“Will you still coach us if you’re that busy?” Cooper asks. I can see the concern swirling in his blue eyes, several shades lighter but so much like his mother’s.

“Of course. With me coming into town three times a week, I can do deliveries then or people can pick up their orders at the park. Might even be easier if we offer that option.” I purse my lips, thinking and praying that’s true. “Actually, I should see if we can offer that for the last of the watermelon water too. A bit of a trial run.” I wink at Cooper, thanking him for the inspiration for an idea that might give me some time back, time I’ll happily spend getting to Allyson.

We talk about everything and nothing, letting conversation drift here and there. It feels good, homey with the three of us around the table chatting about our day, and I have an image of what could’ve been. Maybe even what could still be.

“I had an idea I wanted to run by you . . .” Allyson’s voice fades like she’s unsure of herself. She’s fidgeting with the placemat in front of her, and I take a leap of faith, reaching across the table to cover her hand with mine. Her eyes meet mine, a tiny gasp escaping. I know she’s freaking a bit. I can see her pulse racing in her neck, but she doesn’t pull away. I’m acutely aware of Cooper’s gaze too and hope he’s okay with this. I wouldn’t ever disrespect his feelings about the situation.

But the situation is . . . I’m trying to make Allyson give me a shot. A real one.

And risks must be taken.

Eventually, after what seems like an eon, she settles and relaxes without moving her hand. It feels like a great fucking victory, and I gently rub my thumb over hers in celebration.

She licks her lips and starts again. “I thought it would be fun to do a sleepover with all the boys before the first game. Not the night before, because I don’t have a death wish. But maybe the weekend before? A team-building thing and a celebration of how great they’ve been doing with practices. What do you think?”

If ever there were a moment to agree with anything she says, it’s this one. But I don’t agree because I want her. No, I nod my head because it truly is a great idea. “I like it. But one tweak . . .” Her brows rise, and I can see a slight clenching of her teeth like she thinks I’m about to shit all over her seed of an idea and call it fertilizer. “What if we did it at the farm? S’mores, a bit of muddin’ in the Gator maybe. Campfire stories, stuff like that.”

“Mom! Yes! Say yes, please.” Cooper interrupts loudly and with more enthusiasm than his little body can hold. “Never mind, I’ll answer for her. Yes, Coach B! The boys would love that!”

He points at his own chest when he says ‘the boys’, apparently electing himself their spokesperson. I laugh but keep one eye on Allyson to gauge her reaction. She looks at Cooper and then back to me with a laugh of her own. “Guess we’re in.”

“YES!” Cooper goes off with excitement, hopping from the table and doing a weird dance that kinda reminds me of that chicken dance Johnathan had us do.

“Looks like you’re done with dinner, mister. Why don’t you go hop in the shower so you can hit the hay on time tonight? I think you’re still a bit worn out from The Science Project night.” The way she says it, I can hear the capitals, like it was An Incident. Cooper pulls a face, his lips wincing, and salutes before running down the hall.

A moment later, I hear the water start and my eyes lock on Allyson, my gaze heavy with intention. “Alone at last. I love that kid, but he’s fucking with my dating life.” I mean it to be funny and flirty, because I obviously love the little guy, but it bombs flat.

Allyson sighs. “Bruce. We’re a package deal. You need to know that.”

My brows knit in confusion. “I’m well aware, Allyson. I like the kid. He’s pretty fucking cool. But that doesn’t mean that I can’t enjoy a moment alone with you and want to take advantage.”

She tilts her head like she’s considering that. “That’s true, I guess. I just haven’t done this—any of this—since I had him, so I don’t know the proper thing to do.”

“Fuck proper. Do what you want. He’s your number-one, so you’re not going to do anything to fuck that up. But you deserve happiness too.” She looks unconvinced. “Hell, Cooper would want that for you too. He doesn’t need a martyr who doesn’t live and uses him as a buffer against the world. He wants a mom who shows him how a beautiful, strong, smart woman goes after every single thing she wants and creates the life she deserves.”