"Because I rarely say the right thing. But I managed to say a couple of things she liked."

"Like what?"

"It's private."

Dagor looked at him over his shoulder with a smirk on his face. "You really like her, don't you?"

"I wouldn't be courting her if I didn't."

"That's not a given. You might have been on a quest for good deeds, offering your godly induction services. I understand that they are in high demand, and you are the only unmated male god available."

Negal halted his descent. "You knew about that?"

Dagor shrugged. "It's difficult to keep anything a secret on this ship. These immortals are terrible gossips."

Letting out a breath, Negal rounded the landing and kept going down the stairs. "How many know?"

"I don't know."

"How did you find out about it?"

"That's confidential." Dagor exited the stairwell and continued down the corridor to the clinic.

Negal needed to know who spilled the beans, and if it was Max, he was going to punch the guy in the face, and it had nothing to do with him being interested in Margo.

Nothing at all.

"Did Frankie tell you?" he asked.

Dagor opened the door to the clinic. "I'm not telling."

The door to the inner room opened, and Bridget came out. "Good, you are here. Frankie is getting dressed, and once she's done, you can take her to her cabin."

"Thank you, doctor," Dagor said. "Anything I should watch for?"

She cast him a guarded look. "I'll give you some pain medication for Frankie. You can give her one pill every four hours. That should be enough."

"Got it."

Negal looked at the door, waiting for it to open and for Margo to come out. He had no doubt that she was still there. She wouldn't leave her friend alone at a time like that.

When the door opened a few minutes later, he was proven right.

Frankie came out beaming with happiness and jumped into Dagor's arms as if she hadn't seen him for days, and behind her was his Margo, smiling indulgently and carrying a bag that was probably filled with Frankie's things.

She walked around the two, who were now kissing, like there was no one with them in the tiny reception area.

"Hi." Margo looked at the plates in his hands. "Is that for Frankie or for me?"

"It's for you. Dagor said that he needed to ask Bridget what Frankie is allowed to eat."

Hearing her name spoken, Frankie let go of Dagor's mouth and looked at the plates. "I'm allowed to eat whatever I want, and these cold cuts look yummy."

"You can have mine," Margo said. "Negal made me eggs earlier, so I'm full."

She hadn't eaten the eggs he'd made her, and she was probably hungry, but that was so like Margo to give up her meal so her friend could have it.

"There is more of this in the dining room, and no one has to give up anything. I can get more."