“On the other hand, you look out for each other—for the teammate beside you, for the person beside you, for what’s right. You support and protect people when they need it and always do the right thing. I know it might look ugly and even scary, but Kyle was being mean to Coach Allyson and I had to protect her.”

‘Mean’ is putting what Kyle did so very lightly. I’m worried about Al, not just her emotions and reaction to the fight but her cheek, too. Did Kyle break a bone, hurt her eye, loosen teeth?

Fuck, I have to get to her. Now.

I need to hold her, check her over, and soothe whatever freakout she’s in the midst of. And I have some questions I’m going to need answered because I think it’s time to lay it all out. I’ve been patient. Fuck, have I been patient. But no longer.

Today might’ve made her scurry back into her shell to hide away from me, but if I have to, I’ll follow her into the depths of her mind and drag her kicking and screaming back into the sunshine and into my arms. She deserves that. I want to give that to her.

A bright future for the three of us.

I signal Mike, glad he could make the first game even if it’s all gone to hell in a handbasket. I point back at Kyle. “Help me with him, will ya?”

“Nah, we got him.” He points between himself and Bobby, who’s standing at the ready. Actually, with the snarl of wrinkles at the neck of his shirt, he looks like someone might’ve been holding him back from getting all up in my not-even-a-fair-fight with Kyle.

Bobby’s dark eyes meet mine, filled with emotion. I don’t need his apology. I can see straight into that guy’s mind, and half the time, predict what he’s gonna say.

“Go after Allyson and make sure she’s okay,” he growls. His message is clear—she’s one of us now. He might not get it, he might not trust her fully, and hell if I even know what made her run out of here looking like she’d seen a ghost. But he’s got my back when the shit hits the fan, no matter what.

“Thanks, man.”

And I’m off to get my woman. Because she might be a fleer-slash-fighter, but whatever she is, she’s mine. And I’m hers. And we’re gonna figure this shit out right now. Together.

Chapter 28


One second I’m trying to calm down Kyle Bloomdale, and the next his finger’s in my face and he’s calling me a bitch. It’s not the first time I’ve been called names. Hell, it’s not even the first time that’s happened this month. I’m a mediator, after all, and my job is helping angry people on two sides of an issue come to some sort of resolution. It’s sometimes an ugly process.

But I reflexively flinch. I feel the too-familiar electric jolt as my muscles tense, and it sends a wash of shame through me. I don’t do this anymore. I worked too hard to not be this person ever again. Scared and shrinking is not me. I am bold and bright. I just lost that for a minute when I was with Jeremy.

So why is this happening now? Maybe it’s because I’ve been thinking about the past a bit more the last few days, analyzing the differences between my relationship with Bruce and my marriage with Jeremy and revisiting my slow crumble under Jeremy’s influence.

I know that eventually, I’ll have to tell Bruce more about my marriage and divorce, but I’ve been putting it off, not wanting him to see me as the broken woman I was for too long.

Bruce steps between Kyle and me, and for the briefest of seconds, I feel relieved that he’s going to handle this. The tension amps up, and I step back, needing to get away.

It’s not far enough, though, and I don’t see the punch coming before my face explodes in pain. It’s hot and fiery, bright and deep all at once. I stumble backward, almost falling to my ass, but the teenage referee steadies me with a firm hand on my elbow.

In slow motion, I see Bruce’s face twist in rage as he bares his teeth. His fist lifts, connecting with Kyle’s belly with a thud. Kyle throws wild punches back, barely any landing, and even the ones that do, Bruce doesn’t show any sign of even feeling them. Bruce punches Kyle once more and he goes down.

It’s over in a flash, but my blood is thundering through my body, a roar in my ears blocking out everything and everyone.

No, no, no, no. I can’t do this. He hit me. I have to get out of here.

Cooper! Where’s Cooper?

I hear Bruce calling my name, but I grab Cooper’s hand. “Let’s go, Cooper. Now.” He starts to say something, but when he looks at my face, he quiets and lets me drag him to the car. “Buckle up, honey.”