I don’t even see it coming, but Bobby throws me under the bus like he planned the schedule and route himself. “I guess you could call the Wildcats your latest additions, if you want? Those boys would probably love for you to fuss over them and cheer them on. You know what they need? Zucchini bread with chocolate chips.” He nods like he solved all my problems, even though the asshole knows he just created one.

I cut my eyes to him, killing him a thousand times with the daggers I’m throwing and warning him to sleep with one eye open. One of the benefits of still living at home, in our childhood house, is that I know where all the squeaky boards are and can sneak into his room silent as a ninja to exact my revenge.

Mama Louise claps. “Oh, that would be fun. I won’t bother you for practices, but I can make zucchini bread for snack on Tuesday. And we’ll all be at the games, of course.” She glances around the table to make sure everyone heard her decree, and I see heads bobbing in agreement.

“You don’t have to do that. Any of you. It’s not a big deal. Just Peewee Football.” I shrug, downplaying it. I don’t want them all there to see me fail, to see how soft I am with the boys, to see me not knowing what the hell to do about Allyson.

Bobby scoffs. “You’re not kidding anyone, Brutal. You’re all ‘Mike . . . blah, blah, blah . . . the boys . . . blah, blah, blah . . . Allyson . . . blah, blah, blah . . .’ Oops!” He slaps his hand over his mouth dramatically like he misspoke, but I know damn well he said exactly what he meant to say.

Fuck ninja. I’m going in like a Spartan, straight kick to the chest.

“Who’s Allyson?” Luke asks, and I see Shay’s hand leave the table to rest on his thigh. I strongly suspect she’s silently telling him to shut up and that she’ll explain later. I don’t even know if she knows anything. She was so young when Al was around. But the question is out there and eyes are on me.

“One of the boys’ moms. We went to school together.”

I intend for it to sound casual, but my reluctance is more of an answer than my words. It’s probably moot anyway, because Luke and I are close enough in age that he and I were at Great Falls High together, though we ran in different circles. He would have known about Al. But I just can’t imagine talking about her like this.

Mama Louise is a wise woman indeed because she changes the subject with a knowing look. “How many loaves of zucchini bread do you want? I’m happy to make however much you think they’ll eat.”

I do quick math in my head of how hungry each kid is after practice. “Four or five would be great. Thank you.”

I give her a smile of appreciation and then deadface glare at Bobby, promising death and dismemberment.

Chapter 12


Practice ended ten minutes ago, and I should be halfway home by now, mentally preparing for an evening of spaghetti and frozen meatballs. I know it’s not the best option, but Cooper said the carb loading of just spaghetti was an overindulgence and we needed protein to balance it out. I’d blinked in surprise but finally agreed that adding some meat would be fine.

But that’s not where I am and not what I’m doing at all.

Nope, I’m standing off to the side, trying really hard to not look like a stalker. But I guess that exactly what I am, considering I’m waiting for Bruce to finish talking to Mike.

My eyes roam over the park, finding Cooper, Liam, and Evan happily sharing their homemade zucchini bread with the ducks. Though sharing might be an exaggeration because they’re taking huge mouthfuls for themselves with each bite and tossing tiny pinches of the bread for the birds.

I don’t mean to eavesdrop, but I can’t help but tune in when I see Bruce put his hand on Mike’s shoulder and rumble, “I’m so sorry, man. That shit sucks.”

My ears perk up. I’m not usually gossipy, but I’ve got enough small-town experience to recognize when there’s something to know.

He shakes Bruce’s hand off. “It could be worse. I could be one of the guys they laid off. A shift change isn’t so bad when you look at it like that,” Mike says glumly, like he doesn’t believe his own words.

Mike told us at the first meeting that he’s a machinist in a factory two towns over. I’m not sure what exactly he builds or even what he does, but he seemed to like his work.

“What’s that mean for you and Jamie? And Evan?”