Page 5 of Stolen Love

“You could have called or texted,” Luca points out. “Just because you have a new friend here doesn’t mean I need you coming over unannounced.”

“Um… hi. Since when do I need to call before I come over? Stop acting like I’m a stranger, for God’s sake.” It seems like nothing bothers her. Maybe that has to do with all of the strong male energy she’s been raised around. You can’t grow up weak or afraid to speak up for yourself in an atmosphere like this. You need to fight to be heard. That much we have in common, even if the reason behind it is slightly different.

Luca’s broad shoulders fill the doorway once he reappears, looking down at me with a regretful smirk. “I guess you heard that,” he murmurs.

How could I not? “You mean the conversation that took place twenty feet away? Yes, I heard it,” I whisper, but apparently. I’m not quiet enough.

“I’m sorry!” Guilia calls out from the living room. “I can make coffee or something while you get ready.”

Luca turns around to face her, blocking her view so I can quickly grab his discarded T-shirt lying at the foot of the bed. She does not miss a trick. All it takes is one look at what has to be my epic sex hair and her brother’s almost constipated expression for her to slap a palm to her forehead. “Geez. I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking. You guys are probably, like, pawing at each other all the time.”

“Jesus Christ,” Luca groans out, closing his eyes. “I am not in the mood for this conversation now or ever. I’m going to get in the shower and pretend this never happened.”

“I’ll go back to the house,” Guilia whispers, wide-eyed. “Really, I’m sorry if I interrupted anything.”

“You didn’t,” I reply with a grin. “Give me, like, twenty minutes. I’ll shower quickly and meet you up at the house.”

“But Luca just said he was—” Her olive complexion goes dark red before she waves her hands around and shakes her head. “Nope. Not going to think about that. I’m going to leave and crawl into a hole where I never have to imagine my brother showering with anybody.” She’s still muttering to herself as she leaves, and I somehow manage to wait until she’s gone, then burst out laughing.

I’ve never had siblings, so watching the dynamic play out between Luca and his sister is sort of cute too. And it’s shockingly easy for her to make the hardened criminal blush.

Somehow, we manage to keep our shower quick and to the point rather than getting sidetracked. Considering I’m still a little sore from last night, that’s probably for the best. It feels like there’s never enough time to get to know each other, to explore each other’s bodies, what makes us feel good, and how we best fit together.

We’re getting dressed when Luca grumbles, “I hope like hell she didn’t give everybody a report when she went back up to the house.”

The thought of Rocco Santoro knowing what we do in our alone time sets my teeth on edge. I fight back my disgust for Luca’s sake, maintaining a playful grin as I pull on a pair of jeans like the ones Guilia was wearing. “We’re all adults, right?” I tease, though I don’t feel nearly as lighthearted as I pretend.

He turns his back, shaking his head as he looks through his closet. “This is different.”

My heart sinks when I hear the flat tone of his voice. “Because of who I am?” I whisper. “Or was, since I resigned?”

Right away, he forgets the black sweater he was about to wear in favor of taking me by the shoulders and looking me in the eye. “That is not what I meant. I need you to know I’m never going to let their feelings about who you are and what you used to do change anything about us. Do you understand?”

I’m almost too overwhelmed by his intensity to speak. I settle for nodding, wide-eyed.

“You’re not in any danger,” he adds with a frown, his fingers pressing against my shoulders tighter than ever. “You’re safe. You’re mine, which means you fall under the family’s protection.”

My heart swells with love, but a healthy dose of confusion is mixed in. “Then I don’t understand. What’s the problem? It’s awkward, sure, but?—”

He releases a sigh, cutting me off. “You’re the first.”

I know that can’t mean what it sounds like. “First, what?” I ask, needing clarification.

His jaw clenches like he’s in pain as he forces it out. “The first relationship.”

I blurt out the first word that comes to mind. “Seriously?”

He narrows his eyes. “You have a problem with that?” he asks with a growl.

“Of course not. I just figured you would’ve found somebody before me.” I run my hands over his bare chest, then take his face between my palms. “Look at you. You’re gorgeous. You mean there weren’t women cutting each other’s throats to get close to you?”

“That should tell you how special you are.” He touches his lips to the tip of my nose, then pulls back, sighing. “Now that I’ve spilled my guts this morning after facing my kid sister’s invasion, this topic is officially closed. You’re won’t get me to sit around and share my thoughts. This isn’t a therapy session.”

His first relationship. It’s not like I’ve had dozens of them myself, but I’ve had boyfriends in the past. I understand the need to guard himself and his family against random outsiders, but it strikes me as a little sad he’s never felt like he can open up to anybody.

“Now try to have fun today,” he urges a few minutes later, as we’re about to part ways upon entering the main house. He’s heading toward his father’s study while I wait for Guilia downstairs in the hall.

“We’re going shopping. How could I not have fun?”