Ah, we need to take her to the Stormsage Keep. That’ll teach her.

Warrose scoffs, a low raspy sound. “That’s horse shit.”

“Pardon me?”

“Horse.Shit.” He emphasizes each word as if he’s trying to speak to an alien species. “A woman can do anything a man can do. More, actually.”

Ruth straightens her back, avoiding his deadly gaze.

“I’m not going any farther. I’ll meet you all back at our rooms.” She crosses her glistening arms, firm on not leaving her position in the dirt.

Warrose is still for three seconds, watching her like a vulture, jaw rolling at the sight of her dainty stubbornness.

“Ruth…” I warn.

“I wasn’t aware I was in the presence of aqueen.” The words leave his mouth like venom spewing from the fangs of a snake.

“I’m not interested in—oh, hey! What are you doing?!” Ruth squeals as he tosses her petite body over his shoulder. “You’re all sweaty!” She swats at his back.

Niles and I exchange a look with raised eyebrows, then burst out laughing.

“Let’s go, we have half a mile left,” Warrose orders as he begins to run.

“Wowwww!” Niles chokes, attempting a slow clap. “I’m practically recharging with testosterone just being in his presence!”

He’s running with a one hundred and fifteen-pound woman slung over his shoulder like a rag doll. And Niles and I are gaping, unable to move, unable to rip our eyes away from Ruth’s screaming, bobbing head.

“Now!” Warrose barks.

Niles gives me a playful shove as we jog to catch up.

“So, you unknowingly were living in the lair of Demechnef’s secret leader.”

“I really,reallydon’t want to talk about that.” The sting is still fresh. The running helps, but every time Dessin or Aurick pop into my head, I want to scream.

“I never liked him,” he huffs.

“You never met him.”

“I have a sense about people.”

I laugh through my heavy breaths. “Are we back to Cupid?”

“He’s probably not that bad of a guy. He lost his betrothed. Losing your soul mate to the grim reaper can do horrible things to someone’s mind.”

I remember the brief moments he spoke about Red. How his father hurt her. How she told him everything. Maybe Niles has a good point.

We stop in front of a canal, rich turquoise water with the gentle sounds of a babbling brook. Warrose turns to us. “We’ll swim across, and then we’re done for the day.”

No. Nope.

“I’ll sooner drown,” Niles says what I’m thinking.

“No, you won’t.”

Ruth wiggles until he sets her down. “I’ll swim,” she agrees, not wanting to be thrown over his shoulder again.

I sigh. “Fine. But there better be a lot of food to eat when we get back.”