“Derek…you know I’ll do anything for you, but my rotation is completely full—”

“Please, Dad.”

His father was quiet for a long time. “Alright.”

“Thank you.” Derek released the breath he was holding, like his own mother’s life was on the line. “And they need financial assistance through the charity program—”

“Don’t worry about that. There’s always enough money to go around. I’m starting patient care in two days. I need her chart as quickly as possible. As in, tonight. You can do that?”


“Alright. Consider it done.”

Derek rested his head against the window, the relief rushing over him.

“That’s nice of you to do this for your student, Derek. You must really care about your class.”

Derek was quiet.

“I’m really proud of you.”

Derek closed his eyes, like that meant the world to him but he didn’t know how to say it.

“Reminds me of how you used to be. And now I know that boy is still in there…”

At the end of another long day, I met Cleo for a drink. She wanted to check in with my progress since I’d finished my first two weeks with Derek.

I was there first, slightly winded from my week with Derek. He was a bit insufferable at times, but I knew there was much more to him than met the eye. I got an apple martini and enjoyed it as I sat alone.

Cleo walked in a moment later, rocking her sky-high heels with perfect balance and poise. She smiled when she saw me, like she was genuinely thrilled to see me waiting for her. I had a great relationship with my own mother, so Cleo almost felt like an aunt or a second mom. She took a seat across from me.

I held my drink. “Sorry, I couldn’t wait. It’s been a long week.”

She laughed. “Absolutely no judgment. So, how are—”

The waitress brought an apple martini and placed it in front of Cleo. “From the gentleman at the bar.”

“For me?” Cleo asked incredulously.

“Yep.” She nodded to the bar.

Cleo turned around to look at the guy, who was probably in his late thirties. “Thanks.” She held up the glass.

He gave a wave and wore a nice smile.

Cleo turned back to me and took a drink. “Well, that was a nice surprise.”

“Damn, you’ve got game, girl. That guy has to be twenty years younger than you.”

She shrugged. “It’s all the hair.” She ran her fingers through her long curls. “And the heels. Makes me look younger from a distance.”

“Nah, you’re fire. I’ve seen your ass in your skirts.”

She released a loud laugh. “Oh my god, you sound just like my husband.”

I gave her a thumbs-up. “He has good taste. So, would he lose his mind if he knew that hot guy was making a pass at you?”

She took a drink and shook her head. “No. He’s not the jealous type.”


“Yeah. You should see him… He’s gorgeous. That guy has nothing to be worried about, you know what I’m saying…”

I’d ask for a picture, but it felt weird to check out her husband. “Then are you the jealous type?”

She swirled her drink as she gave a shrug. “I mean, I know women throw themselves at him all the time when I’m not around…and that kinda makes me a little ragey sometimes, but he’s a very honest and committed man. I know he loves me so much. So, I just try to remember that, and the jealousy goes away.”

I smiled as I listened to their fairy-tale love story. “How long have you been married?”

“Twenty-four years.”

“Wow…do you have kids?”

“Three. Two boys and a girl. They’re all out of the house.”

“That’s nice. It’s just you two again.”

“Yeah, we definitely have enjoyed our time again.” She studied her glass before she took a drink. “But enough about me. How are things with Derek?”

I shook my head because I didn’t know where to begin. “Geez…that’s a loaded question.”

She chuckled. “Being difficult?”

“Yeah, he’s always difficult. The other day we got into the car and I asked if he wanted breakfast, and he snapped at me. And then whenever I try to help him, he’s usually got something ice-cold to say. Before he would even let me come to work with him, I told him I’d earned it. It’s like he hates me…all the time.”

Her smile fell. “I’m sorry he’s being so harsh with you.”

I shrugged. “I used to think he was kind of a jerk, but I don’t think that anymore. I’m getting to know him through his actions more than his words. It’s like he’s two different people. The venom from his mouth is just an extension of his stress, but it’s not who he really is.”

Cleo studied my face as she hung on every word.

“I used to tell myself, I really need this salary, so suck it up. But…now I want to help him even more than I did before. It makes his insults and coldness a lot easier to handle, because I know he’s more than that.”