“Keely, I can’t thank you enough for all you did to get me ready. The dress. The hair. The makeup. The bridal bouquet.” Driving her to Spearfish so she could pick out a wedding band for Cam.

Her husband.

Oh God. She’d really done it. She’d really married him.

“Don’t sweat it. We’re sisters now.” Keely hip-checked Indy and whispered, “So now that Domini is officially a McKay, let’s figure out where you’re gonna tattoo her.”

“What? I have to get a tattoo?”

“Ssh. India has tattooed all the women who’ve married into the McKay family with the McKay cattle brand. It’s something we started with AJ.” Keely grinned. “Since we didn’t throw a bachelorette party before AJ’s wedding, we had a private tattoo party afterward at Indy’s new studio. Channing and Macie’s brands are ‘tramp stamps’ on their lower backs. Mine is on my hip. Indy did hers on the inside of her left thigh last year. Skylar’s is on her shoulder.

“At the McKay branding we convinced Libby and Jessie to get ’em too. Which was when I came up with the brilliant idea for the first annual Cowgirl’s Night Out.” A moment of silence passed as they all thought about Jessie, and how much everything had changed since that night. Keely squeezed Domini’s hand. “She’ll be happy for you and Cam, I promise.”

“Everyone is going to be happy for you two,” India added.

“Once they all get over being pissed off they weren’t invited to the wedding,” Keely said.

That had bothered Domini. It was like Cam was…embarrassed to be marrying her. Or maybe he wanted to save the big family celebration for when he got married for real.

Anton wormed his way between India and Keely. “Domini?”

“Hey, sweetling.” She smoothed his cowlick. “You were very good during the ceremony.”

“Are you really married to him now?”

“Yes, I am.” Domini held out her left hand. The large, square pale blue stone glimmered in the light. She definitely planned on asking Cam where he’d found such a stunning ring—on such short notice. “And tomorrow we’re both moving into Cam’s house. Tonight—”

“We have a special sleepover planned for you, Anton, to officially welcome you into the McKay family.”

Confused, Domini looked up at Keely. “What? But—”

India crouched down and spoke to Anton. “All the ladies at Sky Blue miss seeing you, sport, and they know how much you miss your mom. They miss her too. So Skylar set up a pizza and movie night tonight with your friends from Sky Blue daycare.”

“Just babies,” he scoffed.

But Domini could tell he was interested.

“No, Ky, my nephew, is spending the night with you at Kade and Skylar’s house.” Keely whispered, “Ky is ready to hang out with you because all of his other cousins are younger. A couple of them are even—gasp—girls!”

“Ky’s okay,” Anton said. “So is Eliza.” His eyes pleaded with Domini. “Are you gonna be there?”

“Not tonight,” India said firmly. “But we will bring you back to her and Cam first thing in the morning.”

“You promise you aren’t going nowhere? You promise you’ll come for me tomorrow?”

“You have my word, Anton.” How was she supposed to leave him?

“Just one night,” Keely assured him.


“Good. We’ll swing by Domini’s apartment and load up your stuff, and then you, Indy and me will hit the grocery store for serious junk food. I hear you like cookies.” Keely started to lead him away.

They’d made it about ten feet when Anton stopped. He barreled back to Domini and threw his arms around her, nearly knocking her over. “Promise? You promise I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“I promise.” She squeezed him tightly and for once he didn’t try to squirm away.

“Where’s my wife?” Cam’s voice boomed in the small space.

Anton jumped back and looked up at Cam.

“Hey, Anton. Have fun tonight and we’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

He nodded and didn’t cause a fuss when India herded him out.

“He’ll be fine,” Keely said.

“When did you…why…?”

“It’s your wedding night. You need to be alone with your husband without worrying about a seven-year-old boy. And considering all that Anton has been through, Indy and I knew he’d be comfortable at Sky’s place.”

These people, this family was so thoughtful it brought a lump to Domini’s throat.

“But I did have to tell Sky and Kade you guys were getting married so she could do some planning. Cam said it was okay.”

“It is wonderful. Thank you so much.”

“Yeah, thanks.” Cam kissed Keely’s head. “You are the best sister ever.”

“You know it.” She smirked. “Now can I tell everyone?”

“Have at it. Be nice to have good news to hear about our family for a change.”

“Amen.” Keely gave them both a quick hug and practically skipped out, cell phone at her ear.

“What do you say we go home, Mrs. McKay?”

Domini let her gaze linger on him. Talk about outrageously handsome. Cam had worn his dress green Army uniform rather than a traditional suit for the ceremony. With medals and patches adorning his chest and arms, and a burgundy beret on his head, he looked every inch the warrior soldier. And he was all hers.

At least for a little while.

She smiled. “Lead the way, Mr. McKay.”

Cam’s house didn’t look different. And yet, it looked completely different. Because this was her home now?

“Hang on, lemme come around and help you out so you don’t get that pretty dress dirty.”

He lifted her from the truck, and managed to steal a kiss. She had a sneaking suspicion she should get used to it. Mr. Tough Guy Cam was more publicly affectionate than she’d ever dreamed.

Once they were on the deck, Cam swooped her up into his arms again.

“Cam! What are you doing? Your leg—”

“Is fine. And I’m carryin’ my bride over the threshold, which is tradition in case you didn’t know, bein’s you’re Ukrainian.”

Touched beyond measure, she buried her face in his neck.

Cam pretended not to notice her tears. “There now, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” He set her down and hugged her from behind. “Welcome home. Anything you want to change around here, feel free.”