After Tuesday’s practice, the three of us had gone to the grocery store because we never got around to it on Sunday. For such a mundane outing, we’d actually had fun, giggling as Cooper had tried to worm his way into something sweet on every single aisle, even in the produce section where he found some caramel dip he wanted for the apples he’d already agreed to. We’d escaped with minimal sweets when I reminded him to ‘whoa’ on the sugar while managing to buy hamburger buns and hot dogs fixings in preparation for the campout.

Allyson had left me at the back door that night, though, because Cooper needed to eat, bathe, and hit the hay. It’d been hard to leave, but I understood. Still, when she’d sent him to get cleaned up, I’d made the most of the few minutes we had alone and kissed every inch of her mouth right there in the doorway of her kitchen. If I’d gotten one step further in the house, I would’ve leaned her over the table and had her coming on my tongue before Cooper could get his hair washed, but she’d gently pushed me back, saying she didn’t want him to walk in on us.

I respect that. She’s responsible and caring, things I can appreciate. But fuck, do I want to sweep her away for a little bit.

Thursday, we’d at least gotten a family dinner in before Cooper’s early bedtime had kicked in. Al said she’s trying to start inching him back to his school-time bedtime from his later summer hours. All I knew was that it meant we had an extra half-hour alone before I needed to head home for the sunrise chores.

We’d made the most of it, waiting impatiently until Cooper had sufficient time to fall asleep and then escaping to the back deck. I’d hoped that once I was in her house again, I’d be inside her in no time, but it seemed the devil-may-care attitudes of our younger days had grown up slightly because I’d held back from taking her out in the open where the neighbors could see. That doesn’t mean we didn’t make out like high school kids again, kissing and grinding and squeezing each other, but our clothes had tragically stayed on.

I jacked off twice when I got home, once when I took a shower and then later, to my delight, on FaceTime with Allyson. She said she’d never done anything like that, and I could tell she was nervous, hiding out in her bathroom and biting her lip to be quiet even as she wanted me to talk to her. But she’d done it for me, for herself. She was so fucking beautiful coming on her own fingers. I just wished they’d been mine.

But somehow, we’ve made it to the big day. Campout day, just this morning’s practice to go.

The boys deserve this for how hard they’ve been working. They’re doing great, really coming together as a team, running plays like a well-oiled machine, and we’re ready for our first game.

As the boys high-five after their successful play, my eyes are drawn to Allyson again. It’s all I can do to root myself to the grass and not take her in my arms. Now that I’ve held her, tasted her, possessed her, I want to live inside her, learn her every nuance, and tease out every smile I possibly can.

Finally, we do our team cheer, and I make a waving motion to gather the parents over. I move the group closer to Killian’s grandparents so they don’t have to walk too far onto the uneven grass, and we progress to the planning part of the practice.

Allyson addresses the gathered parents. “Thank you again for signing up to help with the campout. I know the boys are really looking forward to it.” The boys find renewed energy, dancing around a bit beside their parents, and I hear one oh, yeah of agreement. Allyson smiles, looking down at Cooper.

I continue her speech, heading off an issue I know Mom would’ve had with me and my brothers. “Showers between practice and camping are required. We’re gonna get messy and muddy and end up smelling like the animals at the farm, but we should all start not smelling like a locker room or one of my sister’s goats.”

I sniff my own pit, making a disgusted face, and wave the air in front of me. The boys all laugh as intended and a couple of the parents give me grateful looks.

Allyson pulls out her phone and taps around at the screen. “Okay, I emailed the address again so everyone can GPS out there. It’s a good twenty-minute drive outside town. If anyone needs a ride, let me know because we’ve got several parents going as chaperones and a few not going, so carpooling is a great option. I also re-sent the sign-up list so everyone who volunteered to donate can confirm what you’re bringing. We’re planning a delicious dinner, some sweet treats, and lots of fun! Everybody ready?”