"That's better," Ethan says, looking at me. "You must feel like absolute dog crap, so let us think about this and figure out what to do."
"We could murder his parents," Ryan says.
"Not a fabulous option, Ryan."
"And we'd be rushed," Ryan continues. "Not enough time to plan well because we'd have to do it before they change their will. You know what they've got going for their wills, Logan?"
"Cut it out, Ryan," Ethan snaps.
The guys are silent for a moment, each sipping their drink and staring into space.
"Listen," I say, stirring and trying to sit up. "I appreciate you being here. I'm sorry I was a dick on vacation." I look up at the ceiling and cut off the sting in my throat with an awkward sip from my glass.
I think of Jade, her beautiful smile, and how much love she gives me. I don't want to lose her. But I don't want to hurt my parents.
"But I could figure it out."
"What?" Ethan asks in confusion.
I didn't realize I'd said that last part out loud.
"Sorry," I say and shake my head. "Just trying to figure my way out of this."
Ethan nods and stands up. "You don't have to figure it all out yourself, Logan," he says and begins to pace. "What I said to your dad back there, that we're as good as family. I mean, we could get closer, but I think we've established..."
"Yeah, thanks, man," Ryan cuts him off.
"What I'm saying," Ethan says. "Is that we are as good as family. And so we will help you figure this out and we'll fix it together.”
Ethan begins to pace again.
Ryan's eyes follow him back and forth and then his eyes flicker to mine. He grins. We both know Ethan is brainstorming through his movement.
Despite myself, I smile back at Ryan, feeling more optimistic. Maybe it's the Japanese whiskey, but it could also be the two human beings in my living room.
"One of us is already out to our family, like it or not," Ethan says.
Ryan raises his eyebrows and gulps down his drink. "Can I help myself?" he asks, indicating his glass.
I nod and hold my glass out for him to refresh mine as well. He takes them and goes to the bar behind me. As fresh ice clinks into my tumbler, Ethan nods and mutters.
"I'm willing to do it," he says, stopping to look at me. "It will be a show of solidarity, and we'll be taking control of the situation instead of letting it explode randomly like it's just done for you, Logan."
"Do what?" Ryan says, coming back around the couches and handing me my glass.
"I think we should all introduce Jade to our families together and be totally up front with them. Of course, they'll freak out, but if we show a responsible, adult attitude about it, it will go a long way. And it will prevent any surprise scenes like today, I hope."
Ryan frowns and scoffs. "Responsible adult behavior? That will make my folks go off the deep end more than the situation with Jade. They won't believe it for a moment."
"That's just the thing, though," Ethan says. "We aren't kids. We aren't even young adults anymore, really. Sure, they can have an opinion, but ultimately it's our decision."
From my relaxed position on my couch, with a glass of good booze and my mother not crying hysterically in front of me, it seems like a good idea. It may not feel so easy trying to reason with them in person.
"What about Jade?" I ask. "I don't want to subject her to what we all just saw."
Both men wince and nod. We are silent for a moment.
"Obviously, we'll have to ask her what she thinks. This affects her just as much as it does us."