I tried to keep my reaction steady, but I couldn’t. “Jesus…”

He clenched his jaw slightly and shook his head, too mad to speak.

“She acts like she’s in high school.”

“We do have a big age difference. It’s usually not a problem because they’re short-term flings, but this was different. Lesson learned.”

“How old is she?” She looked young, but it was impossible to tell these days.


“And you are?” I wasn’t sure if he was in his late twenties or early thirties. He definitely looked youthful, but his intense presence made it seem like he was more mature than someone in their twenties.


“Ooh…” That was a big difference, especially in the mind-set of someone like Fleur. Based on what he said, that seemed to be what Derek was into, younger women who were probably all models. It was superficial and shallow, but since he was only looking for physical intimacy, it made sense.

“You think I’m a dog, don’t you?” He turned back to me.

“No. I really don’t.”

He gave me a slightly skeptical look.

“You’re a single man who can do whatever he wants. I don’t see what there is to judge. But I definitely don’t think you should be with a woman who would cross the line like that and go into your phone. That’s so disrespectful that it makes me a little sick.”

“Now you understand why I’m paranoid.”

“Well, not all women are like that. I prefer to think most aren’t. But you should definitely lock your phone for the future.”

“It’s such a pain because I need it all day at work, but yeah, I put it on.”

He should keep things private, but he shouldn’t have to worry about that with the woman he was sleeping with. It was so wrong.

“What about you?”

“I don’t have flings with twenty-year-olds.”

He smiled again, the look reaching his eyes. He was so handsome when he was serious, his intensity making him magnetic, but that playful smile was sexy in a whole new way. “Married? Boyfriend?”

“No and no.”

His smile faded, and he looked a little surprised again.

“I know, I’m a little old to still be single.” I was a couple years younger than him, but my mom was irritated I wasn’t married by now.

“That’s not what I thought.”

“Then why were you surprised?”

He shrugged before he looked at his beer. “Pretty girls aren’t single very long…”

Warmth flooded my cheeks at his compliment, because I didn’t think a man so unbelievably sexy would find me remotely attractive. “Well, I’ve got some baggage.”

He turned his gaze on me and studied my reaction for a few seconds. “I apologize if that made you uncomfortable. I probably shouldn’t have said that since I’m your boss. I didn’t mean anything by it—”

“You’re fine.” I smiled and placed my hand on his. “You didn’t make me uncomfortable at all. I was just…flattered.” My hands felt his warm skin, his masculine knuckles, and when the touch lingered too long and my actions were more inappropriate than his, I pulled away and grabbed my wineglass. “I should get going…it’s getting late.” I finished the rest of my wine then carried the empty glass to the sink.

Derek walked me to the door. “Again, I’m sorry about my behavior from this afternoon—”

I gave him a smile before I walked out. “I’m not one to hold grudges, so forget about it.”



I’d just walked in the door when my mom called.

I wanted to shower and change, but it was impossible for me not to take her calls. It was this inexplicable obligation to answer anytime she reached out to me, regardless of how busy I was, because she was my mom.

I was a fucking momma’s boy.

But I would do the same with my dad, so…maybe not.

“Hey, Mom.” I set my bag on the table before heading into my bedroom.

“Just wanted to check on you, see if you’re doing okay.” She had a somber attitude, not herself at all.

I stilled at her tone. “I’m fine. Are you okay?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Well, why wouldn’t I be?” I kicked off my shoes and sat at the edge of the bed.

“I just thought after everything that happened with Emerson yesterday…”

I closed my eyes, guilt washing over me. The last person I wanted to know about my indiscretion was my parents, because their opinion meant the world to me. “Wasn’t my finest hour. But I apologized, and she and I are fine now.” Emerson accepted my apology with grace and really forgave me, unlike most people. She picked herself back up, brushed off the dirt, and moved forward. It made me respect her more, for not dwelling on the past…like I did.


“Yeah. I apologized and meant it.”

“So, she’s still working for you?”


“Oh, that’s great.”

Emerson must have been really upset to make my mother believe otherwise. I didn’t ask for the details of their conversation because it wasn’t my place to know.