My face tightens, and my lips pull back at the mention of the one Challenging my Mate. Kem’s finger strokes down my cheek, and I shiver, forgetting my rage as desire floods my body. “You are welcome to come with me, Heilsi.”
I shake my head, the movement small to keep from dislodging his hand from my face. “I will leave you to your duties.”
My gaze jumps between his dark eyes and his tempting lips. It’s on the tip of my tongue to ask why he never took me in our dragon forms, but the words die as Kem smiles.
“You are a distraction.” He backs up, pulling me with him until he’s pressed to the exterior wall of his castle. His face closes in, and his lips brush softly against mine. It’s a gentle kiss, just a light touch of lips, but my entire body hums. “But a most welcome distraction, Tatha.”
The days of teasing in the mountains finally break me, and before I realize I’ve moved, I rise to my toes, my hands grasping the back of his neck. I pull him to me in a fierce kiss, and our tongues slide together. His shadows curl around us until they completely block out the afternoon light. Kem’s arm snakes around my waist, and his erection presses into my belly. I groan against his lips, and his chest rumbles with a low growl as he angles his head to take the kiss deeper.
Why didn’t he take my dragon? Why only now?—?
A foreign touch crawls under the hem of my dress. One of Kem’s hands is threaded through my hair, the other is wrapped around my waist, so what …?
I yank my head back. Looking around, it’s like Kem and I are in a bubble of swirling mists, smoke, and shadow. Not a speck of light leaks through. And when I glance down, I gasp as tendrils of Kem’s shadows curl up my legs, tickling my skin, moving slowly under my dress.
My eyes snap back to him, and a wicked smile lights up his face. My voice is breathy, as I pant, “Kem, what are?—?”
“Just let me feel you, Mate. I’ve been trapped in a cave with your beautiful scent driving me mad for days.”
“Then why didn’t?—”
My words choke off on a gasp as Kem’s shadows slide under my panties and stroke between my folds. I’m so wet, and the cool tingling brush of his shadows against my pussy jerks my body harder against his. My head falls back, and Kem’s grip in my hair tightens. His shadows flick against my clit and slide down my dress between my breasts to tease my nipples.
I moan and pant as I grind against his body. It’s as if he’s everywhere at once. His touch echoes through his shadows. I’m breathless as he brings every nerve ending to life. Even though I’m still dressed, every inch of skin vibrates with his caresses.
Kem’s lips trail across my jaw and down my neck. “You are glorious, my Mate.” His teeth nip at my pulse as his shadows slide inside me, curling and expanding. I bite my lip so hard, the coppery taste of blood coats my throat as I swallow. He whispers, “You are safe with me. No sound can leave the shield of my power.”
His shadows stroke deep while flicking my clit and licking my breasts. My body is alive with pleasure, but I can’t help but think what a passerby might think at seeing a swirling mass of shadows along the castle wall.
Kem tugs my hair, and I peel my eyes open to find him a breath from my face. Red fire rims his eyes, edging to blue, then pure white at the center. “Later, Mate, I will have my cock inside you as you ride me hard, but right now, Heilsi”—his tongue darts out, licking my lips—“I want to watch you come, right here, right now.”
I buck against the pressure of his shadows, and as I’m held captive under Kem’s stare, they curl and press in just the right spot. They stroke, expand, pump, curl, and thrust. I’m completely filled.
Kem’s voice feathers over my ear, “Give me your orgasm. Come for me.”
The throbbing between my thighs explodes, and the flood of bliss is almost a stinging pain as I come. It’s the most glorious pain, snapping around the pleasure. I’m lost in the euphoria. My mouth opens on a silent scream, and Kem’s eyes turn pure white, like burning phosphorus as he watches me come undone. His shadows continue to lick and stroke me, carrying me through my orgasm and straight into another.
I can’t breathe. The shadows are relentless with a tickling sensation that is somehow both warm and cool. My knees buckle as pulse after pulse of pleasure rocks through me, but Kem easily holds me up with hands, his power, and his shadows.
Slowly, I come back to my senses, gasping to catch my breath. I get my feet back under me, realizing I have partially shifted, and I’ve sunk my claws into the flesh of Kem’s biceps. Carefully, I extract myself, and Kem hisses, but it’s not pain on his face, it’s deep, wild desire.
All I can do is gaze into his face as his hands curl around my jaw, holding me still. “You are magnificent, Tatha.”
My face flushes with heat, and his smile grows. His fingers comb through my tangled hair and his shadows smooth down my dress. My wet panties are uncomfortable, and I shift slightly, wishing I could just take them off.
Kem’s shadows pull away from me, slowly melting into his skin. I duck my head, noticing the hard length of his cock straining against his pants. “What about you?”
His large hand brushes down my hair again, landing on my shoulder, and I sink into his warmth. “I can wait a bit longer, Heilsi. I needed your release. Mine will come later. Anticipation, remember?” The shadows are gone, and I’m relieved to see we are alone on the steps. “I enjoy the build-up.”
My core flutters, and my damp panties get wetter at his words.
He brushes a light kiss over my lips, mimicking the kiss that started all this, then steps back. “Anything you need, all you have to do is ask. Anyone in the castle will help you. I will find you later.” And with one last quick kiss, Kem turns and strides through the castle doors.
I turn a tight circle, feeling silly, and turned on, and a bit lost. What now? I didn’t want to crowd Kem, but what should I do now?
“Can I help you with anything, my Lady?”
I nearly jump out of my skin, turning to face a beautiful woman with liquid silver hair. She’s wearing the royal armor, and my blush deepens as I pull at the hem of my dress, certain it's wrinkled in an obvious way. But the woman’s face is impassive as she waits for my response.