"Dammit," Meadow groans and so do I as the radio squawks a call signal from the desk across the tiny cabin.

"So much for personal time," she comments as we both pull ourselves off the cot and start looking for clothes.

"It's why you get paid the big money," I give her sweet ass a light smack before she can cover it with those cute little pajamas of hers.

"Yeah right," she laughs, "if I was in it for the money, I'd have taken a job at HQ."

Yanking my pants up, I follow her as she heads over to check on the call.


We both see it, the telltale orange glow above the ridge line just below us.

That fire has jumped their breaks and it's headed up the canyon walls. It's no surprise that the voice crackling over the two-way radio is telling us to evacuate the summit.

"OK, Yeah, we can do that...maybe forty-five minutes. We've got some people up at Hermit's camp we need to round up...okay. Yeah, he's still here--"

Meadow's authoritative ranger voice gets soft momentarily and gives me a smirk. It's clear that the commander on the other the end of the line is wondering why I'm still hanging out up here with her.

"Actually, yeah, I see headlamps coming down the trail our way now, our campers might have seen the blaze...We will. Okay...got it."

She signs off and turns my way.

The fire jumped the road and now it's headed our way. The crews down there closed the road out of here and we are under orders not to allow any civilian traffic off the forestry road without an official escort.

"At least our Bigfoot hunters were smart enough to hike out," I say, pointing at the troop of hikers making their way off the trail in the dark.

"Guess we need to get down there and tell them not to try to drive off the mountain on their own."

Meadow sighs, and I'm feeling her pain. I'd have much rather stayed wrapped up with her soft body, squeezed together on the cot all night.

"Put some real clothes on, Red, I don't want those crypto-nerds gawking at my woman's tits--" Moving in close, so I can wrap my hands around those full orbs, I lower my mouth to her ear, "these are mine now, remember?"

"What. The. Fuck?!"



Oz and I both jump at the angry voice booming from the door of the cab.

"Get your hands off her, motherfucker!"

Mesa crosses the floor in two swift strides, his fist already swinging for Oz's jaw before either of us have a chance to speak.

"Mesa!" I scream at my brother, distracting him just enough to give Oz a chance to step out of his reach.

If Mesa was inclined to take a breath and wait for an explanation, he changes his mind the minute he gets a good look at me.

"I fucking told you to leave her alone," Mesa growls, turning on Oz.

All my brothers are protective of me and our baby sister, but I've never seen any of them as mad as Mesa is right now.

Mesa crashes into Oz with a force that shakes the tower, but Oz is ready for the assault and catches him in a solid hold that at least keeps my brother from getting a shot at his face.

"I fucking work here, asshole," Oz seethes between gritted teeth as he fights to keep Mesa under control.

"Your job does not involve putting your hands on my sister!"