Ozzie's ass is the kind of work of art that goes a long way to making it hard to stay made at him. He must do like, a thousand squats a day or something. It's so...perfect. Especially in those khakis he wears for work.

"You really think my hair is sexy?" I blurt out suddenly.

Oz turns to look back over his shoulder at me with a raised eyebrow.

It makes my stomach feel fluttery. I don't like it.

"I always thought you knew how sexy you are." He turns around again to look where he's going, and keeps talking in a tone far more serious than I'm used to from him.

"Those curls make you look like some kind of fire spirit, you know? And you've got those curves that make it impossible not to notice that you're a woman. Shit, Red, women like you drive men crazy...Meadow. Sorry."

I drive men crazy? That's news to me. In fact, I almost snort-laugh out loud. But the way Oz's voice goes strained and distant when he says it makes me feel powerful. Like maybe there's more behind the way he teases me than I've been noticing.

"Ladies first," he gestures to the steep, metal stairs that lead to the top of the tower as he stands to one side.

I move past him and start the climb, fully aware that he's got a better view of my ass now than I did his back on the trail. For the first time I can think of, I'm not feeling self-conscious about that. Or even about the fact that it's Osprey behind me. I might even put a little extra swing into my hips with each step I take.


I swear she's shaking that ass in my face on purpose, but I manage to climb a hundred stairs behind her without passing out from lack of oxygen due to my hard-on.

Back in the tower, it's back to business. Meadow checks the status of the fire while I respond to messages that came in while we were in the field.

Everything seems stable, with the local fire crews still keeping things under control.

This is about the time of day I head out of here. Usually in a hurry to put space between me and my fiery co-worker that makes my dick so hard I can't think straight most of the time.

Today feels different; Meadow's starting to act like maybe she doesn't hate me as much as she lets on. She's not trying to throw me out of her space, figuratively or literally, for once, and I want to soak up all that I can get.

Grabbing a seat near the little cot, I find myself picking through the box of mom's old books so I don't stare at Meadow.

The book in my hand has a picture of some dude looking like a pirate with long hair blowing in the wind and his shirt only halfway on. The woman in his arms is looking at up at him and her corset is halfway unlaced and her boobs look like they're about to pop out of her blouse.

Books like this were all over the house before Mom got her e-reader. I never read any of 'em. Now Meadow's got me curious.

Flipping through the pages, I skim the interior in search of what it is Meadow doesn't like about these books.

After reading a few passages, I guess I get what she's talking about.

"What do you want your first time be like?" I blurt out, out of the blue.

There I go again, saying something stupid. I wince and wait for her to start yelling and kick me out.

Much to my surprise, that doesn't happen.

Meadow's hat is laying on the long desktop that stretches along the cab's west side.

She's got her boots off too, with her small feet tucked up under that sweet ass of hers and she's sitting unusually close, on the cot beside me.

If I wasn't still here, she'd probably have changed out of the uniform already too. Maybe put on the cute little flannel pajamas with the tents and the bears on them that I saw folded on her personal shelf earlier.

Reaching over, she grabs the book out of my hand and studies me hard for a long moment.

Then, with a deep sigh, she surprises the fuck out of me by actually answering.

"Consensual, for starters,” she says, staring at the book cover thoughtfully before setting it aside. "With someone I know and trust. Somebody that thinks my body is sexy and genuinely wants to be with me--not some drunk frat boy that's willing to "do me a favor.'

Jealousy flares up hot and fierce in me at the idea of another man touching my Red. Especially some asshole that doesn't appreciate her the way I do.