She shrugged. "To each her own, right? Jasmine likes historical romance novels about lords and ladies, and I like dragon shifters."

"That's an interesting choice." He leaned back in his chair and leveled his gaze at her. "Can you tell me why you are drawn to those kinds of stories?"

"Because they make suspension of disbelief easier for me. I can let myself imagine the perfect lover as a mythical creature who does not exist in my reality. I can't imagine regular humans being all that great."

Negal grinned. "I'm not a regular human."

"No, you are not."



Margo took another sip of coffee just so she could hide behind the mug.

Negal wasn't human; she'd known that, but only now had it really sunk in. He wasn't a shifter, but he was kind of a vampire, with all the good things the lore said about them and without any of the bad.

He was beautiful, had mind control ability, was stronger and faster than a human, with much better eyesight, hearing, and sense of smell, and he also had venom that could turn her immortal. He didn't suck blood, and he didn't burn to a crisp when exposed to the sun. He also couldn't teleport or fly.

Nevertheless, he was the closest she would ever get to being with someone like the male protagonists in her stories. The biggest difference was that she wouldn't get a happily ever after with him, but even a happy for now was better than she could have ever hoped for.

Maybe she could use that to trick her mind into getting intimate with him sooner rather than later.

How long could she hope he would wait?

"What is going through your head?" Negal asked.

"I'm thinking about the things you told me yesterday."

The smile slid off his face. "What about them?"

"How long do I have?" She dared to look up at him.

His eyes started glowing. "Do you mean how long will my offer to induce you stand?"

She nodded.

"Why? Are you hoping for other offers?"

Her eyes widened. "Of course not. That's not it at all. It's just that I…"

Damn, she couldn't say that.

If he were a normal guy, she would have told him that she needed to date him for a couple of months before she would consider having sex with him, and in most cases, that was enough to discourage most guys from seeing her again.

But he wasn't just a guy, and what he offered her was so much more than just a night of passion. He was offering her immortality and telling him that she needed a couple of months was kind of rude.

Suddenly, she remembered a comment he'd made about not knowing that immortals even existed because gods were forbidden from fraternizing with the species they created. The gods of old had been rebels, and they had taken human mates, but so had his teammates. Aru and Dagor were both mated to transitioned humans.

Negal's eyes softened. "What were you trying to say, Margo? You can tell me absolutely anything, and I promise not to judge you or get offended or any of the things that might make you hesitate to speak openly with me."

"Are you a rebel?"

Despite his assertions from a moment ago, Negal seemed taken aback. "That's an odd question. Why do you ask?"

"You said that gods were forbidden to fraternize with created species, and yet your friends are mated to former Dormants, and you are offering your induction services to me."

His facial muscles relaxed, and he unclenched his jaw. "You are right. That makes us rebels. But you are wrong about me offering you just my induction services. I'm offering you my courtship, and I'm sweetening the deal by offering to induce you. I hope that you will accept."