Holding on to Negal, Margo reveled in the powerful muscles of his neck and his shoulders.

Her fingers threading through his hair, she pressed herself to him, seeking some friction for her aching nipples.

He was hard, she could feel the bulge in his jeans through the delicate silk of her dress, which reminded her where she was and that they shouldn't be doing this while the saleswoman was due to return any moment with a bunch of shoes.

With a groan, Margo let go of Negal's neck and put her hands on the hard muscles of his chest. He understood right away, released her mouth, and rested his forehead against hers.

"Fates, Margo. What are you doing to me?"

She chuckled. "The question is, what are you doing to me? I've never kissed anyone in a dressing room before."

As he lifted his head and smiled down at her, his fangs were peeking out, and the sight sent a shiver down her spine, but not because she was scared.

Perhaps she should be, though. She had a feeling that they were only partially elongated and that they got much larger than that.

"Do you want to do more than kissing?" Negal teased. "I can barricade that door."

For a split second, she was tempted, but then old fears returned in a rush, and she shook her head. "I'm not the adventurous type."

"Could have fooled me."

She took a step back. "What, the kiss? That wasn't adventurous. Well, maybe a little."

He shook his head. "I was referring to you trying to save a woman you've just met from being trafficked and getting yourself in a shitload of trouble."

"That was different." She ducked behind the screen. "I didn't know I was risking myself. I was just trying to help Jasmine get away." She carefully unzipped the dress and took it off. "My mistake was going to her suite and looking for the cameras." She draped it on the hanger and closed the zipper so it would stay in place. "I should have insisted on just leaving right away. Then Alberto surprised us, and he was so charming and attentive that he fooled me." She removed one of the other dresses from the hanger and pulled it on.

Stepping out from behind the screen, she found Negal frowning. "How did he manage that? You are so suspicious and careful by nature, and you are not easily fooled. Maybe he slipped you something even before putting the sleeping drug in the wine."

"Maybe. Or perhaps I'm a sucker for charm and a handsome face." She turned to the mirror and examined the evening dress. "What do you think?"

"I'm good on the handsome face front but not so much on the charm."

Margo laughed. "I mean about the dress. Do you like it?"

"It's beautiful. Take it."

"It's not nicer than the emerald one."

"It's not. I meant, take them both. You look stunning in each one. In fact, you should be wearing dresses like that all of the time. They bring out the inner Margo that tries to shine less brightly in borrowed leggings and a T-shirt. You were meant to wear luxury."

She turned to him and smiled. "And you say that you're not charming. I think that you are very much so." And also an amazing kisser.

Should she compliment him on that?

Yeah, why not?

Despite being a god and looking like one, Negal wasn't full of himself.

"You are also a great kisser." She licked her lips.

Emitting a groan, he reached for her, but as the door opened, he hissed and took a step back.

His fangs were even longer than they had been before.

Luckily, the saleswoman was holding a stack of five boxes in front of her and couldn't see Negal's face.

Margo sprang into action. "Let me help you with those." She took the woman's elbow and turned her toward the couch before taking the top two boxes.