Page 12 of Restored

“Not our fuckin’ problem, Missy. We’ve been nothin’ but respectful and kind to you since the day you walked through those doors. You’ve betrayed us in the worst ways possible. It’s time for you to go,” Venom says, no emotion in his voice as he watches Hawkeye and Otter remove her from the room.

Heading back to the common room, I grab a plate of food from the buffet that’s been set up on the bar. I need all the greasy food I can get to help with this fucking hangover. That last thing I wanted to do was deal with this shit while I’m hungover, but there isn’t a choice when shit’s going on. Clarissa and Missy are fucking done with us and we’ll deal with the situation if we ever see them again. My only hope for the rest of the day is that this shit is over. That I can figure out what to do about Kasey and find the time to talk to her about our situation.

Chapter Nine


I’VE PUT CALLS into several businesses to get boxes so I can pack our things up. I’m literally just going to take the things that the boys and I need along with some pictures. Anthony can have everything else that’s been bought over the years. I want absolutely nothing from him. I’m more than capable of making a home for our boys and giving them a great life. I don’t need Anthony at my side or help from anyone else. The club members might be my family and I grew up with them, but that doesn’t mean I want anything from them right now. They’re going to back Anthony since he’s a full patch member and doesn’t need to be at odds with the men he’s supposed to go to battle with when the shit hits the fan. That’s the last thing I’ll ever do. If he can’t trust them and they can’t trust him, the brotherhood doesn’t work. It’s one of the first things we were taught growing up in the Wild Kings family.

Valor is also helping me get some boxes from his town. He’s the only one who knows I’m leaving Anthony and getting away from the club. He tried to talk me into moving closer to them, but I can’t. Yes, I’d still be able to make sure the boys could see Anthony whenever he wanted to see them, but it doesn’t mean I want to be that far away from him at the end of the day. Anything can happen and if the boys get sick or something happens with this baby I’m carrying, then I want Anthony to be close by so he can see them. That doesn’t happen as quick if I go closer to the Phantom Bastards. So, I refused his offer and simply asked him to help me gather empty boxes so I can pack shit up.

In the weeks since I got the storefront, the guys from the club have helped me get the shelves installed and made sure that everything is solid from the plumbing down to all the electrical. There isn’t anything the guys didn’t check out from the ground all the way up to the roof. They want to make sure the storefront is as safe as it can possibly be without anything happening.

The only thing I’m waiting on now is the inventory. Bull and I have ordered everything I need to open the store. Once I have the books and everything else, I’ll be able to set it all up and open the door. The most amazing part of the entire shop is the kid’s corner. I bought bean bags, small tables, and a few more things for them. There’s a box full of toys already in the shop because of my own boys being there with me. I don’t want them to be bored as hell all day long while I’m working, so I’ve taken a few things from home and brought them in. There will be new toys as well for other kids while my kid’s toys remain in my office.

The boys are down for their nap so it’s the perfect time for me to call Kiera. She was excited when I talked to her before moving here for a shop to open that mainly sells independent author’s books. Now, it’s becoming a reality and I want her to be part of the grand opening. If she could come down and do a book signing, that would be fucking amazing. I think it would really draw people into the shop and get them looking around. They can tell their friends about what I’m trying to do and what I’ve got available for the readers.

Picking up my phone, I find Kiera’s number and hit call. I put the phone on speaker so I can continue cleaning up the kitchen and living room while we talk. While I’ve been cleaning, I’ve been taking the things I plan on taking with me and putting in one of the spare rooms so everything is in one place when I’ve got the boxes and tape I’ll need to pack my life up. I know I’m gonna cry when I start packing. It’s all I do these days. Over the last few weeks, I haven’t even seen Anthony. He’s spent time with the boys at the clubhouse and kept them overnight a time or two. Those were the hardest nights for me. I didn’t sleep and wandered around the dark house all night long. That’s going to be the hardest part of everything for me—not seeing the boys when Anthony has them for his visitation.

“Hey girlie!” Kiera answers her phone though I can tell she’s distracted and more than likely writing right now. “What’s going on?”

“Well, I wanted to catch you up on some things going on here in Cedar Bay,” I tell her, my voice breaking with the thought of no longer being with Anthony. “I’m opening up the bookstore. Everything is ready to go. The only thing I’m waiting on is the inventory. I can’t thank you enough for putting me in contact with some of your author friends to help me buy so many books in bulk.”

“You’re really doing it?” she asks, excitement filling her voice as I hear her moving around.

“I’m really doing it. I finally finished the business plan and showed it to Venom, Wicked, and Bull. They decided to back me. If they weren’t going to, Valor said he’d bring my plan to the Phantom Bastards. They aren’t too far from here. He was ready to make it happen if the Wild Kings didn’t want to,” I inform her with a small smile on my face.

“That’s interesting. I didn’t know you were in contact with Valor. How’s he doing?”

“He’s doing really good. Loving life away from the adults and building up their town the way we’re trying to do here in Cedar Bay,” I tell her.

“You know, you can talk to me about whatever is going on, Kasey. If it’s not something you want your dad and Keegan to know, I won’t say a word to them,” she says, almost making me break down in tears because I want to talk to someone about what’s going on.

“I’m good, Kiera. There’s just a lot going on right now and I have to do what I gotta do. I can’t talk about it right now though,” I say as I hear motorcycles getting closer to the house.

Kiera and I talk for a while longer. She tells me about the latest book she’s writing and how she wants to change things up with what she writes. She’s starting to get things together for a pen name so she can build a second brand up with some paranormal and other types of books that don’t necessarily go with the ones she’s been writing since the beginning of her career. By the time we get off the phone, I know it’s just a matter of time before my dad calls me. Kiera will tell him something is going on with me and he’ll worry himself until I talk to him.

Talking to my dad is the last thing I want. He’s the one person in this world who can make me break down the second I hear his voice. For so long it was my dad and me. He was my person and still is to this day. That’s the entire reason I haven’t tried calling him since this all began. I keep our conversations short and let the boys talk to him for longer than normal. My dad has to know something is going on by now with how little I’ve been talking to him. He’s just decided to make sure I have the time and space I need in order to process everything on my own before talking to him about things. Now that decision is gonna be taken out of my hands. I can’t say I’m sorry about it either.

The boys and I spent the entire day at the house. Anthony did show up for a while to hang out with the boys. He didn’t even hardly look in my direction or say a word to me. I can almost guarantee he didn’t even notice the few things that have been removed from the downstairs so I can pack them when I’m ready. While he was here, I locked myself in the bedroom and started pulling out my things to pack them. Everything I don’t need right now can be packed and gotten ready to go. Mainly all the important paperwork I have and anything to do with the boys have already been put aside so I can take them with me.

Before I can move onto the closet, my phone rings from the stand where I’ve put it on the charger while I listen to music and work. Taking a deep breath, I make my way over to the bed and take a seat before lifting the phone and seeing my dad’s name on the screen. Tears already fill my eyes as I answer the call and put the phone to my ear.

“Daddy,” I say, not being able to hold the tears back any longer.

“Baby girl, what’s goin’ on? Kiera said somethin’ was wrong but you wouldn’t tell her what,” he says, concern filling his voice.

“Anthony and I are over. I’m getting things ready to start packing when I have enough boxes and have rented a trailer on the edge of town. I don’t know what I did so wrong, Dad,” I say, my voice wavering with emotion as the tears continue to slide down my face.

“Baby girl,” he says, pain filling his voice. “What do you need from me? Where are the boys?”

When he asks about the boys, I only start to cry harder for a few minutes.

“The boys are down with Anthony right now. He’s here to see them. He won’t look at me or say a word. He left a few weeks ago when I told him I was pregnant. I’m almost four months now and Anthony doesn’t want anything to do with this baby. He hasn’t been to the doctors with me or anything. Didn’t say a word when I told him about the baby. He simply walked out. I told him if he walked away that I was done. I wasn’t going to keep trying to figure out what I did so wrong or why he won’t talk to me,” I tell my dad a brief version of what’s going on with us.

“Oh, baby girl. I’m so sorry. Why didn’t you call me when this shit started?” he asks me.

“Because I didn’t want you to come down here and beat his ass. Anthony hasn’t done anything wrong, Dad. He just doesn’t love me anymore. I heard him telling Venom and Viking one of the girls at the strip club was flirting with him and he was excited. It was different and new. I don’t give him that apparently. So, he fell out of love with me and can’t talk to me about what he wants or needs from our relationship. There’s nothing I can do about that,” I tell him as my breath starts to come out in pants instead of normal breaths.