Page 15 of The Dragon King

I follow him from the bedroom into the large sitting area. Someone has cleared the dinner we didn’t eat last night, and fresh breakfast is in its place. He picks out a piece of melon and presses it between my lips. The sweet juice slides over my tongue, and I lick my lips, catching Kem’s fingers before he pulls away.

“Wicked woman.” He presses his lips to mine, then whispers against my mouth. “I need to get you home to your father, but now all I can think about is that sinful mouth wrapped around my cock.”

I swallow, a slow smile spreading across my face. “I can be fast.”

His eyebrow lifts, but his eyes go dark. “I’m sure. Problem is, I don’t want you fast. I want to savor the feel of my cock sliding down your throat.”

I swallow again, and with a deep breath, I walk around him and place a few pieces of melon, two strips of crispy meat, and some flat sweet bread on a plate. Kem crosses to me, lifting the meat from my plate and holding it before my lips. “I know the scent seems off, but trust me.”

I crinkle my nose, but obediently open my lips. Fat and salt coat my mouth, then pepper, garlic, onion, and a hint of cardamom explodes across my tongue. My taste buds are different in this form, and the meat is … delicious.

Kem chuckles as my eyes go wide. I chew slowly, savoring the complex flavors I’d never pick up as my dragon. His lips press to mine, licking the grease from my mouth before presenting me with another bite.

When that piece is gone, he places another strip of meat on my plate before turning toward the doors, calling out, “Enter.”

Oh, yeah. Someone has been waiting outside while Kem fed me without a care in the world.

My teeth tear into another chunk of the meat as the door pushes open, and a beautiful woman with bronze hair pulled back in intricate braids walks into the room. She stops mid-stride; the door swinging closed behind her. Her wide eyes skip between Kem and me before a knowing smile turns her face from beautiful to stunning. She bows, sending her bronze hair tumbling over her shoulder. “Your Majesty. My Lady.”

“Would you like some breakfast, Syphe?”

She stands, shaking her head. So this is Syphe. My eyes dart to her left wrist, and sure enough, a thin cuff rests against her skin. It’s made of supple leather that’s banded with engraved bronze that matches the color of her hair. The cuff suits her. Her Mate chose well.

I’d love to ask her questions about the Mating bond and all that it means, but there are more important things to tend to—besides, I’ve just met the woman. I can’t just blurt out, We’re Mated. Help!

She turns to Kem. “I came by to catch you before you left for the mountains.” She faces me, bowing again. “I’m sorry to hear about your father. I’m sure his Elevation will be beautiful.”

I grab the flatbread before setting the plate down. “Thank you.”

Syphe crosses her arms, her toned muscles flexing with the movement. She would be a fun partner to spar with. Her eyes narrow, and smoke curls from her nose and pours out between her lips when she opens her mouth to speak again. “That worm, Inchel, is pulling support from several other council members. He’s running his slimy mouth all over the valley, telling everyone within earshot to get ready for change, for a new King. Ass.”

She mumbles that last word under her breath, but Kem still catches it and chuckles. “Let him talk. His death will be that much more of a humiliation to his name and will send a message to his supporters. Are any of the other council members adding their name to the Challenge?”

I spin to face Kem. “More than one dragon can issue a Challenge at the same time?”

He takes a big bite of meat, the fat coating his lips, making them shine. “Technically, yes, though it hasn’t been done in … centuries. I wouldn’t put it past Inchel, though.”

Syphe shakes her head. “No. Not yet anyway. Though there’s still time.”

I set my half-eaten piece of bread on the plate, unable to take another bite around the sour churning sensation in my stomach. I face Kem. “If you are Challenged by multiple dragons, can you bring in support? Could I …?”

He presses his palm to my lower back, his fingers splaying nearly all the way across. “No, Heilsi. But I can handle myself. Allowing you to fight at my side would certainly give me an unfair advantage.” He winks down at me, and a blush heats my cheeks.

Syphe’s gaze pings between us, and Kem’s grin grows wider. “Syphe, Tatha is my Mate.”

Her eyes go wide, and her mouth drops open. “Mates?”

Kem smiles and nods. Syphe shouts with a roar as she launches across the room. Before I realize what’s happening, her arms wrap around me, crushing me hard to her chest. She spins us in a small circle, laughing as she squeezes me harder. “Congratulations! Oh! This is wonderful news!”

“Syphe, you’re crushing her.”

She laughs again, stepping back, but holding onto my shoulders. “She’s not so delicate.” Then she wraps her arms around Kem, hugging him tight. He pats her back, his eyes on mine, a sweet smile on his lips.

Syphe leaps back, brushing her hands down her tunic, turning to me with hands raised. “I’m so sorry. I forgot how intense the early days are. Early weeks … well, months, if I’m honest.”

My brows pinch in confusion, and Kem comes to my side. His arm snakes around my waist as he leans down. His lips brush my ear. “You were growling, Love.”

“I was?” I look at Syphe. “I’m sorry. I didn’t even know I did it. I didn’t think you were … I mean?—”