Page 93 of Runemaster

“We came ever so far!”

“And we are so hungry!”

“I think we’re starving!”

Nyx shook with laughter and turned to Jael, who offed an apologetic smile. “I’m afraid I offered them your best and biggest cookies, Mother. It’s good to see you.”

Her merry smile softened, the delicate wrinkles around her eyes deepening. “I’m delighted to have you home, Jael.”

“And you’ve brought so many friends with you.” His father remained seated in his chair, and Jael couldn’t blame him. He probably had no wish to be mobbed in front of the court.

“No Kora?” His mother’s voice grew a little strained.

Jael winced at the same time Anrid tightened her grip. He hugged her arm a little tighter to his side. “I’m afraid not, Mother. I will update you and Father shortly.” Not here. His eyes whispered.

Nyx dipped her head as if she understood. “Well, I hear you’re expecting cookies. Perhaps we should attend to this important matter right away.”

Cheers erupted from the children as they bounced up and down on their toes. More laughter rippled through the court. Nyx clapped her hands and shooed them to the left of the dais, toward a side entrance. They took off with thundering footsteps while she strode to keep up behind them.

Anrid pulled away from him to follow. Jael splayed his hand over hers to halt her. She tipped her face toward him, a confused frown playing about her lips. His tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth. He didn’t want to let her out of his sight, but how could he tell her that here in front of everyone? So he released her, his fingers sliding over the back of her hand before he let her pull away.

Perhaps it was for the best.

He needed to speak with the king in private.

Two hours later, Jael left his father’s private study to search for Anrid and the children. King Ereb and Prince Eris had taken the news as well as could be expected, considering the gravity of Kora’s betrayal. As much as it pained Jael to admit, he approved of his father’s choice of punishment. What Kora had done…it put them all in a bad place. A very bad place.

There had to be consequences.

He pushed the unpleasant thoughts from his mind, eager to see Anrid’s smiling face, eager to be surrounded by excited children clamoring for his attention. The king had a plan for them—and Anrid—as well, and Jael desperately hoped they would all approve. He couldn’t wait to tell Anrid the fruits of his conversation with the king.

She had been a large part of their conversation.

They weren’t in the kitchen, but one of the scullery maids sent him to the gardens. When he left the cool shade of the castle and stepped into the balmy, floral arena of the gardens, shouts of laughter greeted him. He hurried between rows of gently stirring trees and meticulously maintained flower beds. When he emerged in the central courtyard, he discovered the children frolicking in the huge stone fountain he used to play in as a child. Anrid and his mother sat nearby on a stone bench.

“Gorge, leave your pants on!” Anrid shouted over the splashing and squealing.

Jael suppressed a grin and strode toward them.

Nyx met his gaze and rose to greet him. Now that the official items were out of the way, he knew she would greet him as mother and not queen. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed a warm kiss to his cheek. In return, he held her tight to his chest and thanked the stones she was safe. He’d missed her. It was easy to forget about family when he was neck deep in rune business, but whenever he came home…he realized how big a hole his family left in his heart.

“I’ve missed you,” she said as she pulled back, her hands over his shoulders and arms. “You seem mostly whole. Although those bruises tell a story.”

He grinned at her. “Oh, yes, a swashbuckling tale you’re sure to enjoy.”

“I’ll insist on a proper retelling later on.” She smirked back at him, a glint of anticipation in her eyes. “I’ve been talking to your friend.” The queen turned to include Anrid in their conversation. Anrid jolted to her feet, as if summoned, and joined them with her hands folded in front of her. Nyx reached out to thread her arm through Anrid’s. “I like her.”

Anrid’s cheeks flushed scarlet.

“I do too.” Jael spoke the words before he thought better of it. Was it his imagination, or did her cheeks darken even further? Was that a good sign?

Nyx glanced between them, a smile playing about her lips. She was thinking and scheming, he guessed, but he didn’t want to know what she up to. Nyx possessed a love for romantic tales and swoony intrigues. He could only imagine what she thought of the pretty human girl who had swept into her son’s life with her entourage of goblinborn orphans.

He cleared his throat and wondered how to best broach the subject at hand. “I’ve been discussing things in detail with father. There is a matter of great importance I need to speak with Anrid about. About her future and the future of the children.”

Nyx’s smile widened. “Ah, yes, of course. I shall keep an eye on the children, shall I? It looks like the maids may need help. That little fellow seems to have lost his trousers.”

Anrid choked and pressed a fist to her mouth as Gorge streaked by in naught but his birthday suit, his sodden trousers tied about his neck like a scarf. A small goblin maid with sleeves rolled above her elbows tore after him, bellowing for him to cease and desist with impressive lung power for so thin a girl.