"The Clan Mother comes from a royal line, and that's why she glows. Toven can glow as well, but he chooses not to for some reason."

Margo smiled. "So, Mia got herself a prince? Why didn't she tell me?"

"Toven is not a prince. There are many royals on Anumati."

"Oh." She looked disappointed.

He lifted her hand to his lips and smiled. "You, on the other hand, look like a princess." He kissed the back of it. "Should we join the newlyweds on the dance floor?"

Margo grinned. "Yes, we should."

She looked truly stunning tonight. The dress flowed around her like a second skin, its fabric catching the light with every movement and making her seem as if she were gliding rather than stepping.

Margo was a vision, and judging by the radiant spark in her eyes, she was well aware of that.

Pride swelled in his chest at the thought that he had contributed in some small way to the joy she exuded. The surge of satisfaction was slightly overshadowed by the little lie he'd told about his allowance, but it had been worth it just to see her this happy. There was no other way to convince her to allow him to pay for her new wardrobe, and he was sure that Aru would understand.

Their allowance had indeed been generous, but now that their stay on Earth had been extended indefinitely, their funds would have to last them much longer, and they would have to find a way to supplement them.

One day, he would have to confess the lie to Margo, but it didn't need to be anytime soon, at least not until the end of the cruise. He wanted her to enjoy all five weddings like she was enjoying this one, and she wouldn't if he fessed up.

Navigating through the clusters of guests, he led her to the dance floor, and as he put his arms around her the world seemed to shrink until it was just the two of them, enclosed in their own sphere of shared rhythm and warmth.

The song ended too soon, the last note lingering in the air like a whispered promise. As the applause broke their bubble, Negal reluctantly released Margo, though he kept one hand entwined with hers. Her cheeks were flushed with excitement, and her eyes shone with an inner light.

"One more dance?" she asked.

"As many dances as you want." He took her hand, needing to preserve the contact even though the next song had an upbeat tempo that was more appropriate for a freestyle dance.

"Are you always this agreeable?" She twirled in place, her cheeks rosy, and her lips lifted in a smile that tonight seemed permanently etched on her face.

"With you, I am. I'd battle dragons to see you this happy every day." Perhaps it wasn't the most romantic thing to say, but it was true.

She affected a pout. "Did you forget that I like dragons?"

He snorted. "I promise you that you wouldn't like the ones I'm talking about. But if you want me to play nice with an honorable fairytale dragon in a Perfect Match adventure, I will gladly do that." He leaned and kissed her cheek. "I'll go to great lengths to make you glow with happiness like that every day."

Stretching on her toes, she surprised him by planting a kiss on his lips. "That's so incredibly sweet that I could fall in love with you just for that." She leaned away with a naughty smirk. "But I will be even happier if you will agree to become a dragon shifter in our shared adventure."

"Anything you want and I can provide is yours."

He frowned as it occurred to him that a virtual adventure might be just the thing to get Margo over her inhibitions. It was a shame that they didn't have the service on the cruise ship.

"Are you sure?" She tilted her head. "You don't look like you are excited by the idea."

"I am. I was just thinking that I wished they had a virtual room on the ship."

Margo looked disappointed. "They don't?"

"Not as far as I know."

"Oh, well." She wound her arms around his neck. "Then we will need to create our adventure in the real world."

"That's even better." He dipped his head and took her lips in a gentle kiss.

As the song ended and they stepped off the dance floor, Negal wrapped his arm around Margo's waist and held her close to him as they made their way to their table.

He had a feeling that tonight would be imprinted in his memory forever, a perfect moment in time to cherish even if, at the end of the cruise, they would have to part.