“In here,” Bruce calls out from the kitchen.

I walk in to find Bruce, Bobby, Brody, and Cooper sitting around the kitchen table with dominoes spread out in front of them.

I walk in as Brody lays down a domino I can’t see with a hum of self-satisfaction and Bobby and Cooper instantly cry out in disappointment. Bruce’s eyes are all for me though. Heat flows between us, just like it always does and I’m drawn to his side for a hello kiss.

His lips against mine feel like coming home.

I lean against him comfortably, my hip against his shoulder and his arm around my waist as I survey the table. “Are you guys corrupting my kid?”

Brody scowls at me, not the least bit scary to me now. It’s just his face. “No, we’re teaching him an important life skill.”

“Yeah, Mom. Dominoes are life,” Cooper mimics, and I shake my head, not buying it for a second.

But I’m glad Brody and Bobby have been so accepting of Cooper and me. Bruce might’ve willingly taken us as a package deal, but his family didn’t make that choice. They have accepted us with open arms, though, even going so far as to redo Shayanne’s old room so that it’s a bit more boyish for Cooper. We’ve done a little updating to Bruce’s bachelor pad room too so it was more ‘us’, and Bruce doesn’t even complain about the ten smooshy pillows that now reside on his bed.

But Bruce’s brothers have helped our move out here be easier, and while being surrounded by this much testosterone is a bit jarring at times, I’m used to them now too. We might be an unusual family, but we are one.

“I’m gonna fold, fellas. You mind finishing the game without me? I’ve got something to show Allyson,” Bruce says, standing up from the table. His tone belies nothing, but I can read the set of his jaw. He’s nervous, which makes me nervous.

Bobby teases his brother, “I bet you’ve got something to show her.” His brows waggle with not-subtle meaning. Luckily, Cooper is young enough that he doesn’t pick up on Bobby’s meaning yet.

“Shh, Bobby! Don’t ruin the surprise!” Cooper blurts out, then his eyes go wide as he looks at me in horror. “Oops,” he says sadly.

I grin. “Surprise? For me? It wouldn’t be a Christmas present, would it?” I snuggle up to Bruce’s chest, blinking up at him with innocent eyes.

He smiles, but it’s full of dark promise. “Guess the cat’s outta the bag.” He dips his chin at his brothers and Cooper. “You guys good for dinner?”

I love that he’s stepped right in with Cooper, treating him like one of the guys. Treating him like his son.

They all nod in answer, and Bruce takes my hand, pulling me toward the back door. “We’re out then.”

In surprise, my feet stutter underneath me and Bruce steadies me. “Out? Where are we going?” It’s the night before Christmas Eve and my plans included exciting things like Hallmark movies, mass quantities of wrapping paper, and adding Bailey’s to my decaf coffee.

Bruce leans in and whispers hotly in my ear, “It’s a surprise, Al. Come on.”

Well, all right then. That’s enough for me, and I let him lead me out the door and to his truck. He helps me in and then hops in himself, turning the heater up high to ward off the chill of the night.

I don’t ask where we’re going, trusting him implicitly. Even so, my hand reaches up to grip the handle over the door as he bumps along over the land, eschewing the driveway and the road we usually use to go anywhere. But he doesn’t go far, just a few acres away from the Tannen homestead.

He stops in the middle of a clearing, but I’m not sure where we are or why we’re here. “What am I looking at?” I ask, pointing at the orange spray paint lines in the snow and looking at Bruce.

The truck’s headlights reflect on the snow and in the dim light, I swear I see him blush. But that can’t be. I mean . . . he’s him.

“The paint’s just symbolic, but I talked to Mama Louise and Mark. This is the site where we can build. It’s where our home will be—you, Cooper and me. Merry Christmas, Allyson.” There’s the slightest tremble in his voice as it goes deep.

“Our home?” I repeat, his meaning hitting me. “Oh, my gosh, I love it!” I lean over the console, needing to kiss him.

He kisses me back hard and messy, tasting like cinnamon and instantly lighting a fire inside me. “Come here, baby,” he growls.

Awkwardly, I climb over the console as he pushes his seat back. I straddle him, my professional work skirt riding up my thighs to make room for him between my legs.