She patted her pocket just to make sure it was still empty. It was, thank the sands.

“Does that matter?” she whispered, frowning at Rency. “As a royal, he is within his rights to request transport.”

Although…perhaps transportation was something she could use to her advantage in the negotiations?

“Request, yes. Demand, no,” Rency said into her ear. “If I were you, I’d be leery of him. Felix isn’t to be trusted.”

He needn’t have worried, because she had no intentions of trusting the Destan prince after he’d teamed up with Cassandra behind her back, but she wondered if Rency knew anything she didn’t. What had he really wanted to talk to her about last night?

“I’ll not be dismissed!” Felix stabbed his pointer finger toward the ground, trying to make some sort of point. “My concerns will not be dismissed!”

Cassandra patted his arm. “Felix, my boy, no one is trying to dismiss your concerns.”

Unfortunately, even Cassandra’s charms could only go so far.

“No, no!” Felix slashed his palm through the air. “Not only am I down a ship and a third of my crew, but I’ve been robbed, as well!”

“Robbed?” Rency asked with sudden curiosity.

Reva could have sworn she caught a gleam of humor in his eye. Or was it only interest in the unfolding drama? What had he pilfered from Felix?

“Yes, robbed!”

Her missing earrings suddenly floated to the forefront of her thoughts. “What’s been stolen?” Reva tried to ask.

However, as before, her question was superseded by the prince’s loud declaration: “I think we all know who’s responsible!”

Is this what a marriage to him would be like? Him always talking over me? His voice lifted over mine? Suppressing mine?

Reva scarcely had time to acknowledge the thought, to tuck it away as a real concern, before Prince Felix was pointing at her. She frowned, her head rearing back in affront. Then she realized he was pointing at someone behind her.

Jareth moved to stand beside her, crossing his arms over his chest. The tiniest pink tentacle draped itself over the edge of one of his pockets.

Not the pocket he’d dropped Calix into either.

So Jareth definitely had more than one of his little friends on him.

“You think the sea elves robbed you?” Reva asked with practiced calm. “Really, Felix, what did you bring on this trip that was so important it was worth stealing?”

“I’m merely stating the obvious—that a great many strange occurrences have happened since this…person…arrived.”

Although he said person, Felix’s tone implied Jareth was something far less than that. Indignation on Jareth’s behalf ignited inside Reva, simmering beneath the placid expression she pasted on her face.

“On my life, I have stolen nothing from you” Jareth said, voice stilted. “I’m innocent of these charges.”

“Oh, you’re innocent. How lovely for me.” Felix snorted. “My signet ring is still gone.”

“Not by my hand,” Jareth said in a low, tight voice, but he shifted his stance and swept a hand down his side.

The kraken arm disappeared in a flash.

Felix narrowed his gaze and then jabbed a finger toward Rency. “Him, then! He took it!”

“Oy, that’s jolly unfair!” Rency lifted both hands defensively. “I’m not a petty criminal.”

Isla choked and coughed violently.

Reva lifted her mug and finally allowed herself a sip. The hot, bitter liquid filled her mouth and warmed her from the inside out as it slid down her throat. Taking a deep breath, she cleared her throat. “We can continue to accuse one another with no proof to support our accusations,” she said, pausing to take another sip of coffee, “or we can eat breakfast and continue with our negotiations. I cannot speak for the rest of you, but I’m hungry.”