By the time Cam arrived, Domini had worked herself up into a rare frenzy. She flung open the apartment door before he knocked. Once he was inside, she sidestepped him before he had a chance to grab her, kiss her, and cool down her temper.

“What happened?”

“What makes you think something happened?” she volleyed back.

Cam lifted an eyebrow. “Well, for starters, you’re pacing and snapping like a dog on a leash.”

“Tell me you did not just compare me to a dog.”

He winced. “Shit. Sorry. But you know what I mean.”

“No, I don’t. I don’t know why you’re here.”

His mouth opened. Then shut.

Domini scanned his clothes. Sweat pants. Tight T-shirt, the armpits and neck hole ringed with sweat. “Where were you?”

“Working out with Colt.”

“This late?”

“Colt waits until Hudson and Indy are asleep before he comes to town. So are you gonna tell me what’s wrong? Or are you gonna keep changing the subject?”

“I didn’t ask you to come over.”

“I know, princess, that’s why I’m here. I knew you wouldn’t ask me.”

The soft concern in Cam’s eyes did her in. Tears fell again. Before her sobs became incoherent, Cam enclosed her in his arms. He stroked her hair as he rained kisses on the crown of her head. “Talk to me, baby.”

Don’t be such a pushover. You’ll never tell him what’s bugging you if he’s touching you.

She wiped her eyes and attempted to retreat but Cam wouldn’t release her.

“No harm in letting me hold you until you calm down, is there?”

Yes. I’ll start to depend on you for comfort and support and that’s never turned out well for me.

Domini squirmed away. “I’m fine.”

“Then talk to me. You watched Anton tonight, right?”

She nodded. “He was really quiet. He’s been that way the last couple times I’ve seen him. So he let it slip his father has started coming around again.”


Domini didn’t have to explain to Cam what a bastard Rex DeMarco was. The man had harassed her a couple of times when she’d lived with Nadia and Anton. But Rex was smart and careful enough not to step over the legal line.

“I asked Nadia and she admitted she’s considering reconciling with him.”


“Nadia claims he’s changed. He quit drinking. Now he wants them to be one big happy family. She just doesn’t see it. Men like him don’t change.” Her eyes searched Cam’s. “Do you think he can change?”

Cam sighed. “That’s a tricky question. Even my own family didn’t believe my brother Colt had changed. Only recently have they accepted Colt is not the same guy he was. So on one hand, yes, I honestly believe some people can change. But this guy? My gut reaction is no. Rex has way too many issues, coupled with a history of violence and…”

“And what?”

“When Nadia had you as a roommate, Rex didn’t have much chance to be alone with her. My worry was for you in case he decided to push this issue. So I was goddamn glad to hear you’d gotten out of that dangerous situation.”

The warmth of Cam’s concern didn’t loosen the fear knotting her belly. “Nadia said she’s lonely. She claims I don’t understand loneliness because I’ve never been in a long-term relationship.”

“Lots of people are lonely even in a relationship.”

“I know! So it’s ridiculous and sad and…stupid she’s willing to go back to a man who beat her just because she doesn’t want to watch TV alone.”

“See? That’s why this ass**le doesn’t want you around her, influencing her to think for herself.”

“I hate this. I hate that she’s putting Anton’s needs last.”

“And you would put Anton’s needs first.” Cam’s fingers caressed the side of her face so tenderly she felt tears welling again. “He’s been blessed to have you in his life, Domini.”

She’d been blessed. She loved that sweet little boy. He was the closest she’d get to having a child of her own. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome. Now can I kiss you hello?”

Domini parted her lips and Cam’s velvety hot tongue slipped inside her mouth. She wanted to make love with him like this—face to face, skin to skin, mouth on mouth.

After scrambling her brain for several tongue tangling minutes, he broke the kiss. “Bedroom. Now.”

“Maybe I want to drag it out.” Her hands floated down his chest. “Strip you slowly. Lick and taste and tease you all over. Maybe you should make me do it.”

His body went stone still. Then his voice was low, warm and persistent in her ear. “I said bed. Now. We do this my way. Remember?”

Domini recognized this wasn’t about sexual control with Cam. Heck, it wasn’t even about her. She stepped back and challenged, “And how is your way, Cam? With me bent over the table, or against the refrigerator, or on my knees, or draped face first across the bed? Or are we actually going to have sex some other way for a change?”

His eyes tapered to fine points. “For a change? What the f**k is that supposed to mean?”

It was difficult to stay the course, faced with his angry surprise, but she dug in her heels, bracing for a fight. “Every time, every single time we’ve had sex, it’s been from behind. I’ve never kissed you, or whispered in your ear, or even touched you when you got me off.”

“Is that a complaint?”

Don’t back down. She notched her chin higher. “Yes. I guess it is.”

Color dotted his cheekbones and his eyes glittered with something that looked like resentment, but she suspected was embarrassment.

“You told me you wanted to surrender to me, Domini. Me. Which means I get to call the shots.”

“Evidently that also means you get to hide.”

“Hide?” he repeated.

“I’ve never seen you naked. Never. You can blame it on being tied up or blindfolded or whatever you did to restrain me, but the truth is: you’re hiding yourself from me.

“I’ve opened myself up to you, Cam. More than I ever have with any man. And while I’m grateful you proved my trust in you was justified, I know you don’t feel the same about me.”

The muscle in his jaw jumped as he stared at her with those hard, dark, cop eyes that scared the crap out of her.