“Whoa. He said I helped him?” He said something good about me?

She nodded. “Said you were intelligent.”

“Derek Hamilton?” I asked incredulously. “Super brain?”

She chuckled. “Super brain…that’s the first time I’ve heard that.”

“He thinks I’m smart? Because he’s been a dick to me ever since we met.”

“He told me about that. I know he’s rough around the edges sometimes.”

“Sometimes?” I asked with a laugh. “The only time he’s kind is when he’s writing. When he’s using the left side of his brain, he’s harsh, cold, and abrupt. Doesn’t know how to treat people. But when he’s engaging the right side of his brain…he becomes humanized. He’s soft and relatable.”

Cleo’s smile widened.


“You really understand him.”

“I hardly know him. It’s just something I’ve noticed in the limited time we’ve been together. Once we start brainstorming and working on the story—” I snapped my fingers. “—he’s like a different person. I can literally see the change in his expression.”

“But you understand him in a way most people can’t. Most people wouldn’t have even observed that. Derek was right—you are smart.”

“I’m sorry… How do you know him?”

She continued to wear her smile. “Family friend. He used to live in the Trinity Building, where I work.”

“Why don’t you take the position?”

She shook her head. “I can’t. I’m exclusive to the building by my contract.”

“I’m surprised he used to have someone do so much for him, but he doesn’t want to find someone now.”

She shrugged. “Well, I’m the best, to be frank. And he has trust issues…”

No. He was just a typical playboy asshole. He had a woman who was clearly in love with him, who was drop-dead gorgeous, and she didn’t mean a damn thing to him.

“I think you would be a great fit for him, Emerson. What do you say?”

“I really appreciate the offer, but I’m not interested. I went to school for publishing, and that’s where my heart lies.”

“You would still be in publishing. In fact, you would be even more involved. You would aid one of the greatest writers of this generation. With your help, he could do this for the rest of his life.”

That was tempting. To be an integral part of the process, to help my favorite author craft his masterpieces…and get paid for it. “The whole reason I left my previous job for Astra Books was because I was told I’d get the opportunity to work with Derek Hamilton. I’m, like, a super fan of his stories. Of course, that sounds awesome. But I don’t think I’d be good at all the other stuff.”

“I disagree. You already cook dinner for him and help him with his paperwork.”

“But those were only two instances. And Derek is super difficult. Sometimes I can read him, and sometimes I can’t. When I came to Astra Books and tried to get a hold of him, he basically ghosted me. I’d bent over backward trying to develop a professional relationship with him, and he wouldn’t give me the time of day—”

“Until you won him over.”

“I…I’ve never won him over.”

“Derek Hamilton isn’t the kind of man to do something unless he wants to do it. The fact that you got him to focus on that book is a huge testament to your abilities. And I’m sure you’ve developed some affection for him by now. I’m sure you want to help him. If he had someone who could do all those things for him, that would save him at least three hours every single day.”

I shrugged. “I mean, I think he’s hot…and I do respect his dedication to his job. He’s clearly passionate about what he does and never gives anything less than a hundred and ten percent.”

She dropped her gaze to her coffee. “That kind of ambition doesn’t come from greed. Yes, he’s rich as a by-product of that, but his commitment to serving humanity is what drives him forward. And that makes him very special.”

“Yeah…” When he described his harshness with his students, it wasn’t because he was egotistical or wanted a reputation as a difficult professor. He wanted everyone to be the best—because lives were on the line. The more I thought about his character, the more I respected him…even though he didn’t respect me at all.

“Please consider it, Emerson. I truly believe you’re the right fit for the position.”

It would be such a change in my lifestyle. Instead of going to work every day at the office, I would be at his penthouse, running his life, coming face-to-face with that man every single day…on his good days as well as his bad ones.

“Let’s talk salary and benefits.”

“This isn’t me playing hard to get, but I need to make more than what I’m making now at Astra Books. If I’m going to take this risk, there needs to be an incentive. And I need a big incentive to put up with someone like Derek Hamilton every single day…”