“That’s a great idea.”

Anton’s face lit up. “Really?”

“Yep. We’ve gotta stop at Dewey’s and get Domini’s purse anyway, so we’ll see if Dave can give us some pointers.”

Armed with detailed instructions, Cam and Anton picked up several steaks before they headed home. Domini was sitting on the front deck when he pulled up.

Gracie barked and waited by the truck for Anton. Damn dog was completely smitten with the boy. And Anton had done a one-eighty when it came to Gracie’s behavior. The dog minded Anton better than him sometimes.

Cam unloaded the grocery bags. Anton hauled them in the house, leaving Cam alone with Domini. He climbed the steps slowly. “You wanna explain what you’re doin’ out of bed, Mrs. McKay?”

“I was lonely for my boys. Gracie was antsy so I thought I’d sit out in the fresh air.”

My boys. He leaned down and kissed her. “Getcha ass back in bed, woman. Now.”

“I love it when you go all caveman on me, Deputy. Makes me all tingly.”

Does that mean you love me?

Not going there. Not now. “I could toss you over my shoulder and drag you inside.”

“Will you wear a sexy jungle print loin cloth too?”

“You have a filthy mind, woman. That’s why I—”

Love you.


Domini’s eyes narrowed. “That’s why you what?”

“That’s why I plan on doing nasty, raunchy, dirty things to you for hours when you’re better. Now get in bed.”

After Anton finished chores, which the crazy kid seemed to enjoy, they unwrapped the meat and fired up the barbecue. They read through Dave’s instructions—twice—but it didn’t help.

By the time they finished “cooking” the steaks were burned beyond recognition. Both he and Anton stared at the charred chunks of meat. Finally Anton said, “We suck.”

“Yep. We seriously suck.”

“I don’t think Gracie will even eat it.”

Gracie whined.

“Can I make a suggestion?” Domini said from the doorframe.

Cam wheeled around. “You’re supposed to be—”

“In bed. I know. I’m anemic, not an invalid. You don’t have to wait on me. And I’m thinking it might be best if you don’t try to cook for me either.”

Cam and Anton exchanged a glum look.

“Here’s the deal, how about if I cook and you guys do everything else.” She shook her head at the burned disks. “Was that…steak?”


“Choice cut steak.”

She winced. “We definitely cannot afford for you guys to massacre any more meat. Do we have a deal?”



“…sparsely…” Anton looked up at Domini. “What does that mean?”

“Umm…very little?”

She glanced over at Cam and he nodded.

“You don’t know?”

She bumped Anton with her shoulder. “English isn’t my native language, remember? It takes a minute for me to translate.”

“So when you’re thinking in your head, are you thinking in Ukrainian? Or in English?”

“When I first moved to the U.S. I only thought in Ukrainian. But the longer I’ve been here away from people who speak my language, it’s English that pops into my head first. But there are always words that throw me off. Like sparsely.” She tousled Anton’s hair. “Did your mom speak to you in Bosnian?”

“Nope. He didn’t like it.”

“It’s about time for bed, sport.”

“I know.” Anton jumped off the couch, securing his book under his arm, and lingered in front of Domini. “Are you gonna tuck me in?”

“Yes. Then I’m tucking myself in.”

Anton opened the front door and Gracie bounced in. Her tail wagged so hard her body swayed as she followed Anton down the hallway to his bedroom.

“Sometimes I forget that English isn’t your native tongue,” Cam murmured. “Will you teach our kids to speak Ukrainian?”

Domini let her head fall back on the cushion and closed her eyes. “Do you think Anton will ever talk about Rex? Or will he just avoid the issue if we let him?”

Kind of like she’d sidestepped his question. Cam decided not to push it. “Give him time. I know we all wanna be one big happy family from the get go, but it’ll take us all time to adjust.”

“Are you adjusting, Cam? Now that you’ve got a kid and a wife? Do you want us to be a big happy family? When all this chaos you never wanted is destroying the serenity of your haven?”

No, now I’ve got everything I ever wanted.

Domini wasn’t the only one who’d mastered the art of deflection. “I’ll double check I shut the grill off while you tuck Anton in.”

Domini was already in bed when he returned to their bedroom. Cam stripped, unfastened his prosthesis and slid beneath the covers.

Immediately Domini wrapped herself around him. She kissed his biceps. And his collarbones. Her lips skimmed his throat. “Cam?”


“Touch me.”

“Domini. Baby, you’re supposed to take it easy.”

“So love me nice and easy. And slow. You love to torture me. Take your time with me, Cam.” She sank her teeth into his earlobe. “Please. I need you.”

Cam was helpless to resist. He didn’t want to resist. He kissed her. Teased her. Showed her with his hands and his mouth and his body how much he loved her.

When he slid inside her, surrounded by her warmth and softness and strength, he realized she made him a whole man and it didn’t have a damn thing to do with his missing leg. It had everything to do with filling his heart.

Chapter Twenty-Three

“We don’t have to go. In fact, I think we oughta stay home. You have been sick.”

Domini tied the laces on her tennis shoes. “Not sick, Cam. Anemic. I’m feeling much better after being babied by you guys for the last two days. I want to enjoy the gorgeous day. I’m tired of being cooped up inside.”

“There are gonna be a million people there,” Cam warned. “And my family will grill both of us on our marriage, if we’re gonna start havin’ kids—”

Her stomach knotted, but she tossed out a breezy, “Maybe they won’t, since we already have a kid.”

Anton and Gracie burst into the kitchen. “Is it time to go yet?”