“Did you know?” I ask cautiously. “About Aurick.”

“What about him?”

“That he’s the leader and heir of Demechnef?”

“Of course,” he murmurs, shrugging as if that’s obvious.

I clench my jaw. “And you didn’t think to tell me either?”

“Why would that come up in conversation?”

“Because I was living under his roof!” I twist my neck to get a side-glance of him.

Greystone goes completely still. Arms tightly coiled around my waist.

“You were?”

Wow, Dessinreallykeeps him out of the loop. I sigh, relaxing back against his chest. Taking deep breaths to calm that inflamed need to lash out. But it’s hard. How do I ignore this kind of betrayal? How can we overcome this?

“We’re more alike than I initially thought,” I tell him.

“We’re both insatiably aroused every hour of the day?”

I snort. “No. We’re both left in the dark.”

“Ah,” he exhales, his breath blowing through my hair. “Apparently, I’m reckless and not too skilled with keeping secrets.”

“At least you know the reasons they lie to you.”

He’s so silent, I wonder if he’s fallen asleep.

“I wish Scarlett had someone like you to protect her when she was a child,” I say.

“Your sister.” He nods, relieved that he knows that much.

“Yes. She was—harmed as a little girl. It ended up being too much for her.”

“I see.”

“My point is that… you are far more important than they give you credit for. Your reason for existing probably saved Kane’s life the way I wish it would have saved Scarlett’s.” I turn to my left to face him, still tucked between his legs. “You matter, Greystone.”

His cold, dark eyes widen as his breathing grows heavy. He searches my eyes, seeking truth in my statement. It both breaks and warms my heart to see how grateful he is to be appreciated. I nod twice, paying him a sad smile.

“Please let me kiss you.” He breathes against my mouth, hand running up the length of my neck. And he’s hot under his shirt, feverish to the touch like he’ll burst into flames if he can’t get a taste of my lips.


He dips his head down to capture my mouth. I suddenly realize I’ve never kissed him before. And it’s different. His breath is hot, his lips parting slowly over mine, his tongue slipping into my mouth lazily, like he’s going to take his time exploring me.

I melt against his chest, feeling him grow hard at my backside. The way he moves is like an art, savoring my flavor, flicking his tongue against my own. And my god, he knows what he’s doing. Because that lick, that sweet taste, makes me arch my back against his erection. I press into him, moaning at the way he pries my mouth open with his thumb, sucking on my bottom lip.

“Do you need me tonight, pretty one?” he rasps against my lips.

“Yes.” I really do. It’s taking the edge off my burning anger, sitting like a tumor in my belly. I want to forget what Dessin has done. I want to pretend like none of this has happened. Just for tonight.

“Yes, what?”

“Please. Yes, please!” I roll my hips against him, letting him feel the softness of my ass.