"The lady doth protest too much, methinks. Did you play with yourself before coming to my cabin, then?"

Actually, he was sure that was what had happened. When she'd shown up all sexed up and dropped to her knees in front of him, he had been too pleased to ponder why, but it was clear to him now.

The guilty look in her eyes was all the confirmation he needed.

"Naughty girl. You've just earned yourself a spanking."

She pouted, but the scent of her arousal flared. "You didn't say anything about me not being allowed to touch myself."

Her protest was part of the game and given the intensity of her scent and her labored breathing, she enjoyed playing it just as much as he did.

"It should have been self-explanatory." He moved her hands aside, cupped her breasts, and trailed his thumbs softly over her taut nipples. "From now on, you don't touch yourself unless I allow it." He pinched both at the same time, eliciting a gasp.

Still, there was a challenge in her eyes. "What about when you are not around?"

"Then you are free to do as you please." He leaned up, taking one nipple between his lips and flicking his tongue over it to soothe the sting. "But as long as we are together, which is for the duration of this cruise, your pleasure is mine." He bit down lightly.

Marina groaned and rocked her panty-clad center against his throbbing erection, but he detected the whiff of disappointment intermingled in the smell of her arousal.

Did she expect a happily-ever-after with him?

Peter hoped Marina didn't have any such illusions. As much as he enjoyed being with her, they couldn't have anything more than a few days of pleasure together. Getting involved with a mortal was a prescription for pain, and even though he sometimes enjoyed being on the receiving end of it, he wasn't a masochist. Besides, he'd had enough heartache to last him for a while.

Easier said than done, though.

He had a feeling that he wouldn't be saved from another heartache anyway, and saying goodbye to Marina at the end of the cruise would be tough no matter what. He needed to harden himself and be strong for both of them.

Seemingly over her temporary mood swing, Marina attacked the buttons of his dress shirt, and when she exposed his chest, she leaned down and flicked her tongue over his nipple.

He moaned as she explored him, her tongue, lips, and teeth tormenting one nipple while her fingers pinched the other.

He hissed when she bit hard enough to draw blood, but then she licked the small hurt away.

Lifting her head, she smiled apologetically at him. "Sorry. I didn't mean it to hurt."

"That's okay." He cupped her ass cheeks, which were exposed thanks to the skimpy thong she had on. "I enjoyed that."

"Good." She shifted up and lowered her head to kiss him on the lips.

Peter let her push her tongue inside his mouth, controlling the kiss. And even though he was hard as a rock and fought the need to take over, he tried to appear as if he was in no hurry, and she had all the time in the world to do whatever she pleased with him until she grew tired of it, which he knew would be soon.

Marina might enjoy a few moments of role reversal, but she enjoyed it much more when he was in charge.



Marina hadn't intended to bite Peter's nipple hard enough to draw blood, and she'd regretted it immediately. She was grateful that it hadn't turned him off and even more grateful that his fast immortal healing had erased the bite marks along with any lingering pain.

Her frustration was at fault.

She'd tried to overcome it by drowning the feeling in the frenzy of sex, but it had seeped through and taken over, forcing the vindictive act.

It had dampened her fervor in an instant.

The surge of assertiveness she'd felt before was gone, and to salvage the situation, she needed to relinquish control to Peter.

Lifting one knee, she un-straddled him and lay on her back next to him.