And it’s too unexpected for anyone to stop me, to block my advance. I’m a hissing, shrieking, unhinged banshee of a woman.

And my knife goes straight into his jugular.

The skin makes a wet ripping sound, followed by a crimson gush of hot, steaming blood. Tears spring from my eyes like a fountain, drenching my cheeks, chin, and neck. And I don’t stop, not for a second to assess the damage. All I can see is DaiSzek strung up like a puppet, skinned alive, beaten, tortured, whimpering like a puppy as people laugh. I see red. Images of seeing Aurick, of Dessin’s face as I put the pieces together. It all erupts out of me like my body has been aching to set it free.

To unleash my villain.

Become my monster.

The knife is plunged into his neck several more times before someone pulls me off of the man. A pair of iron arms wrap around my waist, hauling me to the floor.

Through my tears, I expect to see Dessin. But Warrose pins me under his weight, staring down at me with bloodshot hazel eyes, disturbed, shocked, jaw-dropping panic. His big hands cut off the circulation of my arms, and even though his dark hair hangs around us, I see the smeared blood over his neck and chest from where he grabbed me.

My hand unclenches from around the knife.

A breeze in the room wafts over me as people rush to Dex’s side. There’s blood all over me. I can feel it sprinkled over my face, on my hair, in my mouth.

Holy shit.

“Get him to the infirmary, now!” Aurick barks at the group of men.

Warrose shifts over me, and I become aware that I’m shaking violently, like a catastrophic earthquake, like a bomb that ripped through the world’s core.

“Stay down,” he says quietly.

I couldn’t move even if I wanted to. The adrenaline is passing, leaving me in a state of paralyzation. I’m numb, hollow, and worst of all… I’m not remorseful.

It takes me a moment to realize I don’t hear Dessin. I would have thought he would be the one to pull me off of the man. My eyes dart around without moving my head. Men carry Dex on their shoulders, rushing him to get medical attention, but when I look to my left, Dessin stands over me, lips parted, eyes unblinking like a stunned warrior angel.

7. Hangman’s Valley

Ruth and Niles walk me steadily to my room.

They don’t ask me why I did it, don’t look at me in disgust as someone else’s blood drizzles down my chest. They keep their eyes forward, guiding me into the washroom as Chekiss closes the door behind us.

“Arms up,” Ruth says calmly. I do as she says, slowly, awkwardly. Niles and Chekiss turn away as she undresses me.

The faucet turns on, and Ruth tries to get me to move, to lift my leg and step in the tub. But I don’t know what happened. I’m trying to process how I got from point A to point B, but everything moved so fast.Imoved so fast. My blood rushed to my head, my hands began swinging, and before I knew it, I was stabbing someone.

“I’ve got her,” Niles tells Ruth, scooping my naked body up in his arms and placing me in the bathtub. I’m shivering, crossing my arms over my chest as Ruth pours water over my head, using a yellow sponge to lather in soap.

Niles and Chekiss face the door but don’t leave the room.

“What’s going to happen to me?” The words definitely come from my mouth, but I don’t recognize my voice. It’s like a ghost.

Ruth dumps a pitcher of water over my head before she starts scrubbing. I close my eyes.

“Nothing, child. It wasn’t your fault,” Chekiss says somberly.

“Did I kill him?”

Ruth cleans my face. “I’m sure he’s fine.”

But as I open my eyes, I watch the tub fill with pink water. Runny blood streaming down my breasts. I shake my head. “I think I killed him.”

“The bastard deserved it.” Niles crosses his arms, and Chekiss shoots him a disapproving look.

My body is numb even though I’m surrounded by warm water. I wiggle my toes, clench my hands into fists, and try to remember how it all happened. What exactly made me snap?