“Skylenna had wild aquatic sex last night,” Niles comments.

“Niles!” I scold. “We were just talking!”

“In the bathtub. The walls are paper thin.”

“Did you really? I thought you were pissed at him.” Ruth sits up straighter, twisting her neck to look at me.

“I’m pissed at Dessin and Kane.”And we didn’t do anything.

They’re silent for a long moment before it clicks.

“Jesus Christ! You’re kidding me. You get to have sex with different people in the same body?” Niles lets out a low whistle. “You have to give us every detail. Do they have different styles? Like different positions? Don’t leave anything out!”

“Maybe another time,” Dessin’s brooding, deep voice booms behind us.

I don’t have to look back to know they’re both standing behind us. My eyes squeeze close in embarrassment.

Niles nods to himself. “I just forgot… I have to go drown myself in this river now.”

Ruth swats at his arm, snickering at his quick wit.

“Am I interrupting, my queen?” Warrose kneels down behind Ruth, so close I’m sure she can feel his breath on the back of her neck. His raspy voice is calm, but that edgy masculine face and those piercing hazel eyes hold back a wicked temper.

“Yes, actually, you are.” She turns to give him an annoyed sidelong glance. “Run along, Warman; I’ll catch up with you later.”

I bite my lip. How did I not know Ruth was this brave?

“Get your entitled ass up before I throw you over my shoulder again.”

“Bite me, chicken coward.” She hops from her seated position into the river, holding on to a rock to keep from floating downstream.

I gasp. “Ruth!”

“Oh hell no,” Warrose snarls. “Get out!”

Niles and I look at each other with slow grins spreading over our faces. We jump in next to Ruth. The ice-cold water splintering up my spine, waking up my nervous system. I dip my head back, wetting my hair with a beaming grin.

We hold on to boulders to keep from drifting away, looking up at Dessin and Warrose, who wear mirrored expressions of shock and displeasure.

“I won’t ask again, your highness.” Warrose stretches his arm out to Ruth, gritting his teeth.

“Give her a break,” Niles barks. “None of us are accustomed to this type of physical activity.”

But Ruth sighs, shaking her head. “Fine. You’re so dramatic.” She reaches up to Warrose’s hand, gripping it with water dripping from their linked arms. She lets him pull her up three inches, then bucks her hips, using her feet against the edge to yank him downward.

Warrose goes flying. A meteor crashing into the body of water.

Ruth tips her head back in laughter as Warrose bobs to the surface, throwing his hair back out of his face, spraying water over us.

He tries to look angry, furrows his brow, flexes his jaw. But then he looks at Ruth, wheezing from her amusement of his fall, and smiles. “Goddammit.”

“Sorry, but you needed a bath!” Ruth snickers.

“Pain. In. My. Ass.” Warrose shakes his head, still unable to wipe the smile from his face.

After a moment, we look back to Dessin, standing in the same spot with his arms crossed. I notice the painful shadows under his eyes, how unbearably tired he looks, the lack of color in his cheeks.

Despite the fact that I still haven’t forgiven him or let go of the fury still crippling my thoughts… he needs to live. Needs to forget about his responsibilities for a moment.