remember being fuckin’ thankful my dad was the one to slide my cut on my back as he took me in his arms and told me how fucking proud of me he was. We had a moment between the two of us before I was congratulated by the rest of my family. This is a moment you don’t ever forget.

Looking around the common room, I take in my family. Every member and ol’ lady is here. The club girls are here in the corner as they wait for the party to start once the kids go home. Everyone in this club is here except for three people. My boys and Kasey aren’t here. I’m sure someone would’ve told her what was happening tonight. The guys and ol’ ladies want her to come around and wouldn’t have kept this from her. However, she’s choosing not to show up to support someone becoming a full patch. Kasey lives for this shit and would be the first one welcoming him to the family. Now, she’s not even here to celebrate him. I caused that. I’m the reason she’s not here when she should be.

“Congratulations, Kountry,” I say after walking up to him and doing the man hug thing. “Today is a day you’ll never forget. Enjoy the fuck outta your party and know we’ll all have your back no matter what.”

“Thanks, Shield. Thank you for everythin’. This is the best day of my fuckin’ life,” he responds, a large smile on his face as he looks at me.

“Then celebrate and don’t let anythin’ hold you back. Live your life how you want and keep doin’ what you’ve been doin’.”

Without another word, I turn and walk out of the clubhouse. I can’t stay in there and party while knowing Kasey isn’t here because of me. I don’t want to party after listening to my dad chew me a new ass. Straddling my bike, I don’t hesitate to start it and get away from the compound. I head out of town and come to a stop when I see lights on in one of the storefronts. It’s the one Venom must have been talking about that day in church. Pulling to the side of the road, I take in the store as it looks now.

Shelves line the two outer walls leaving the back one free of them. In the front of the store are tables and chairs making the space seem inviting and open. The chairs are those overstuffed ones that make you never want to get out of. Other than that, there’s not much else in the store to tell me what it’s gonna be. The shelving goes all the way up to the ceiling and there is one of those rolling ladders you see in libraries and shit. There’s a long counter at the back of the storefront and I can see a register sitting there with some kind of coffee machine at the opposite end. Curiosity fills me as I try to figure out who’s opening up a new store. Though, it doesn’t take me long to figure shit out when someone emerges from the back and dances her way through the floor of the store with a little boy in her arms.

Kasey is dancing around the storefront with Griffin in her arms as Andrew follows her around. Boxes are stacked all over the place and I’m worried she’s gonna trip over them with our son in her arms. She shouldn’t even be carrying Griffin being pregnant again. It’s something we used to argue about when she was pregnant with Griffin and carried Andrew.

“What the fuck? This is Kasey’s new business? She said she didn’t want to work and wanted to stay home with the kids. Now she’s openin’ up her own fuckin’ business through the club. This shit doesn’t make sense,” I speak out loud because it confuses the hell out of me.