“Tell me again.” He slams his hips into me.

I melt a little, knowing exactly what he wants to hear.

“I love you, Kane.” I kiss him deeply. “I am so in love with you.”

His eyes hood like he’s about to pass out, then he stabs me with his cock once more, ending at the hilt and roaring against my lips.

“I love you, honey.”


The sound of DaiSzek walking the perimeter of the meadow wakes me.

It takes me less time to adjust than it does any other alter. I’m, in a way, the bearer of most memories. I can judge who would best be able to hold certain levels of trauma. That’s just the way it is with our system.

I roll to my side, noticing that Skylenna is facing away from me, sleeping deeply. Her eyelids flutter with the dream she’s in. Her soft cheeks are pink, her long hair tangled, and even in sleep, she clings to my arm draped around her waist.

The sight makes my stomach do a somersault. She sucks me in like a vortex, her glowing presence splitting apart the dark clouds of my mind and soul.

I let out a breath, running the backs of my fingers over her cheekbone.What have you been through while I’ve been away, baby?It’s difficult for me to think about. But looking down at her, I see the exhaustion creating shadows under her eyes. She’s been through hell alone. I wish I could take that pain from her, erase those bad memories. Because, if I’m being truthful, I would destroy this world if I lost her. And if I had to watch her die in my arms?

I’d become the devil himself.

Skylenna mewls in her sleep, shifting her ass to push lightly against my—fuck.

I want to touch her. Do things to her that would wake her up in disorienting surprise. I want to watch her eyes roll back into her head. Want to make her needy for me. We spoke about this opportunity before she fell asleep. I couldn’t help myself; I had to ask permission to wake her from sleep if the urgency to bury myself inside her overtook me. She laughed and said yes, of course. And in return, I gave her my consent to wake me with her mouth. Any hour of the night.

My teeth grind together as I try to rein it in. But her round ass is pressed against my groin. I look down and instantly imagine that she is bare and offering herself for me to slide in. My cock stands freely at the visual.

I curse under my breath.

There’s so much we need to talk about. I’ve been meaning to ask if the pile of ash that was once the Emerald Lake Asylum is her doing. I want to hear about what she went through while I was in a dark, looming limbo. Healing in that casket. I need to learn about her mind, how it works, how she handled it. And I want her to ask any questions she has left because finally, we get to answer freely. We get to speak our truth.

Keeping her in the dark was agonizing for all of us. And we will never do it again. Not to mention, I’ll have to actually die before she constructs another genius plan that involves me rotting in a box and her losing her mind, possibly going on a wild killing spree.

Although, the thought of this delicious, long-legged, golden-haired goddess slaying the staff, the council members, the conformists like a madwoman makes my cock press painfully against its restraints.

Okay, fine, questions will come after I put my hands on her. I won’t fuck her yet. No, she deserves to be heard, have answers.Talk.

I reach my hand over her throat, and without realizing what I’m doing, my hand closes. I wonder if it would make her little cunt wet to feel me put pressure here. Choke her a little. My cock grows against her ass, and I adjust myself so I don’t completely lose it.

My hand drags down to her breasts, heavy and so fucking soft as I slip my fingers under her nightdress. I use two fingers to tug on a nipple, fighting the need to groan in her ear at how easily they perk up for me.

Skylenna shifts and sighs sleepily, happily.

My heart thuds inside my chest.

My girl had to watch me die. I remember looking up at her as the blood started to spill into my lungs like a dam bursting, and she was so painfully in denial, so sure I was indestructible, so confident I could stitch myself up and walk away from the sickle that went through my chest.

And all I want to do now is make up for that. Heal the wounds that must have permanently scarred her sweet, gentle heart. I want to love her so deeply, so madly, that she forgets that day entirely. I want to chase away her hell and deliver her to heaven.

My index finger teases her clit through her panties, rubbing gently. The motion drives me up the wall, and I have to slip a finger in if only for a second, just halfway. I’m breathing erratically, like I’ve been sprinting uphill. Not even fighting in a battle could make me this amped up. Only her. Only my girl.

I wedge into her opening to discover my fondling has gotten her wet, even though she’s still fast asleep—she’ssoaking. The beast inside me presses my hips forward into her ass until I’m shaking with primal need. I pull that finger out to taste her. That’s all I need. To have one small taste of her arousal on my tongue, that’s it. That’ll keep me at bay until she wakes up and we talk. I suck the slickness off my finger and lose my fucking mind. That sweetness of her pussy could make a man do anything to be in her bed. To hear her moan. To be the one that fucks her senseless.

That’s it.

We’ll talk after.