Page 69 of Her Three Tech Bros

"Should we go talk to her?" Ryan asks, pulling out his phone.

Ethan nods. "Will you text her?"

I sigh. I can't think of anything I want more than to hug her.

Twenty minutes later, I get my wish. She opens the door to the three of us, and her happy smile unhinges me. I have to take a deep breath so as not to lose it in front of everyone.

"Logan," she says, her arms open. I step into them and pull her to me, holding her close. She holds me back fiercely, burying her face in my shoulder and murmuring apologies.

"Don't apologize," I say into her hair. "My stupid parents have nothing to do with you."

She pulls back and looks at me. "I understand if you want to stop all this."

Her declaration confuses me. I stand in dumb silence for a moment.

"Jade," I finally manage. "It never even occurred to me."

She sighs and puts her arms around me again.

"Let's sit down," she says, guiding all of us into her familiar apartment. "You said on the phone that you want my opinion about something that might help Logan and his family."

"I honestly don't know if anything will help them," I say. "But none of us wants to hide our love for you and have it come out like it did with my family. We both love you and our families too much for that."

"Though how Logan can love the asshole that says he's his father is beyond me," Ryan says.

Ethan, for once, doesn't try to correct Ryan's badmouthing.

"We were thinking we'd get all of us together at a restaurant, like one very big extended family dinner," Ryan says. "It would give them a chance to get good and liquored up and then see we're serious about how we feel about you."

"They'll see how wonderful you are," Ethan says. "Though I have to be honest with you, Jade. You'll probably get some pushback."

I look at Jade. "I think Ethan's being optimistic." I look into her eyes and gather her hands in mine. "It may be awful. We will defend you to the end, but there will be some hurtful things said."

Jade nods, her beautiful face serious but clear. "I totally get that. I'm not sure how I would feel if it were my child in this situation, so I have to cut them some slack."

"But Ethan's right," I say. "They'll get to see how amazing you are."

Jade smiles slowly at me, and I feel my heart fill with warmth. She looks at Ethan and Ryan with the same beautiful smile.

"Honestly, you guys, I'm so happy you want me to meet your families. Thank you for doing this." She looks shyly at her feet for a moment. "It makes me feel good like you want to take the next step."

Ryan laughs. "Next step? Sunshine, we are going all the way."



“It’s gonna be okay,” Logan says, rubbing my thigh under the table.

All four of us are waiting at a restaurant where we’ve booked a private room to meet their families.

“I’m nervous,” I admit.

“Me, too,” Logans says.

I look at him and smile. The tension at this table is palpable. It’s obvious that we’re all dreading this.

All I want is to be back at my apartment with them, snuggled up in bed. They all look so handsome in their suits. It’s hard not to imagine what they’ll look like out of them later tonight. I feel my mouth watering just thinking about it, but I snap myself out of it, focusing instead on what’s sure to be a disastrous dinner.