Smiling, he leaned over and brushed a strand of hair away from her forehead. "Stop worrying. Your daughters are capable young women, and they can handle the three little brats until you are back on your feet."

"Please? For me?"

He let out a breath. "That's not fair. You know exactly what to say to get me to do anything you want."

Karen smiled. "Of course."

Gilbert walked over to the door and opened it. "She's ready."

"I'll send Hildegard in a moment."

"No rush." He left the door open and walked back to the bed. "Do you want to call them yourself?"

"I don't even have the energy to hold the phone, but if you activate the speakerphone, we can talk to them together."

"As you wish, my love." He sat on the single chair in the room and called Kaia.

It rang for a while until Kaia answered. "Hi, Gilbert. How is Mom doing?"

The ruckus in the background brought a smile to his face, and as he switched the call to speakerphone, Karen winced.

"She's right here with me, and she wants to know how things are going with the little demons."

Kaia laughed. "As can be expected. Thing One and Thing Two stole Idina's dolls, and she's chasing them around. The twins used to be so sweet, but they are turning out to be worse than her."

"You sound cheerful," Karen said. "So, it can't be too bad."

"It's not. I'm used to the chaos and enjoy it, but after this, poor William will never want to have kids."

"Can you put Idina on?" Karen asked.

"Sure. Idina! Mommy wants to talk to you."

"I don't want to talk to her," their daughter shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Why not?" Kaia asked.

"Because she's mean and gave me two stinky brothers instead of sisters. I hate them!"

"No, you don't," Kaia cooed. "You love your brothers."

"I hate them!" Idina shrieked.

Gilbert stifled a snort. "I see that you have your hands full. Call me when things quiet down."

"Then you mean never?" Laughing, Kaia ended the call.

Karen let out a long-suffering sigh. "You know what? I kind of like being here and having a couple of days of peace and quiet to myself."



The sun-kissed streets of Puerto Vallarta welcomed Margo with the promise of unique finds, but she couldn't shake the uneasy feeling of being watched. It was probably all in her head.

"What are you looking for?" Negal asked as her eyes darted from side to side.

"I know it's silly, but I keep expecting to bump into Alberto or one of the other goons."