He inhaled a deep breath as his hands gripped her hips, his face tilting up to look into her gaze as she straddled his hips then got his jeans loose. She pushed his boxers down, then slowly lowered herself onto his considerable length, always pausing to get over the head because it didn’t matter how many times she rode that cock, he was always a little too big for her.

“Oh my fucking god…”

She sank down to his balls and moaned. “Derek…” She bit her bottom lip as she wrapped her arms around his neck, so pleased with his size that she didn’t want to get action from anyone else. This man had ruined her for all other men.

His hands gripped her ass the way she liked, and he guided her up and down, slowly, from top to bottom, her pussy cream slathering his dick. “Emerson…”


The office door opened.

“Ah!” I jerked up from my seated position, making my laptop slide off my thighs and fall to the floor. I quickly grabbed it and slammed it shut so he wouldn’t see what I’d just read. I pulled it to my chest and sat back on the couch, breathing hard because I had been so absorbed in his words that I’d tuned out the rest of the world. My cheeks must be red because I’d never been so flustered in my life. The image of the two of us on this very couch was still fresh in my mind, like he’d been inside and quickly pulled out.

Derek stood there, looking down at me with his eyebrow furrowed. “Everything alright?”

“Yeah…you just startled me.” I couldn’t look him in the eye. I swallowed the lump in my throat, cleared it, and then opened my laptop again so I could pretend that nothing happened, because I could feel how hot my cheeks were, pictured just how beet red they must look.

“Are you sure? Because you’re acting like a teenage boy who just got caught watching porn.” He gave a slight smile before he walked to his desk to retrieve whatever he’d come in for.

Jesus, he hit the nail right on the head. “Ha.”

He grabbed what he needed then walked out again.

I quickly minimized his document so I wouldn’t look at it again. But then I reopened it, scrolling immediately to the bottom, and there were dozens of pages before that…so he had written other entries too. Were they all about me?

He must have forgotten that I’d set up his computer to share all his documents with me. He thought it was safe and private, and he had no idea the information was being shared with my computer as he wrote it.


I closed my laptop and stowed it in my bag before I let the office. “Derek, I’ve got to go. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

He was standing at the table staring down at his work when he heard me. He lifted his gaze and studied me for a second, the guys working behind him, oblivious to our conversation. He straightened then walked over to me.

I just wanted to leave. I didn’t want to look him in the eye. I didn’t want to have a conversation. I wanted to bolt.

He studied my face again. “Everything alright?”

“I just have to meet someone at your penthouse. I’m having something delivered today. Since it’s so late in the afternoon, I’m going to call it a day afterward.” I cleared my throat because it was clogged with unspoken words and emotions.

He stared at me like he didn’t believe me. “Are you sure? Because you look…uncomfortable.”

Uncomfortable was the perfect fucking word. “I’m not feeling too well either. Something I ate…” I turned away. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Derek.”

“Are you sure you’re alright?” he called after me.

“Totally fine.” I gave him a thumbs-up without turning around, making it through the door and to the fresh air outside. The door shut behind me, and I stared at the golf carts. “Man…get me the hell out of here.”

Don’t read it, Emerson.

It’s none of your business.

You shouldn’t have opened it in the first place.

I was in his penthouse while Diane cleaned. I sat at the dining table, my laptop open, with the intention of editing more of his pages. Diane was somewhere else in the penthouse because I couldn’t even hear the vacuum anymore.

Girl, no.

A night of sleep hadn’t calmed me down. I felt like I’d literally walked in on the two of us having sex…even though it wasn’t real. But the way he described it, it felt so real. I could actually feel my palms touch his chest and feel just how hard those muscles were. I could picture that entire scenario happening in his office.

I hadn’t stopped thinking about it.

I wanted to forget it ever happened…but I couldn’t.

And I wanted to read more.

Did he normally write stories about the women he was attracted to? Or was I the only one?