“Not in the slightest,” Dessin says.
“I trusted you!” Aurick roars, slamming his fists into the cherrywood walls. “My closest friend!”
“It’s sick, isn’t it?” I speak up, stepping around Warrose. “To trust someone that is living a double life.” And I hope my words stick him in the ribs, crack through bone, and crush his heart the way he has crushed mine.
Aurick stills, glancing over to me with sweat dripping down his temple.
“When you wrap this up, I’ll be back to discuss strategy on how to find the Vexamen Breed. We’ll see ourselves to our rooms.” Dessin nods for us to leave from the door we came in. And as we pass his panting body sliding down a wall in defeat, I exchange a look with Aurick. One that tells him I won’t forget this.
I won’t forgive.
2. A Grey Distraction
There are only three rooms we can share, side by side. It’s important to Dessin that we’re not split up.
Niles sees how extravagant the interior is, lush carpet, dark cherrywood walls, glistening chandeliers and large feather beds. He whistles and hollers. “We should have turned ourselves in sooner!”
But then realizes he has to bunk with Chekiss. And his good mood quickly dissipates.
I try to tug Ruth into our room, because I can’t look at Dessin right now, and I’m not letting her sleep in a room with a strange man.
“Hey,” Dessin barks. “No. You’re with me. I’m not letting you out of my sight.”
“Too bad,” I tell him.
Warrose stands off to the side like he’d rather be riding into battle than watching us bicker.
“It’s okay. I can room with Warman.” Ruth squeezes my hand assuringly.
“Warrose,” he corrects, voice like crunching leaves and thunderstorms.
I look back and forth between them. My gut instinct is to trust Warrose. It’s something about him, the calming presence, the protective energy he exerts. But if I’m being honest, this is more about my unwillingness to be alone with Dessin. I refuse to let him sweet-talk me into accepting his betrayal.
“No. Hell no.” I look into Dessin’s eyes and it’s nearly painful. My eyes water involuntarily as if I’m looking directly into the sun.
“We’re in the barracks with hundreds of untrustworthy men who might come looking for the women that just arrived. I can’t have you two staying in a room together. Unprotected.”
His tone is stern, yet pleading. His reasoning is sound. I don’t want to put Ruth in any danger just because of my personal feelings toward Dessin.
I nod to Ruth. “Okay, but if you’re uncomfortable at all, please come get me.”
She gives me a gentle hug, kissing me on the cheek.
We depart into our rooms. I head straight for the foot of the bed, removing my shoes, avoiding looking in his direction.
“I want to talk about it,” Dessin says, clicking the door shut. So now you want to talk about Aurick Demechnef?
Something inside me breathes fire. The sick taste of betrayal coats the back of my throat. I might be sick. I want to throw my shoe at his head.How could he keep this from me?
He’s kept his secrets. I’ve forced myself to accept that about him. Accept that he knows best. Accept that he has a plan for us. Accept that I’m a stupid, stupid woman who isn’t worthy of knowing the depths of his mind.This is Aurick Demechnef.My fists clench the velvet duvet on the bed.He’ll hurt you. The way Jack hurt you.Anger vibrates the muscles in my stomach, my back, my thighs. I’m sweltering with this pain that is slowly gnawing at my heart, pushing the tip of a knife slowly into my arteries.How could he do this to me?
“Fuck. You.” I can hardly breathe. Tears of disgust are begging to be released from the stinging pressure behind my eyes.
“I know you don’t understand—”
“Because I’m a stupid little girl, right? Did you laugh to yourself when you found out I had willingly gone into the lion’s den? Did you shake your head at my naivety when I obeyed his house rules like a pet?” A rainstorm of fire sears through my soul.